View Full Version : The British
03-17-05, 04:41 PM
Hi everybody
I am new to these forums. I have noticed that there are many Canadians and Americans but no Brits! Which is great cos this is going to go in my favour.
For a school project I need to know what the rest of the World thinks of British people.
For example, do you think we are colourful and great people.
Or do you think we are all lame, dull, posh and boring?
Do not hesitate to express your opinion.
(By the way, my usename is Vancouver is because I was on holiday there last summer and it was a great place!
In fact the drive to Seattle was even better!)
Sean O'Gorman
03-17-05, 05:05 PM
food :thumdown:
teeth :thumdown:
beer :thumbup:
accents :thumbup:
03-17-05, 05:10 PM
same as SOG above
music :thumbup:
women :thumbup:
03-17-05, 05:15 PM
I like British people. But everything I know of British people comes from Absolutly Fabulous. :)
03-17-05, 05:15 PM
No Brits?
NO BRITS????!!!!!
Beer :thumbup:
Birds :thumbup:
Food :thumbup:
Sports :thumbup:
But then again I may be a tinsy bit biased....
03-17-05, 05:18 PM
...there are many Canadians and Americans but no Brits!
(cue Truebrit... :cool: )
To answer your question, oddly enough you guys have a similar problem that we do, in that you're hard to pin down. Ask people what they think of the British, and half would think stuffy and boorish, and the other half would think of Johnny Rotten. :laugh:
So, where's home for you?
03-17-05, 05:20 PM
"No Brits?
NO BRITS????!!!!!"
:laugh: Ah, there you are, right on schedule! :laugh:
03-17-05, 05:22 PM
Crummy food, lots of em are gay, brew great ale, don't like Germans for some reason. ;)
I'm a pushover for any gal with a British accent besides that, I think the Brits are great except for their obcessiveness over the Royal family.
Brit Ekland :thumbup:
Britney :thumdown:
03-17-05, 05:45 PM
03-17-05, 06:13 PM
Beer :thumdown:
Cricket ability :thumdown:
Population of poms in Bondi: :thumdown:
Partying ability: :thumbup:
03-17-05, 06:18 PM
I can't understand scousers. It's hard to believe that's considered "English".
Other than that I enjoy the accents and the footie.
Sean O'Gorman
03-17-05, 06:54 PM
Oh yeah, I haven't been able to figure out how to say "taking the piss" or whatever that is without horribly offending one. :saywhat: Maybe if I knew what it meant that would be a good start.
03-17-05, 08:04 PM
Oh yeah, I haven't been able to figure out how to say "taking the piss" or whatever that is without horribly offending one. :saywhat: Maybe if I knew what it meant that would be a good start.
It's teasing/tormenting/making fun of someone or something. Pulling someone's leg, that sort of thing.
Getting pissed means you're really drunk. I had a really weird moment sitting in a pub over there, thinking that things were going great with this girl, until she sits back in her chair and announces, "Bloody hell, I'm pissed..." In hindsight, she probably meant, "Get your coat, you've scored." Ignorant me, I thought I'd pissed her off somehow. Kind of slowed down the process a bit! :laugh: It takes a while for the American mindset to realize that getting a girl pissed is a good thing. :D
03-17-05, 08:12 PM
"Pissed as a fart" is another one (although we use that here too)
I like how poms call each other "tw_t" which means idiot in a sort of affectionate way...
Oh yeah, I haven't been able to figure out how to say "taking the piss" or whatever that is without horribly offending one. :saywhat: Maybe if I knew what it meant that would be a good start.
I believe going to the lou suffices, junior. ;)
"Pissed as a fart" is another one (although we use that here too)
I like how poms call each other "tw_t" which means idiot in a sort of affectionate way...
Pleaase explain 'poms' for those less in the know. Unless it's short for pompous, then I get it.
From what I've learned from racing forums, they all think Michael Schumacher is a pointy chinned cheating bastard and they hate Bush even more.
03-17-05, 08:57 PM
And now that everyone knows how the British use 'pissed', you understand why some of use busted a gut last year when Hobbs commented on an engine failure by saying, "Piston broke. Just like a Friday night."
Pleaase explain 'poms' for those less in the know. Unless it's short for pompous, then I get it.
