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10-20-05, 10:03 AM
Guess that means I'm a Black Sox fan for the next four games. :gomer: :D

Nah, should be a classic series, IMHO. I just hope the Pale Hose don't take a dive (into the Chicago River). ;)


LOL you're killin' me, Kev....but I think we may trade you to the 'Stros for a couple of prospects... :D

10-20-05, 10:51 AM
THIS Cubs fan sez, GO WHITE SOX!!!!oneeleven!!

Speaking of Cubs, I need someone to do some research for my lazy ***.

Which team, Sox or 'Stro's has more ex-Cubs on their team? The team with more ex-Cubs will lose in the Series. Fact. Mike Royko (RIP) proved it over-n-over.

10-20-05, 11:00 AM
THIS Cubs fan sez, GO WHITE SOX!!!!oneeleven!!

Speaking of Cubs, I need someone to do some research for my lazy ***.

Which team, Sox or 'Stro's has more ex-Cubs on their team? The team with more ex-Cubs will lose in the Series. Fact. Mike Royko (RIP) proved it over-n-over.

I don't believe the White Sox have an ex-cub factor this year. Trying to recall...

Jon Garland, I believe, was in the Cubs farm system when the Sox traded him, but he never came up to the majors with them. He's the only one I can think of off hand.

Edit: Researched it. White Sox, Garland never played major league ball for the Cubs. Only player I found on Sox roster with Cub time logged was Ross Gload, and I am not even sure if he is on the World Series roster.

10-20-05, 11:21 AM
Well, I was at the game. Bunch of us from school ran a stand to raise money for our Formula SAE car. Anyways, we stuck around and signed the stadium walls, took a bunch of pictures, and gave all the Cards players that came back out a big cheer. We've got some awesome fans here. Ther had to have been 25,000 still there an hour after the game was over just to say thanks to the players that walked out. All the workers got a big cheer, lawn guys...everyone...very cool.

BTW, if anyone saw some people doing 'the wave' when the stadium was emptying out, that was us...lol. Gave Old Busch its final wave. :gomer:

Sean O'Gorman
10-20-05, 12:51 PM
Well, I was at the game. Bunch of us from school ran a stand to raise money for our Formula SAE car. Anyways, we stuck around and signed the stadium walls, took a bunch of pictures, and gave all the Cards players that came back out a big cheer. We've got some awesome fans here. Ther had to have been 25,000 still there an hour after the game was over just to say thanks to the players that walked out. All the workers got a big cheer, lawn guys...everyone...very cool.

BTW, if anyone saw some people doing 'the wave' when the stadium was emptying out, that was us...lol. Gave Old Busch its final wave. :gomer:

Pfft, that isn't how you say goodbye to a stadium. Should've yanked one of these out of the ground like the Browns fans in Jan '96.


10-21-05, 12:54 AM
LOL! I didnt come away empty handed. Got me a few beer tap handles! :thumbup:

Some drunk guy tried to take a probably 3'x3.5' section number sign. When he saw the police coming, he tried to fit it in his shirt. :rofl: Only way I can think he got it off of there is if he brought diagonal pliers with him...lol.

10-21-05, 07:36 AM
LOL! I didnt come away empty handed. Got me a few beer tap handles! :thumbup:

Some drunk guy tried to take a probably 3'x3.5' section number sign. When he saw the police coming, he tried to fit it in his shirt. :rofl: Only way I can think he got it off of there is if he brought diagonal pliers with him...lol.

still not as cool as the people who brought hack saws, axes, and wrenches to steal seats from our stadium. oh and since the cops were on the fans side so it was free reign. not like art was gonna use those seats anyway.

Dr. Corkski
10-21-05, 11:39 AM
Time for some objective World Series talk. :gomer:

Go Sox.


Go 'stros.

No wait.

Go Sox.

Just a minute.

Go 'stros.

Nevermind, this is just smack talk, so I will just support whoever is winning. :gomer:

10-21-05, 11:50 AM
The official Corkski playoff prediction:

Astros 3, Braves 1
Cardinals 3, Padres 0

Chisox 3, Bosox 2
Anaheim Mighty Angels 3, Balco Bombers 1

Astros 4, Cards 2

Anaheim Mighty Angels 4, Chisox 3

North America Series
Astros 4, Anaheim Mighty Angels 1


I go with these, except I see the Chisox bumping off the Angels in a close series. But then again, I'm biased...


In light of how the last two series have gone, I may have one more small revision... :D

10-21-05, 12:04 PM
The outlook was so bright for the Budville nine that day:
The series stood three to two, with Wednesday's game to play.
Budville thought they had the mo after Pujols mighty blast
But Saint Arnoldville knew Roy O would ensure it didn't last.

