View Full Version : Lost first 12 minutes due to AFL runover
04-10-05, 04:15 PM
So.....The televised Arena Football game ends, and they switch to another game at like, 3 til the hour.....and then they SHOW THE WHOLE END OF THE GAME! A Blow-out at that?!?!? I love AFL, But why did extra coverage of a different game run over the CCWS race by, oh, 12 minutes right now. B.S...............
We even lost all driver run-downs, and the first three laps. This makes NON sense and I am PISSED> :mad:
04-10-05, 04:18 PM
I alread fired off an e-mail to the ass nozzles at NBC Sports.
Not only do they **** up the start, but they don't even bother showing how Bruno got around Paul.
Off to a great start! :mad:
Fitti Fan
04-10-05, 04:18 PM
I agree!!! This is just unbelievable!!!!!! :flame: %(*&&^%$$$#$%^&@
Welcome back to network programming where we're a pimple on a big sport a**
I like that they did the commercials anyway, too. Hey, at least it's on TV!
Dr. Corkski
04-10-05, 04:20 PM
Pre-empted by arena football. And I thought the WNBA was the low point.
04-10-05, 04:21 PM
If they don't air Memo's "surprise" later I will explode.
Nowhere near a fair tradeoff for Sandra Oh on Friday night. :mad: :mad: :mad:
Yeah, baby...Lap THREE! So, what happened? I'm SO tired of sucking hind tit! Crikey, it was a REAL exciting game, too...what, a 22 point lead or something!? All of 4000 people in attendance? Wow, Tracy just pulled off a classic pass for the lead on the restart....glad we didn't miss THAT! P2P, eh? Carry on. :)
Uh, Question: There was some talk of going to +100 on P2P, did they, or is it still 50?...or, thanks, Derek...he just said 750 to 800.
04-10-05, 04:31 PM
NBC didn't want to Piss Off Bon Jovi !!! (owner Philadelphia Soul )
His hair looked just right today!! ;)
04-10-05, 05:54 PM
And dont forget the multi-minute NBC sprts 'updated' so we can find out that Julie Davenport is winning some tennis comp. Do they cut tennis for racing updates? THAN WHY US? If people are tennis fans, they will know the answers without watching a CCWS race waiting for updates. S****. THis coverage sucks balls.
Dr. Corkski
04-10-05, 06:00 PM
I liked how they had to update the AFL scores when we already knew that when they were showing them instead of the race start. :shakehead
04-10-05, 06:01 PM
Consider me exploding now... :flame:
We have to face the fact that network sports people are all jocks. They know very little, and care ever less about motorsports.
And dont forget the multi-minute NBC sprts 'updated' so we can find out that Julie Davenport is winning some tennis comp. Do they cut tennis for racing updates? THAN WHY US? If people are tennis fans, they will know the answers without watching a CCWS race waiting for updates. S****. THis coverage sucks balls.
Shiat. Compared to last year's broadcasts, this here was top notch. :thumbup: Keep in mind that we had the pleasure of listening to Baghdad Bob Jenkins for last year's LBGP. :shakehead
Fitti Fan
04-10-05, 06:07 PM
Shiat. Compared to last year's broadcasts, this here was top notch. :thumbup: Keep in mind that we had the pleasure of listening to Baghdad Bob Jenkins for last year's LBGP. :shakehead
Those of us with HDNet would have to disagree. :(
Race Director did show the biginning of the race :p
Yep, welcome back to network TV. Hopefully there were enough people watching to make it worth it.
Edit: Agree with fitti, I really miss HDNet.
Opposite Lock
04-10-05, 06:20 PM
Race Director kept me from breaking things, but arena buttball? That's more lame than golf and nascab multiplied.
Aside from missing the first 12 minutes, we missed yet another podium ceremony, but more importantly, any post-race interviews. Hard for the general public to bond with a new potential favorite driver if they never see his face. Didn't even have any post-race on RD.
How much more could it cost to buy one extra half hour of broadcast time? How much was spent on acquiring the rights for all those 10 second pop songs during the cut-to-commercials?
Those of us with HDNet would have to disagree. :(
The primary broadcasts on Spike were pathetic. Besides the Jenkins fiasco, one entire race was inaudible, and instead of the sports updates, they showed Bronte's puff pieces. HDNet didn't have half the races.
Hard for the general public to bond with a new potential favorite driver if they never see his face. Didn't even have any post-race on RD.
