View Full Version : Where NOT to go for graduate school
Sean O'Gorman
04-19-05, 03:52 PM
Not that I was ever considering this school in the first place (someone posted the link on the MR2 forum, I'm not even going to grad school), but man, what a strict place! Who would've thought a school called BJU would be so uptight? :gomer:
04-19-05, 03:58 PM
Social fundamentalist daisycutter bomb on target and desending through 10,000ft. ...5, 4, 3, 2, 1 You should have a visual on it about now. :laugh:
Other than that, no comment. ;)
I always wanted to go to Morehead State in Kentucky. :cool:
Yikes! :eek: Get a load of this from the dress code.
Abercrombie & Fitch and its subsidiary Hollister have shown an unusual degree of antagonism to the name of Christ and an unusual display of wickedness in their promotions. In protest, we will not allow articles displaying their logos to be worn, carried, or displayed (even if covered or masked in some way). :shakehead
Sean O'Gorman
04-19-05, 04:18 PM
A&F stuff is crap anyway. "Oooh, lets pay $50 for a torn t-shirt that has some saying or logo that makes no sense at all!"
"Abercrombie Ski Shop 1983" WTF is that supposed to mean and why did you pay so damn much for it?
I sware, was there some sort of lead paint fad amongst pregnant women in the late 70s-early 80s that caused everyone my age to be so stupid? :saywhat:
Anyway, after having been nearly thrown out of Catholic school in 7th grade (fight), 9th grade (1 detention away from expulsion), and two weeks from graduation (told a teacher if she didn't like what I was saying, she should plug her ears), I can only imagine that my tenure at that school would probably be measured in hours, not semesters. :D
Music must be compatible with the University's music standards:
* New Age, jazz, rock, and country music is not permitted.
* Contemporary Christian music is not permitted (e.g., Michael W. Smith, Stephen Curtis Chapman, WOW Worship, and so forth).
Gansta Rap must be permitted :shakehead
04-19-05, 04:39 PM
Does Bob Jones U. still have the rule against black and white students not being permitted to date one anouther? They use to until just a few years ago.
I always wanted to go to Morehead State in Kentucky. :cool:
Where I went to undergrad our basketball team, at that time, was in the same league as Morehead State. My friends and I would get liquored up and go to the games and cheer "More-head".
The good old days!
04-19-05, 04:47 PM
Trigger locks are required for pistols
04-19-05, 04:52 PM
very soon BJU will become the sole member of the Ivy League :gomer:
Guns are permitted but new age music isn't? :laugh:
04-19-05, 05:29 PM
Women must leave their Dirty, Filthy, Disgusting Breasts at Home !
Men will be castrated during pledge week !
Before you speak to anyone, you must seek permission from the Ministry of Thought Purification, who will review your intended thought & edit per BJU levels of worthiness ... therefore
Spontaneous conversations are forbidden
Impure thoughts will be dealt with harshly
Salt Peter is the herb of choice for all meals
Cigarettes are only permitted for physical torture of heretics & sodomites
Dr. Corkski
04-19-05, 05:41 PM
Does Bob Jones U. still have the rule against black and white students not being permitted to date one anouther? They use to until just a few years ago.Yeah until Dubbya got in trouble for it, they realized that they had to get rid of it because even for a nutjob far right wing politician speaking there with that rule in place would be career suicide.
Sean O'Gorman
04-19-05, 06:06 PM
Does Bob Jones U. still have the rule against black and white students not being permitted to date one anouther? They use to until just a few years ago.
The dating rules:
Dating and Mixed Groups
We want students to have wholesome social opportunities in a setting that provides accountability for biblical requirements of purity. It is with this in mind that we chaperon campus activities where men and women students are present and require a chaperon when students date or interact in a mixed group off campus.
Chaperoning college students? :rofl:
Also, the interracial dating rule has been changed to simply require a note of parental permission. Damn, I don't think I even had to do that stuff in 8th grade!
Chaperoning college students? :rofl:Didn't you ever have your wingman wave you off of an embarrassing encounter? :laugh:
04-19-05, 07:34 PM
Female Dress Code: Necklines must come no lower than 4 fingers below the collarbone.
I went to freaking Catholic high school, and we never had that rule, or the 4 fingers above the knee (pull your minds out of the!) skirt rule.
I would love to know what this place pulls in donation-wise.
I'm going to grad school to learn, not be brainwashed :gomer:
04-19-05, 07:53 PM
i've been in jails with more relaxed rules than this place. ;)
04-19-05, 08:05 PM
You can bring a pistol with a trigger lock, but you can't watch Home Alone on a DVD player? :saywhat: :laugh:
Oh, and it says jazz, New Age, rock, country and "contemporary Christian music" are prohibited...