Their big top three whiffed away, and couldn't touch the ball.
The Mighty O made them look silly as he retired them all.
In the field they floundered as the balls bounced from their mitts.
But surely they would make up for this by getting lots of hits.

Oh, somewhere in this favoured land the sun is shining bright.
Where people enjoy St. Arnold and where all the hearts are light.
Where citizens drinking Amber Ale celebrate with a shout,
But there is no joy in Budville - the mighty Cards are out!

A scientific study (of one Army member) shows that the Astros perform better when fans drink St. Arnold's. We are endorsing this study.

10-22-05, 11:12 AM
My guess is Stroh's in 7. IMHO, Oswalt will be the difference. The average o/u should be like 4 runs/game. Should be a fun series to watch.


10-22-05, 11:25 AM
The anti-Cubs in 6....I'll bet my last Ryno candy bar.

The Cubs, 1908 World Champions.

10-23-05, 11:56 AM
IT doesn't look good for Rocket:




Al Czervik
10-23-05, 12:10 PM
Slightly OT:
Anybody else think they would ever see Liz Phair singing about something "white with foam" on national TV without it being bleeped out?

10-23-05, 10:47 PM


Gangrel, you can thank the Dodgers later. ;)


10-23-05, 10:53 PM

10-23-05, 10:55 PM
I'm watching TWC w/the ball game in PIP, what's the replay they keep showing all about? Is it the HBP earlier in the inning?


10-23-05, 10:56 PM
I'm watching TWC w/the ball game in PIP, what's the replay they keep showing all about? Is it the HBP earlier in the inning?


Hit Dye's bat, not his arm.

then there's our whole futility thing with RISP and the s***** pen...

10-23-05, 10:57 PM
Hit Dye's bat, not his arm.


10-23-05, 11:02 PM
oh well, shouldn't have even come to that point, just like with Lidge vs. Pujols. We can't walk Iguchi with Dye and Konerko coming up, that's just bad baseball...

10-23-05, 11:07 PM
man, bottom of the lineup needs to get all Jim Leyritz on that fool...

10-23-05, 11:16 PM
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 11 11 1 111 11 oneone one oneoneone

10-23-05, 11:19 PM
Damn. So much for my take on this being a P's series. :saywhat:


10-23-05, 11:27 PM

10-23-05, 11:36 PM
Damn. Another walk-off HR against the Stroh's?!? :saywhat:


10-23-05, 11:38 PM
even if Oswalt and Backe win their games, Pettite, Oswalt, Backe will all be pitching on 3 days rest for games 5, 6, 7.

10-24-05, 03:38 AM
Damn. Another walk-off HR against the Stroh's?!? :saywhat:


Another off Lidge. Dude's snakebit.

And I'm not complaining. :D

10-24-05, 07:04 AM
Another off Lidge. Dude's snakebit.

And I'm not complaining. :D

Hope he doesn't go Donnie Moore on us :eek:

10-24-05, 07:17 AM
does anyone else remember a post season with so many bonehead moves by the umps? i remember when they gave the yanks the homerun when the kid reached over teh wall, but that was only 1 play.

who do these umps think they are? NBA officials?

10-24-05, 09:20 AM
it was close, they're human, it happens... like I said, can't walk Iguchi like that... hopefully we get some of this luck come Game 3...

10-24-05, 09:52 AM
it was close, they're human, it happens... like I said, can't walk Iguchi like that... hopefully we get some of this luck come Game 3...

yea it does happen. over and over and over and over and over again.

10-24-05, 10:57 AM
yea it does happen. over and over and over and over and over again.

....both ways.

Both teams are getting favorable bonehead calls. One team is repeatedly capitalizing on them. That's how the game is played. You guys need to quit the crybaby routine.

10-24-05, 11:41 AM
....both ways.

Both teams are getting favorable bonehead calls. One team is repeatedly capitalizing on them. That's how the game is played. You guys need to quit the crybaby routine.

i'm sorry that i expect the best umpires in baseball to do their jobs right. :shakehead

10-24-05, 11:56 AM
i'm sorry that i expect the best umpires in baseball to do their jobs right. :shakehead

That's fine. You complaining about that strike zone jumping all over the place for Buehrle and Jenks last night, too? Or the missed tag on the steal attempt in the ALCS?

Ahh...but the finger gets pointed not at those who got the breaks, but those who got the breaks, then capitalized on them. :shakehead

10-24-05, 12:02 PM
....both ways.