Pom is a cut down version of what we Aussies call them. Comes from POME or Prisoner Of Mother England. ;)
A great country. Didn't give up when the chips were down in 1940 :thumbup: ....nothing but admiration. Outstanding music and some pretty good race car drivers. Some wonderful traditions, yet a place that can still breed trends.
03-17-05, 09:28 PM
I wish they would take back Wheldon and Manning.
They alio have the wealthiest welfare recipiants of any country.....the Royal family.
God save the Queen, because tourist are money. it's a good job, and hard to get, but they do earn their keep.
03-17-05, 09:42 PM
hey, it's St. Patricks Day and here's the Brits trying to hog all the attention.
cricketing : :thumdown: far inferior to INDIA and mr 10,000 international test match run TENDULKAR
football : :thumdown: far inferior to EVERYONE including AS Roma :cool:
beer : .... ehhhhh, haufbrau > newcastle
birds: ... accents only, other than that, :thumdown:
egos: second only to texans in ego :D
food :thumdown: their national food is INDIAN.. i mean, wtf... get your own curry damnit.
cars: :thumbup: mini nuff said
music: :thumbup: "the streets" and "doves"
03-18-05, 12:16 AM
On the other hand...
Sean O'Gorman
03-18-05, 12:23 AM
Who the hell is that, Blossom?
Since a lot of Quebeckers don't want to be part of Canada and a lot of Brits don't want to be part of Europe, maybe we could work a trade. :D
03-18-05, 12:33 AM
Who the hell is that, Blossom? No, it's Elton John's son.
Since a lot of Quebeckers don't want to be part of Canada and a lot of Brits don't want to be part of Europe, maybe we could work a trade. :D
i'm down with that, providing we get the ones with the straight teeth :D
03-18-05, 12:41 AM
U q beckers better not trade those indian/frog blend looking women on Earth. :thumbup:
03-18-05, 05:34 AM
(cue Truebrit... :cool: )
To answer your question, oddly enough you guys have a similar problem that we do, in that you're hard to pin down. Ask people what they think of the British, and half would think stuffy and boorish, and the other half would think of Johnny Rotten. :laugh:
So, where's home for you?
Home for is Derby, England, UK.
Thanks everybody! This is really great for my project.
A range of different opinions!
I can distinguish betwen Brits and non-Brits by the language in your
For example, N.Americans would type color, yet, I would type colour.
03-18-05, 06:38 AM
"Pissed as a fart" is another one (although we use that here too)
I like how poms call each other "tw_t" which means idiot in a sort of affectionate way...
I think you have yor wires crossed! No way, is that affectionate!
03-18-05, 08:09 AM
music good, drunkenness good, but most of the people are *******s. and get the **** out of ireland. :flame:
oh, and welcome :gomer:
03-18-05, 12:30 PM
From what I've learned from racing forums, they all think Michael Schumacher is a pointy chinned cheating bastard and they hate Bush even more.
Where on EARTH did you get that from...??? ;) :D
03-18-05, 12:31 PM
egos: second only to texans in ego :D
food :thumdown: their national food is INDIAN.. i mean, wtf... get your own curry damnit.
cars: :thumbup: mini nuff said
music: :thumbup: "the streets" and "doves"
We DO have our own curry..never heard of Chicken Tikka Masala??
03-18-05, 12:32 PM
but most of the people are *******s. and get the **** out of ireland. :flame:
:shakehead :rolleyes: :shakehead
03-18-05, 12:44 PM
Where on EARTH did you get that from...??? ;) :D Here are some intelligent British guys explaining why Schumi is the best ever :) Enjoy! :D
For the benefit of our new friend, please leave politics out of this.
03-18-05, 02:02 PM
if its about British people, the Scots & Welsh are very different than the English.
about England: if you like football, beer & pot noodle then you're fine. but there are enclaves of acceptance if mainstream tastes aren't to one's liking.
ITV TV is rubbish. Channel 4 is slowly descending into mediocrity. Thank God for the BBC , not just its programs but also its news service :up: The media is depending way too much on football. why not try something new?
Not all North Americans spell it 'color'. :D We Cdns favour the British spelling for most of those kinds of words...colour, neighbour, honour...