Yea man, people did not even get to see what the winner looks like, maybe it was Ronald McDonald driving the car. :thumbup:
Race Director kept me from breaking things, but arena buttball? That's more lame than golf and nascab multiplied.
Aside from missing the first 12 minutes, we missed yet another podium ceremony, but more importantly, any post-race interviews. Hard for the general public to bond with a new potential favorite driver if they never see his face. Didn't even have any post-race on RD.
How much more could it cost to buy one extra half hour of broadcast time? How much was spent on acquiring the rights for all those 10 second pop songs during the cut-to-commercials?
The evening news comes on at 6 ET and I don't think they would allow a time buy to disrupt it.
Normally we let the races get ahead and use TiVo to skip the commercials. Maybe for the network races we'll have to watch live and keep Race Director up for the commercials.
Opposite Lock
04-10-05, 06:42 PM
The evening news comes on at 6 ET and I don't think they would allow a time buy to disrupt it.
The LOCAL evening news. I swear, you're such a killjoy.
04-10-05, 06:44 PM
I think I read that Long Beach & 1 other Race have 2 hour windows
All the rest have 2 1/2
Probably because 2 hours was all NBC could give them !
Opposite Lock
04-10-05, 06:54 PM
Yea man, people did not even get to see what the winner looks like, maybe it was Ronald McDonald driving the car. :thumbup:
or maybe a green Muppet! :thumbup:
04-10-05, 07:01 PM
I'm really unhappy about the pre-empt, but otherwise I thought the coverage was decent. I really didn't expect much else from NBC. This is definitely better than Spike.
04-10-05, 07:30 PM
I forgot about the Bronte pieces. Those were unbearable. It just makes me so mad that the IRL gets coverage DURING commercial breaks, and we cant even get the green flag drop?
Dont dis on AFL. Arena ball is great, and when we had a team for a few years, I went to many games each year. Arena ball is a blast, but no matter WHAT is on TV, To run over another program to show the blow-out ending of an EXTRA coverage game (their scheduled game had already ended, and they used this one to fill the gap), SOMETHING is terribly wrong.
Doesnt NBC only have this and one other though?
The TV is what we get, but how 'bout that race? I give it a top grade. Good driving, classic passes...even Bruno's at the end, for those of you who dislike him so :p Bunch of leaders, all that P2P and tire option drama, great pitstops...(I vote for the track level front view of Mario's pitstop as the "shot of the day!"...that was outstanding. Check it on tape if you missed it.) Bourdais is incredible, and the fact that he isn't in F-1 astounds me. Now I hope he stays for a long time. Viva ChampCar! :D
Doesnt NBC only have this and one other though?
Fitti Fan
04-10-05, 08:41 PM
The primary broadcasts on Spike were pathetic. Besides the Jenkins fiasco, one entire race was inaudible, and instead of the sports updates, they showed Bronte's puff pieces. HDNet didn't have half the races.
Somehow, we caught them all. :)
Somehow, we caught them all. :)
Ja, I envy y'all for that. Here in Cbus, HDNet wasn't available through cable until l8 summer. By then, the HDNet broadcasts were over. :( DirecTV just isn't a viable option.
04-10-05, 10:29 PM
I was less than impressed with NBC coverage, but more than happy that it wasn't Spike!
Too much of "follow the leader" or the top three with the camera. No, or very few, race stories about unfolding events in mid pack. I'm sure there were battles throughout the field while the camera was forever focused on SeaBass. In the end, when the leader board showed Bremer P7, is was like, "good showing by the rookie", but I don't recall seeing him on camera or even mentioned but a small handful of times, if at all.
But like I said, it ain't FBJenkins and Spike.
Its was on Network TV which means many, many more fans saw the race than did last season on SPIKE. My dad is what I'd call a casual fan. Today, for the first time in probably two years, he called and asked if I saw the race. That tells me the move to NBC was worth it.
As for Arena Football - they lost one of their own today: :(
04-10-05, 11:10 PM
As mentioned earlier, I am a fan of the AFL, and attend alot of games. The people playing in that league play for the love of the game. Thats not to say they dont want to get back to NFL and big paychecks, But they play there with love and passion. This is a horrible story, and I feel awful for his family, and the team and fans who witnesses this loss.
04-11-05, 02:14 AM
The LOCAL evening news. I swear, you're such a killjoy.
Otherwise known as the local cash cow. There is no way in hell they are going to preempt local news.
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