Both teams are getting favorable bonehead calls. One team is repeatedly capitalizing on them. That's how the game is played. You guys need to quit the crybaby routine.

strike zone has been jumping around for everyone, the missed tag happens from that angle with the ump, getting help from 1b is pointless with the 1b's angle

with the Dye at bat:
1. the umpires could've consulted, but no, Nelson had too much ego for that
2. Ausmus asked Nelson to get help from 1B, Nelson said no
3. Dye uses a black bat, the ball would obviously have a smudge on it if it was tipped, Nelson told Garner to get back into the dugout after asking for the game ball before Garner got in trouble, nice effort to get the call right...
4. When you get hit by a 90mph ball in that kind of weather, you jump around in pain, you don't calmly turn around

where was I crying exactly when I said that this stuff happens and the Astros lost the game on their own? :saywhat:

but again, I'll say it for the third time, Qualls needed to go after Iguchi before Dye and Konerko came up, Ensberg, Burke and Biggio needed to make the plays in the 2nd to end the inning, the lineup needs to make contact w/ RISP. And THAT'S what lost the game...

10-24-05, 12:10 PM
strike zone has been jumping around for everyone, the missed tag happens from that angle with the ump, getting help from 1b is pointless with the 1b's angle

with the Dye at bat:
1. the umpires could've consulted, but no, Nelson had too much ego for that
2. Ausmus asked Nelson to get help from 1B, Nelson said no
3. Dye uses a black bat, the ball would obviously have a smudge on it if it was tipped, Nelson told Garner to get back into the dugout after asking for the game ball before Garner got in trouble, nice effort to get the call right...
4. When you get hit by a 90mph ball in that kind of weather, you jump around in pain, you don't calmly turn around

where was I crying exactly when I said that this stuff happens and the Astros lost the game on their own? :saywhat:

but again, I'll say it for the third time, Qualls needed to go after Iguchi before Dye and Konerko came up, Ensberg, Burke and Biggio needed to make the plays in the 2nd to end the inning, the lineup needs to make contact w/ RISP. And THAT'S what lost the game...

Sorry Ank....still a little touchy about how the media has been acting since ALCS Game 2. Guess I might be a bit of a hairtrigger... :D

10-24-05, 12:13 PM
That's fine. You complaining about that strike zone jumping all over the place for Buehrle and Jenks last night, too? Or the missed tag on the steal attempt in the ALCS?

Ahh...but the finger gets pointed not at those who got the breaks, but those who got the breaks, then capitalized on them. :shakehead

yes i am. i didnt say the sox were getting all the breaks.

10-24-05, 12:14 PM
Sorry Ank....still a little touchy about how the media has been acting since ALCS Game 2. Guess I might be a bit of a hairtrigger... :D

meh, s'coo, I'm the same :D

Sean O'Gorman
10-24-05, 04:49 PM
Maybe this time its the umps that are throwing the World Series, not the Sox. :D

10-24-05, 05:11 PM
Yep. The umps gave up that homer to Paul Konerko. The umps cleared the bases after AJ made first on the perceived dropped 3rd strike. The umps saw to it that only two hitters walked on a poor strike zone for Jenks so that the game would only be tied, not an Astros lead.

Wanna' troll a little more, Sean?

Sean O'Gorman
10-24-05, 05:13 PM
Wanna' troll a little more, Sean?

Calm dowm, I'm joking. I'm on your side anyway, like the last thing I want to hear is Ank gloating about a World Series win. :laugh:

10-24-05, 05:15 PM
Calm dowm, I'm joking. I'm on your side anyway, like the last thing I want to hear is Ank gloating about a World Series win. :laugh:

Your from Cleveland and want the Sox to win? :thumdown:

Have fun rooting for the trailblazers.

10-24-05, 05:52 PM
Yep. The umps gave up that homer to Paul Konerko. The umps cleared the bases after AJ made first on the perceived dropped 3rd strike. The umps saw to it that only two hitters walked on a poor strike zone for Jenks so that the game would only be tied, not an Astros lead.

Wanna' troll a little more, Sean?

bagwell and vizcaino hit the ball buddy :gomer: and that zone was nowhere near as bad as what StL had to face in game 5 NLCS, no one in national media is writing about the strike zone from last night ;)

Dr. Corkski
10-24-05, 05:53 PM
Adam Everett looks like a troll. :gomer:

10-24-05, 05:54 PM
Calm dowm, I'm joking. I'm on your side anyway, like the last thing I want to hear is Ank gloating about a World Series win. :laugh:


10-24-05, 06:24 PM
bagwell and vizcaino hit the ball buddy :gomer: and that zone was nowhere near as bad as what StL had to face in game 5 NLCS, no one in national media is writing about the strike zone from last night ;)

No one in the media was writing about the strike zone from last night because the 'Stros didn't capitalize on it. They got the breaks, and they didn't do anything with them. None of the errors made by the umps in favor of the Sox would have amounted to anything if the Sox didn't come up with the big hits after getting a break. 'Stros get opportunity, 'Stros blow opportunity. Sox get opportunity, Paulie hits grand slam. End of story.