And, seriously, Americans don't use 'pissed' to mean drunk?? Up here it works both for drunk and for ticked off. I would use 'royally pissed' or 'pissed off' or 'pissed' for angry, and 'pissed' or 'piss drunk' for drunk. cross-cultural language lessons, fun stuff.
03-18-05, 02:42 PM
if its about British people, the Scots & Welsh are very different than the English.
Hey, funny that you should pop in - I got the photos of my trip to Ireland online yesterday... :cool:
Yeah, I know, feckin' tourists...
03-18-05, 02:56 PM
Hey, funny that you should pop in - I got the photos of my trip to Ireland online yesterday... :cool:
Yeah, I know, feckin' tourists...
:laugh: at the molly malone or the "tart with the cart" :D
Nice pics, esp of the countryside. Nice you got Bunratty in, especially the folk park as that shows how people here used to live upto 50 years ago. They did the simple things right.
hope ya didn't find it too expensive ;)
03-18-05, 03:01 PM
:laugh: at the molly malone or the "tart with the cart" :D
Nice pics, esp of the countryside. Nice you got Bunratty in, especially the folk park as that shows how people here used to live upto 50 years ago. They did the simple things right.
hope ya didn't find it too expensive ;)
I was living in London at the time, so the exchange rate wasn't a big deal. Now this summer when I go back to England - OUCH!!! :cry:
Bunratty was nice - those things are often insincere, but they did it right.
03-18-05, 03:06 PM
I was living in London at the time, so the exchange rate wasn't a big deal. Now this summer when I go back to England - OUCH!!! :cry:
Bunratty was nice - those things are often insincere, but they did it right.
you might wanna stock up on the duty free before you get to England ;)
at Bunratty, that stuff was genuine. they moved those houses from all over the country to there. All the cooking utensils/ baked tarts/ milk churns/indoor fire/ that's the way people lived. It reminded me of the house this old lady used to live in, my family would visit twice a year.
03-18-05, 03:12 PM
at Bunratty, that stuff was genuine. they moved those houses from all over the country to there. All the cooking utensils/ baked tarts/ milk churns/indoor fire/ that's the way people lived. It reminded me of the house this old lady used to live in, my family would visit twice a year.
My wife's family had a farm in Offaly, and she would spend her summers there as a kid. At Bunratty she said that she was waiting to turn around and see her grandmother.
03-18-05, 03:47 PM
Hey, funny that you should pop in - I got the photos of my trip to Ireland online yesterday... :cool: Nice pics, thanks. I'd crack wise about the weather, except most years ours is just as dreary... ;)
I've alway enjoyed the various beers and ales, but they are best enjoyed there, as they don't seem to travel well. There's also a saying about English women that I decided best left for another forum in the interests of me staying a member of this one... :gomer:
03-18-05, 04:52 PM
music good, drunkenness good, but most of the people are *******s. and get the **** out of ireland. :flame:
That's a really classy and smart comment for you to file in your school project.
Who the hell is that, Blossom?
Tony Georges illegitimate brother.
03-18-05, 08:43 PM
That's a really classy and smart comment for you to file in your school project.
Thanks. I'm going over to my teachers house tonite to get likkered up. then me and her and her sister are gonna lite it up in the hot tub!
i don't think I ever had a teacher I wanted to bed, no I'm sure I never had one... until we had a 22 yo sub in AP History jr year :D that was nice...
so who else is doing power hour tonight? who's going two steppin' tonight? :D
03-18-05, 09:10 PM
Slang terms
Guys wearing eye liner
Some actors
Some racecar drivers
My Union Jack socks
I do spell words similar to "colour" with a "u" sometimes but I have to be careful when (ie if I'm typing a paper).
Guys wearing eye liner
03-18-05, 09:35 PM
My wife's family had a farm in Offaly, and she would spend her summers there as a kid. At Bunratty she said that she was waiting to turn around and see her grandmother.
Damn, my mother is from Offaly. I spent many a summer tucked nicely away in the Slieve Bloom mountains.
as for the weather, lets say its a good day if it doesn't rain ;) , oh well, it never gets cold enough for water to freeze :p:
03-18-05, 10:04 PM
Slang terms
I could listen to a Londoner talk in cockney rhyming slang all day!
