View Full Version : Possible problem with the forum search feature

04-04-05, 06:39 PM
Hey Rich and Missy,

I noticed that when I went to do a forum search, it told me that I had to wait 60 seconds since my last search took place.... It was the first search i've done all day......


Sean O'Gorman
04-04-05, 07:07 PM
Loaded fine for me. Sometimes I accidentally double click Search and it ends up canceling out the first one and you have to wait.

Besides, is your life that busy that you can't spare 60 seconds? ;)

04-04-05, 09:04 PM
Any chance that you had just posted? I'm wondering if the post and search flood control use the same cookie.

I can't reproduce it. Let me know if it bites you again.

04-05-05, 02:53 AM
Besides, is your life that busy that you can't spare 60 seconds? ;)

I can, but I want to get on with other things and not have to wait 60 seconds to do a search to find your self-contradicting posts. Good thing is, I don't have to look hard. :p

Any chance that you had just posted? I'm wondering if the post and search flood control use the same cookie.

I can't reproduce it. Let me know if it bites you again.

I don't think so. I went to search right off the bat, not posting first.

But I can't re-produce it either. I posted it here instead of a PM just in case someone else may have had it happen to them also. Oh well, just one of those things that happen, i guess.

04-05-05, 07:54 PM
My take, and this is only my take you understand, is that the search feature here is somehow linked to a Google porn search.

:runslikemad: :rofl:

j/k Stevie ;)