10-24-05, 06:36 PM
No one in the media was writing about the strike zone from last night because the 'Stros didn't capitalize on it. They got the breaks, and they didn't do anything with them. None of the errors made by the umps in favor of the Sox would have amounted to anything if the Sox didn't come up with the big hits after getting a break. 'Stros get opportunity, 'Stros blow opportunity. Sox get opportunity, Paulie hits grand slam. End of story.

speaking of homeruns, whats up with pods? did he go north side and get one of sammy's old bats from the cubbies clubhouse? only took him 600 some at bats to go deep.

10-24-05, 06:44 PM
speaking of homeruns, whats up with pods? did he go north side and get one of sammy's old bats from the cubbies clubhouse? only took him 600 some at bats to go deep.

LOL We've been wondering the same thing here. I called Paulie's shot yesterday, but when Pods hit that one, I almost fell off the couch!

I did hear in an interview last night, though, that part of the reason he was so problematic in his sophomore season, ultimately leading to his trade to the White Sox, was that he tried to condition himself as a HR hitter. That didn't really play to his strengths, and his overall numbers suffered last year, but I guess the boy can knock the cover off a ball when he puts his mind to it. :D

10-24-05, 06:48 PM
No one in the media was writing about the strike zone from last night because the 'Stros didn't capitalize on it. They got the breaks, and they didn't do anything with them. None of the errors made by the umps in favor of the Sox would have amounted to anything if the Sox didn't come up with the big hits after getting a break. 'Stros get opportunity, 'Stros blow opportunity. Sox get opportunity, Paulie hits grand slam. End of story.

dude, Jenks' zone was not some unfathomable F up on the ump's part... you guys got the inside call on Berkman in the 8th and some other close ones, there was no phantom anti-Jenks strike zone last night, the zone was what it was and both teams played with it...

NLCS game 5... StL was getting hosed, they had a legit beef.

10-24-05, 07:00 PM
dude, Jenks' zone was not some unfathomable F up on the ump's part... you guys got the inside call on Berkman in the 8th and some other close ones, there was no phantom anti-Jenks strike zone last night, the zone was what it was and both teams played with it...

NLCS game 5... StL was getting hosed, they had a legit beef.

Are you trying to say that the 'Stros haven't been the benefactors of any questionable calls by the umps in this series? I can tell you that none of the calls the umps have made in favor of the Sox have directly resulted in runs being scored by the Sox. All of the noteworthy ones have happened with two outs. With the way the bullpen was pitching, Dye was probably going to walk anyways. If he got his bat out of the way of that pitch (ball hit the bat, not the other way around), it was ball 4. Yes, bad call. If Paulie gets up and flies out, we wouldn't be talking about it now. And that is the rub, as far as I am concerned. 'Stros have had plenty of opportunities, and have even been given a few by the umps. But they fail to act when they have the chance. The name of the Sox game is execution. 'Nuff said.

10-24-05, 07:43 PM
refrain #4: they should've gone after Iguchi and not let Dye get up to the plate, that said, talking about "what-ifs" about his bat not coming around is B.S. seeing as his bat DID come around, and DID contact the ball.

to get back to the point you keep trying to make about how the Sox have dealt with just as many blown calls against them, there was no magical phantom anti-Jenks zone last night, the zone was very favorable for Cotts.

the only beef is the missed tag at 2nd, and unlike the two blown calls at the plate that changed both games, none of the other umps would've had a clean view from which to offer a judgement if it was asked of them

but again, it is what it is and that's the game, trying to pretend it's equitable, or will be equitable in the future is dumb, if breaks go our way at home, well then hooray us, sucks to be you :p :D

Dr. Corkski
10-25-05, 11:22 AM
Calm dowm, I'm joking. I'm on your side anyway, like the last thing I want to hear is Ank gloating about a World Series win. :laugh:You would think O'Gorman would identify more with the 'stros since he is having trouble closing the deal like Brad Lidge. :D

10-25-05, 11:37 AM
This just in: MLB has determined that playing WS games in NYC will generate more interest. Henceforth, all WS games will played in NYC. :gomer:

Now, back to your regularly scheduled smack talk. :)

Must win for the Stroh's. Scrap Iron is gonna go with Rocket for game 5. IF there is a game 5.