03-18-05, 10:08 PM
I could listen to a Londoner talk in cockney rhyming slang all day!
I've seen My Fair Lady four times. At least. :)
I could listen to a Londoner talk in cockney rhyming slang all day!
want cockney? go listen to Mike Skinner.
2002 The Streets - "Original Pirate Material"
2004 The Streets - "A Grand Don't Come for Free"
03-19-05, 12:43 AM
Not a whole bunch of it! You know the lead singer from the band The Killers? He looks good with a touch of eye liner.
Not a whole bunch of it! You know the lead singer from the band The Killers? He looks good with a touch of eye liner.
:saywhat: :saywhat: :saywhat:
03-19-05, 11:02 AM
The Americans would think differently of the Brits if they ever met any of them on a cheap sun holiday ;)
03-19-05, 11:24 AM
Have always had great friends over there, including the couple that insists on driving me all over the place....I've been there at least five times. The Brits saved my musician ass when my cruise ship went from partying, fun LA 3 and 4 day cruises to hell on earth Ghost Ship 7 day cruises filled with cheap non money, spending non rock and roll loving people (including Puerto Ricans who grabbed lemonade upstairs and headed for the lounges). Most of the British women I met on cruise ships that were working on there did absolutely zilch for me...although once awhile there were some smoking hotties...I think it was more of the fact that lower class girls end up on ships...not very interesting. I like the culture and Britain, but I don't think I'll be headed there anytime soon with the pound at nearly 2 dollars. Yuck! But overall, thumbs up to the Brits, I enjoy reeling off some British phrases occasionaly....My Grandpa was from there, so tis in my blood. Definitely colorful and great people.
03-19-05, 11:40 AM
My great great grandfather was an impressed British seaman who came to America when he jumped ship off the coast of New England.
I had a great 3 day trip to London many years ago but it was very difficult understanding what the Brits were saying.........
And what is with the 80 million surveillance cameras?
The fact that over the past couple of centuries despite a few wars with each other, we remain friends and allies.
03-19-05, 03:19 PM
The Americans would think differently of the Brits if they ever met any of them on a cheap sun holiday ;)
"Brits On The Piss Tour" was a popular t-shirt to see when I was backpacking. :laugh:
When I was in Greece, no one would give me a room despite my friend's insistance that they were having their worst tourist season in years. I didn't understand why everyone was so booked up but the beaches were empty. Finally I asked at a certain hostel, and the owner started shouting at me, "You English, you come here, you drink to much, you get sick, you destroy my rooms!!!" I pointed out that I wasn't English and she shrugged, grabbed a key, and showed me to my room! :rofl:
Prim and proper, indeed!
03-20-05, 06:01 AM
"Brits On The Piss Tour" was a popular t-shirt to see when I was backpacking. :laugh:
When I was in Greece, no one would give me a room despite my friend's insistance that they were having their worst tourist season in years. I didn't understand why everyone was so booked up but the beaches were empty. Finally I asked at a certain hostel, and the owner started shouting at me, "You English, you come here, you drink to much, you get sick, you destroy my rooms!!!" I pointed out that I wasn't English and she shrugged, grabbed a key, and showed me to my room! :rofl:
Prim and proper, indeed!
Oh yeah, don't misread all this stiff upper lip stuff, British youth has one of the most advanced drink (and drugs) cultures in the world. If you don't beleive me take a trip to Ibiza, Agia Napa, Faleraki...
03-20-05, 11:20 AM
Oh yeah, don't misread all this stiff upper lip stuff, British youth has one of the most advanced drink (and drugs) cultures in the world. If you don't beleive me take a trip to Ibiza, Agia Napa, Faleraki...
the 18-30 holiday :D
all the town centers in all the cities throughout the UK have been replanned for pubs/superpubs to open everywhere. that being said only a few bars have applied for 24hour licenses
that being said only a few bars have applied for 24hour licenses
sweet nectar flowing at all hours of the night?!?
03-20-05, 01:33 PM
sweet nectar flowing at all hours of the night?!?
its their way of curbing their alcohol problem
I wouldn't need to rent an apt, I'd just lease a barstool
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