View Full Version : Long Beach: Who's going, etc.

manic mechanic
03-13-05, 09:48 PM
Thought it was about time to start "synching up" for the season opener, so:

Who's going?

Where Ya Staying?

Planning on the CCIC Dinner?

Dromo Night?

I'll go first :D

I'm locked in for Fri/Sat, and may be there Sunday if there is a job for me to do.

I'm local, so I'll be driving to & from 2/3 days.

Don't know who I'm buying dinner for this year (yet)... :laugh:

I'm a go for Dromo night if it happens.. Nothing like being "best of the wankers" for a second straight year!!!

Speak up, folks...the Local and Regional coordiantors need your feedback!


03-14-05, 02:29 AM
I’m going. I have a Galaxy game on Saturday night so I will be plenty tanked up Sunday morning. I’m hoping to make it on Friday but it all depends on work.

I live in Hollywood so I think I’ll take the Blue Line down to Long Beach.

03-14-05, 10:50 AM
The Mrs and I are going, and we've got two new fans coming with us. We generally park at the Del Amo Blue Line station and take the train from there. Sunday only.

03-17-05, 12:15 AM
Thought it was about time to start "synching up" for the season opener, so:

Who's going?

Where Ya Staying?

Planning on the CCIC Dinner?

Dromo Night?

I'll go first :D

I'm locked in for Fri/Sat, and may be there Sunday if there is a job for me to do.

I'm local, so I'll be driving to & from 2/3 days.

Don't know who I'm buying dinner for this year (yet)... :laugh:

I'm a go for Dromo night if it happens.. Nothing like being "best of the wankers" for a second straight year!!!

Speak up, folks...the Local and Regional coordiantors need your feedback!

Hi Manic its about time you posted this,I was starting to wonder if you guys were still around.It'll be nice to see the SOCAL gang again.I'll be flying in at LAX at 10.45 and be at the track by 12.30. Im available if you guys need any help with functions.
I'm staying across the street from the track at the Roadway inn on Atlantic.
CCic fan forum and Dinner for sure.
Dromo night?Yes that was fun last year.
At the track meet?Got to have one,that is a good job for you to set up Mr Numero Uno Vegas Man. :D
Dont know who you are bying dinner for?You can allways buy me beer.
Sunday you have a very important job:Set up the pirate truck for some serious tailgating,I'll have couple of extra spicy Ceasers please. :rofl: See you soon. Steve

03-17-05, 01:39 AM
spicy Ceasers
Canadians crack me up.

03-17-05, 08:19 PM
Who's going?
I'll be there all 3 days, and so will Mr. Anteater.

Where Ya Staying?
Hotel near Belmont Shore.

Planning on the CCIC Dinner?
Yes--details to follow. Take it from a local coordinator. ;)

Dromo Night?
This was fun last year, although I learned that I'm a better spectator than a driver.

CART License
03-18-05, 02:27 AM
Year 29 for me, were not entertaining guests this year so Yo and me hope to spend more time with the real SCCC fan’s Friday, Saturday, Sunday…Side note I booked Denver today, any “SoCal”er’s want to get high.


manic mechanic
03-18-05, 02:31 AM
Year 29 for me, were not entertaining guests this year so Yo and me hope to spend more time with the real SCCC fan’s Friday, Saturday, Sunday…Side note I booked Denver today, any “SoCal”er’s want to get high.


Not Denver, but I already have the room booked for "Santa Fe"... :thumbup:


03-18-05, 06:34 PM
Who's going?
I'm Going!

Where Ya Staying?
On a diesel locomotive on 9th street in the harbor.

Planning on the CCIC Dinner?
If I'm around.

Dromo Night?
Doubt it.

The new job's got me busy! I have to get in 18 days of work in the next 23 days which includes LBGP weekend so I plan on taking this weekend off, 1 day in the middle, and race weekend. Sunday for sure. I'm not home much anymore so I don't have much time to check this stuff out. If anyone knows of the best deals on Sunday GA tix, please let me know! Also, Anyone have any info on a good laptop computer deal??

Let me know!
'NUT :gomer:

BTW - I signed up for CCIC a while back and still have not rec'd any info from them. Anybody else heard anything?

03-18-05, 08:12 PM
Who's going?
Also, Anyone have any info on a good laptop computer deal??

Let me know!
'NUT :gomer:

BTW - I signed up for CCIC a while back and still have not rec'd any info from them. Anybody else heard anything?

I might be willing to sell you my laptop. TravelGuy feels I need new one. (??)

Have not heard a peep from CCIC but when I asked the LBGP people if I could get a discount on tickets, they gave me a few bucks off with my LAST year's CCIC number.

I'll be there on Fri/Sat/Sun. TravelGuy just Sat/Sun.


03-23-05, 07:13 PM
Hi gang!

I'll be there! :) :)

It'll be good to see everyone again.

I'll be there Friday and Sunday for sure, maybe Saturday too...it depends on what else is going on work wise for me.

If there is a dinner get together, I'm up for that so I'll stay tuned for details.

See you all really soon.


03-23-05, 10:22 PM
after my experience with corkie last year, I'm staying the hell away from that half of the country, you guys can keep him :saywhat:


costa rica, and world cup are taking my travelling funds for 2 years, wish I could be there though!

manic mechanic
03-23-05, 11:22 PM
after my experience with corkie last year, I'm staying the hell away from that half of the country, you guys can keep him :saywhat:


costa rica, and world cup are taking my travelling funds for 2 years, wish I could be there though!

How can you remember through all the alcohol? :rofl:

From where I saw it, you didn't do too bad out here last year, *unk-@zz! :p

Even Gary will miss you!


03-27-05, 12:02 PM
Speaking of public transportation, be sure to check this out:

The Passport buses are especially useful for getting around town easily and cheaply. I'm going to take it to/from my hotel instead of buying that pricey Marina parking permit!