10-25-05, 12:37 PM
You would think O'Gorman would identify more with the 'stros since he is having trouble closing the deal like Brad Lidge. :D

:thumbup: BURN! http://pakistantimes.net/2005/02/24/main-ins.jpg BURN! :thumbup:

10-25-05, 01:06 PM
This just in: MLB has determined that playing WS games in NYC will generate more interest. Henceforth, all WS games will played in NYC. :gomer:

Now, back to your regularly scheduled smack talk. :)

Must win for the Stroh's. Scrap Iron is gonna go with Rocket for game 5. IF there is a game 5.


LMAO I heard the whole story this morning about domegate...that's ok, the 'Stros seem to have tried hard enough to capitalize (cheat) on the concept of home field advantage when they built Minute Maid Park, anyways....flag pole in center, hill up to the centerfield wall...why not put a few hurdles and some landmines out there, too? :D

Did someone screw up when they designed that dome? I don't recall ever hearing of another dome where there is a real risk of a fly ball in play might hit the rafters. I am inclined to call BS on any ballpark where MLB has to make up new rules to deal with the facility. I feel that way about the basket at Wrigley, and I feel that way about the "nuances" at Minute Maid. No worries...if Roy O is flat tonight, this series is done in 4 games, anyways. :)

10-25-05, 01:44 PM
LMAO I heard the whole story this morning about domegate...that's ok, the 'Stros seem to have tried hard enough to capitalize (cheat) on the concept of home field advantage when they built Minute Maid Park, anyways....flag pole in center, hill up to the centerfield wall...why not put a few hurdles and some landmines out there, too?

They could go F1 style and put a chicane in between first and second base maknig it harder to steal and hit and run for the sox.

10-25-05, 01:46 PM
Did someone screw up when they designed that dome? I don't recall ever hearing of another dome where there is a real risk of a fly ball in play might hit the rafters. I am inclined to call BS on any ballpark where MLB has to make up new rules to deal with the facility. I feel that way about the basket at Wrigley, and I feel that way about the "nuances" at Minute Maid. No worries...if Roy O is flat tonight, this series is done in 4 games, anyways. :)

Pronk hit a fly ball in the metrodome against the Twins where the ball was in play and hit the ceiling. The ball was caught, but the umps called it a dead ball. While it benefited the Tribe, the stupid umps got another call wrong. :thumdown:

10-25-05, 02:11 PM
Pronk hit a fly ball in the metrodome against the Twins where the ball was in play and hit the ceiling. The ball was caught, but the umps called it a dead ball. While it benefited the Tribe, the stupid umps got another call wrong. :thumdown:

I have a vague recollection of that...but from what I remember of the sports reports earlier this year, it's not exactly a one time deal at Minute Maid. The rule, last I heard, was that if the ball hits the rafters in fair territory and is caught, it's an out, but if it hits the rafters in foul territory, it is a dead ball. Do I have this right?

10-25-05, 02:46 PM
LMAO I heard the whole story this morning about domegate...that's ok, the 'Stros seem to have tried hard enough to capitalize (cheat) on the concept of home field advantage when they built Minute Maid Park, anyways....flag pole in center, hill up to the centerfield wall...why not put a few hurdles and some landmines out there, too? :D

Did someone screw up when they designed that dome? I don't recall ever hearing of another dome where there is a real risk of a fly ball in play might hit the rafters. I am inclined to call BS on any ballpark where MLB has to make up new rules to deal with the facility. I feel that way about the basket at Wrigley, and I feel that way about the "nuances" at Minute Maid.

cheat? whatever dude, there is no template for fields, minute maid was built with historical ballparks in mind, thus the flag poles, the hill, for pitcher safety they removed the dirt trail from mound to home they wanted b/c the grass would help slow down a hard grounder comeback. when MLB mandates a certain template for field uniformity, then you can bitch. Enjoy the uniformity of the old 3 rivers, riverfront, astrodome, the vet, and shea... But until that day comes, each park is different, and the roof at bank one is within reach too, perhaps you would like to begin bitching about the dimensions at the old polo grounds and tiger stadium, or maybe the green monster at fenway... you know, seeing as minute maid's the first ever park that wasn't built to a template ;)

The first of many monuments and plaques was added in 1932. This area became known as "Monument Park" in fair territory in dead center field, when a monument to former manager Miller Huggins was erected. Monuments of Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig, and others were erected in years following 1932.

gee, guess the Yankees were cheating when they won all those titles through all those decades :gomer:

F.Y.I.: James Wynn used to hit the roof of the astrodome all the time, it's not something that just started happening in the past 8 or so years since minute maid opened up

I knew Red Sox fans were consumate professionals at whining, didn't know it applied to the ChiSox fans too :gomer:

10-25-05, 02:57 PM
I have a vague recollection of that...but from what I remember of the sports reports earlier this year, it's not exactly a one time deal at Minute Maid.

It's not a one time deal at the Metrodome either. Dave Kingman hit one through the roof, Rob Deer hit it 2 at bats in a row in 1992 :gomer: But don't let facts interrupt that sweet whine :)

10-25-05, 02:58 PM
cheat? whatever dude, there is no template for fields, minute maid was built with historical ballparks in mind, thus the flag poles, the hill, for pitcher safety they removed the dirt trail from mound to home they wanted b/c the grass would help slow down a hard grounder comeback. when MLB mandates a certain template for field uniformity, then you can bitch. Enjoy the uniformity of the old 3 rivers, riverfront, astrodome, the vet, and shea... But until that day comes, each park is different, and the roof at bank one is within reach too, perhaps you would like to begin bitching about the dimensions at the old polo grounds and tiger stadium, or maybe the green monster at fenway... you know, seeing as minute maid's the first ever park that wasn't built to a template ;)

Monster's a wall built because they didn't have room to go 300 ft down the line. If a ball bounces off the monster, it bounces off the monster. Not exactly an obstacle course. I could deal with the dirt track and the roof. But you guys decide to "resurrect tradition" by putting in a grassy knoll and an in-play flagpole, kind of makes me reconsider whether that bronze statue the White Sox had put in in the Centerfield Lounge should have instead been placed right in the middle of Centerfield. :gomer:

gee, guess the Yankees were cheating when they won all those titles through all those decades :gomer:

F.Y.I.: James Wynn used to hit the roof of the astrodome all the time, it's not something that just started happening in the past 8 or so years since minute maid opened up

I knew Red Sox fans were consumate professionals at whining, didn't know it applied to the ChiSox fans too :gomer:

I ain't whining anywhere near as much as you have been about umps' calls. Get over yourself.

10-25-05, 02:59 PM
I ain't whining anywhere near as much as you have been about umps' calls. Get over yourself.

try quoting me blaming the loss on the umps just once ;) you can't.

10-25-05, 03:03 PM
try quoting me blaming the loss on the umps just once ;) you can't.

Try quoting me on blaming Minute Maid for the Sox losing any games. :gomer:

You trying to say you haven't whined about the umps' calls? I said nothing about laying blame for losses.

10-25-05, 03:11 PM
Try quoting me on blaming Minute Maid for the Sox losing any games.

You trying to say you haven't whined about the umps' calls? I said nothing about laying blame for losses.

Dye's call was the wrong call, it's not why the Astros lost. Apparently admitting that breaks went ChiSox way and saying the ball hit Dye's bat is whining. :gomer: (notice Jenks and Ozzie didn't even give a bad glance at the ump in the top of the 9th in case you want to mention that phanton zone again). So ya, I haven't whined about it. I said the breaks haven't been as even both ways, don't have to be either... I also said that's the game, and if it starts going our way, I'm not going to try to explain as "well they've been hurting us too." I said I'll say "hooray for me, sucks for you " if that's what starts happening!

Calling the Astros cheaters b/c of a roof, when you're very unaware of how many times balls have hit roofs in other parks, is whining. :p Polo Grounds, Tiger Stadium, funky dimensions; Yankee Stadium, monument park, objects in fair play. Calling things allowed by MLB as "cheating" , makes as much sense as saying the ChiSox cheated in game 2...

Here's to hoping many of your balls hit the flagpoles and rafters tonight, and someone trips on the grassy knoll and lets Taveras get an in the parker :p

and be in the old chat tonight, I feel bad trash talking with Xen, he's too nice to be trash talking to :)

10-25-05, 03:20 PM
Dye's call was the wrong call, it's not why the Astros lost. Apparently admitting that breaks went ChiSox way and saying the ball hit Dye's bat is whining. :gomer: (notice Jenks and Ozzie didn't even give a bad glance at the ump in the top of the 9th in case you want to mention that phanton zone again). So ya, I haven't whined about it. I said the breaks haven't been as even both ways, don't have to be either... I also said that's the game, and if it starts going our way, I'm not going to try to explain as "well they've been hurting us too." I said I'll say "hooray for me, sucks for you " if that's what starts happening!

Calling the Astros cheaters b/c of a roof, when you're very unaware of how many times balls have hit roofs in other parks, is whining. :p Polo Grounds, Tiger Stadium, funky dimensions; Yankee Stadium, monument park, objects in fair play. Calling things allowed by MLB as "cheating" , makes as much sense as saying the ChiSox cheated in game 2...

Here's to hoping many of your balls hit the flagpoles and rafters tonight, and someone trips on the grassy knoll and lets Taveras get an in the parker :p

and be in the old chat tonight, I feel bad trash talking with Xen, he's too nice to be trash talking to :)


First pitch, 7:38 pm. Play Ball!

10-25-05, 03:27 PM
All of this really is just pent-up rage about that silly DH rule you guys still keep ;) :p

10-25-05, 03:33 PM
All of this really is just pent-up rage about that silly DH rule you guys still keep ;) :p

See above.

Sean O'Gorman
10-25-05, 04:54 PM
cheat? whatever dude, there is no template for fields, minute maid was built with historical ballparks in mind

Historical ballparks had retractable roofs and rafters that could be hit by a fair ball? :saywhat:

10-25-05, 04:59 PM
Historical ballparks had retractable roofs and rafters that could be hit by a fair ball? :saywhat:

astrodome's historical :gomer: 8th wonder of the world!

Sean O'Gorman
10-25-05, 05:05 PM
astrodome's historical :gomer: 8th wonder of the world!

The Astrodome has a retractable roof?

10-25-05, 05:07 PM
The Astrodome has a retractable roof?

no it was fixed, the rafters were in fly ball range though.

10-25-05, 05:11 PM
Chamillionaire recorded a remix of "Turn It Up" and Paul Wall remixed "They Don't Know" for the Astros. Both songs have been getting heavy radio play locally and were to play Tuesday at Minute Maid Park during Game 3 against the Chicago White Sox.

I thought the stupidity would be left behind with the stupid "boon shaka laka" rap song someone made for the Houston Rockets NBA title run... http://www2.hornfans.com/wwwthreads/images/icons/pukey.gif

10-25-05, 05:20 PM
I thought the stupidity would be left behind with the stupid "boon shaka laka" rap song someone made for the Houston Rockets NBA title run... http://www2.hornfans.com/wwwthreads/images/icons/pukey.gif

LOL meanwhile, we are stuck with "Don't Stop Believing". They couldn't have gone with something like Styx' "The Best of Times". :shakehead

10-25-05, 05:42 PM
LOL meanwhile, we are stuck with "Don't Stop Believing". They couldn't have gone with something like Styx' "The Best of Times". :shakehead

what? you suck, Journey Rules!

Actually "Don't Stop Believing" was the Indians players song of choice to get pumped from the middle of May to October.

10-25-05, 05:46 PM
Had a HS calc teacher who loved Journey. She was from Norway. We all thought she was weird. :gomer:

10-25-05, 05:54 PM
what? you suck, Journey Rules!

Actually "Don't Stop Believing" was the Indians players song of choice to get pumped from the middle of May to October.

LOL actually, I do like the song, and Journey, but what I stated above seems to be the overall sentiment here in Chicago.

Plus, Styx is from Chicago and Dennis De Young is a huge Sox fan. :D

10-25-05, 06:00 PM
Ratings could be lowest ever: Television ratings on Fox for the first two World Series games are lower than the opening pair in 2002, when baseball's championship drew its lowest ratings ever.

The network telecast of Chicago's 7-6 win over the Astros drew 11.1 percent of the 110.2 million U.S. households with televisions, according to Nielsen Media Research Inc.

Combined with a Game 1's 9.5 rating, the first two games averaged 10.3 percent of viewers, four percent lower than the 10.7 mark reached in 2002, when the Angels played the Giants.

Last year's opening two games between Boston and St. Louis averaged 14.7 percent.


10-25-05, 06:10 PM

I don't like it either...but if you think about it, LA is considerably larger population wise than Chicago, and the Bay Area is probably quite a bit more heavily populated than Houston. That combined with the fact that more than half of Chicago (if you listen to the media) could care less about the World Series this year because the White Sox being there makes them ill....the rest of the country is neutral territory...

I would say that they are missing out. The games so far have been entertaining, if nothing else... :)

10-25-05, 06:21 PM
Smaller markets = smaller ratings. Should be expected.

10-25-05, 06:21 PM
LOL meanwhile, we are stuck with "Don't Stop Believing". They couldn't have gone with something like Styx' "The Best of Times". :shakehead
You sound like Greenie on Mike & Mike. They have even interviewed Dennis DeYoung twice now. :saywhat: Oh, the flashbacks! :gomer:


10-25-05, 06:24 PM
You sound like Greenie on Mike & Mike. They have even interviewed Dennis DeYoung twice now. :saywhat: Oh, the flashbacks! :gomer:


got the idea from Greenie. :D

But I have always been a huge Styx fan....and like I said, they are from Chicago!

10-25-05, 06:40 PM
got the idea from Greenie. :D

But I have always been a huge Styx fan....and like I said, they are from Chicago!
And here I thought they were canucks cuz they ain't got no taste in baseball teams. :D



10-25-05, 08:00 PM
Smaller markets = smaller ratings. Should be expected.

is green bay vs. atlanta MNF a big game market-wise?

the lowest ever ratings should not "be expected" for a supposedly "growing" sport imo...

LA and SF are matchups of small markets from '02? there has to be something not "small market' outside of the cubs, cards, red sox, and yankees imo

10-25-05, 08:06 PM
Anyone else get a feeling when they see Selig's face wanting to see someone punching him? :gomer:

10-25-05, 08:44 PM
is green bay vs. atlanta MNF a big game market-wise?

the lowest ever ratings should not "be expected" for a supposedly "growing" sport imo...

LA and SF are matchups of small markets from '02? there has to be something not "small market' outside of the cubs, cards, red sox, and yankees imo

big? no. bigger? yes. houston is a huge market, but apparently most of chicago doesnt care.

plus baseball isnt football, why bother comparing it.

10-25-05, 08:46 PM
Anyone else get a feeling when they see Selig's face wanting to see someone punching him? :gomer:

anyone else remember how great it was in 02 i believe where Selig presented the awards after the Califronia Angels won the Series and the fans proceeded to boo him and that worthless mouthpiece Jeannie Zelasko. Ohh good times.

10-25-05, 09:13 PM
werd :rofl:

just like when Betteman was there when they retired Gretzky's number and was boo'ed when he got the mic. :thumbup:

10-25-05, 09:52 PM
Need I say it's my turn to cry foul here? :shakehead

Dr. Corkski
10-25-05, 10:22 PM
Need I say it's my turn to cry foul here? :shakeheadCan you at least get thru a game before you start whining? :cry:

10-25-05, 10:23 PM
If Roy gave up that slam, we would've deserved the sweep... :shakehead

10-25-05, 10:25 PM
Pay the cable bill.... $60
Buy AM antenna to listen to hometown call on the stereo.... $20
Bag of microwave popcorn... $1

Listening to that Houston crowd go silent when Oswalt blew that 4 run lead in the 5th....priceless! :D

10-26-05, 12:42 AM
You guys realize that the only reason this game is in extra innings is because of a bad ump call. If the 'Stros wind up winning this thing in extras, y'all have the umps to thank for it, so I don't want to hear any more whining about the Sox stealing games on bad calls.

Dr. Corkski
10-26-05, 12:57 AM
You guys realize that the only reason this game is in extra innings is because of a bad ump call. If the 'Stros wind up winning this thing in extras, y'all have the umps to thank for it, so I don't want to hear any more whining about the Sox stealing games on bad calls. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

10-26-05, 01:22 AM
You guys realize that the only reason this game is in extra innings is because of a bad ump call. If the 'Stros wind up winning this thing in extras, y'all have the umps to thank for it, so I don't want to hear any more whining about the Sox stealing games on bad calls.
See game 2 ALCS. Next!



10-26-05, 02:22 AM

Dr. Corkski
10-26-05, 02:23 AM

That was some UGLY pitching. Pun fully intended.

10-26-05, 02:23 AM
It's the roof's fault.

10-26-05, 02:31 AM
It's the roof's fault.

If we had won with a closed roof, that's what Chicago would be crying about, much like StL did to the league office, but no we choked harder than Jenna Jameson all on our own, Sox fans will have to find new thngs to cry about for tomorrow, wouldn't be a complete win without some :cry:


10-26-05, 03:45 AM
The 'Stros were trying to manufacture an advantage. As far as I know, the Sox didn't have control over the weather on Sunday, but you'd never know it by the management's whining. Perhaps it was only cold and rainy on the Astros' part of the field. Maybe they can get snuggly electric blankies for the dugout if the series comes back to Chicago. While I agree that the home team should have control of whether the roof is open or not, it still comes off as :cry: when the weather's suitable for leaving it open.

The umpires have been poor. Tonight it went against the Sox. Oh well.

Besides, You still owe Chicago for Jordan's "retirement" allowing the Rockets to win a couple championships. :D

10-26-05, 08:03 AM
See game 2 ALCS. Next!



Wouldn't be b*tching about it if it weren't for y'all b*tching about it in ALCS Game 2. That's me point, lad. :D