Doesn't say anything about rap. So I can bring some Jay-Z, Public Enemy and 50 Cent?
04-19-05, 09:11 PM
I noticed that they have degrees available in Biology and Physics. I'm going to make a WAG and say they're probably not going be like Dr. Hough's Anatomy lecture at the U of I were he would talk about "Our inner ear canal was our third gill arch back when we were all fish."
04-19-05, 09:14 PM
What exactly can they teach you in biology, anyway?
"God made this, and this, and this, and this too, oh yeah, and this."
"Your final's tomorrow, class dismissed."
04-19-05, 09:23 PM
Well If these Clowns are any example of their argument against Evolution, they must be right .. they haven't evolved much at all ! ;)
physics? what physics?
"the sun orbits the earth, children, mmmmkay?"
04-20-05, 12:24 AM
They have job opportunities for science teachers posted, and you guys seem to have it down. :laugh: It's probably small money, but on the upside I'm sure they'd be happy to closely scrutinize how you handle every aspect of your life for you. :D
Sounds like almost as much fun as as a January feral cat hunt in Wisconsin...
Where I went to undergrad our basketball team, at that time, was in the same league as Morehead State. My friends and I would get liquored up and go to the games and cheer "More-head".
The good old days!
:laugh: Exactly!! :laugh:
04-20-05, 05:29 AM
WTF - how do these skools still have people attending?? are there people actually stupid enough to put up with all them rules? makes recruit course seem like a holiday camp :)
Sounds like almost as much fun as as a January feral cat hunt in Wisconsin...
lookie here, thas' good huntin' !!! :gomer:
04-20-05, 08:06 AM
WTF - how do these skools still have people attending?? are there people actually stupid enough to put up with all them rules? makes recruit course seem like a holiday camp :)
I think its funny that they dont even allow christian music if its Contemporary (Whatever the hell that means). I mean, can you imagine the morale of this place. People must walk around like cattle.
If you cant even wear some brand of clothes CONCEALED, I wonder if they would be opposed to wearing this shirt:
or these
04-20-05, 08:38 AM
I don't know, Sean. This sounds like a place where you could excel. God knows none of the girls' purity would be at risk. :D
04-20-05, 08:45 AM
Female Dress Code: Necklines must come no lower than 4 fingers below the collarbone.
who's fingers? the female in question, or perhaps... muuuhahahaha... the querying male authority figure?
Sean O'Gorman
04-20-05, 11:05 AM
I don't know, Sean. This sounds like a place where you could excel. God knows none of the girls' purity would be at risk. :D
Yeah, instead of them thinking of me as a loser or an egomaniac, I'm simply known as the ANTICHRIST. :laugh:
Night Train
04-20-05, 12:48 PM
You could always go to grad school at NC State. This would be your student body president...,2933,153840,00.html
04-20-05, 01:09 PM
You could always go to grad school at NC State. This would be your student body president...,2933,153840,00.html
Well, I used to be a farmer and I made a living fine
I had a little stretch of land along the C. P. line
But times got tough, and though I tried, the money wasn't there
The bankers came and took my land and told me, "Fair is fair"
I looked for every kind of job, the answer always no
"Hire you now?" they'd always laugh, "We just let twenty go!" (Ha ha!)
The government, they promised me a measly little sum
But I've got too much pride to end up just another bum
Then I thought, who gives a damn if all the jobs are gone
I'm gonna be a pirate on the river Saskatchewan! (Arr!)
I think its funny that they dont even allow christian music if its Contemporary (Whatever the hell that means). I mean, can you imagine the morale of this place. People must walk around like cattle.
If you cant even wear some brand of clothes CONCEALED, I wonder if they would be opposed to wearing this shirt:
or these
I'm sure either T would result in the first public stoning in this country ever.
I woulda worn one of those over to BJU back in high school for kicks... instead I made due with the Bad Religion tshirt with the cross-buster cover art from their 84 album. Principal actually threatened to suspend me on my very last day ever of high school, I had already attended commencement too :D
Jervis Tetch 1
04-21-05, 11:10 AM
That school is unreal.
I think its funny that they dont even allow christian music if its Contemporary (Whatever the hell that means). I mean, can you imagine the morale of this place. People must walk around like cattle.
:D Maybe B.J. still has a bad taste in his mouth from a certain contemporary Christian artist who wrote a song about him in the 80's... (my favourite songwriter)...
'Steve says, "I did make a few people mad with this one, including one Bob Jones III, who graciously informed me in a letter that at the time of the song's release, the matter was discussed with the school's attorney and legal recourse was seriously considered. Hmmm, I wonder why they didn't sue?"
(taken from liner notes to "Now The Truth Can Be Told")
04-21-05, 12:49 PM
WTF - how do these skools still have people attending?? are there people actually stupid enough to put up with all them rules? makes recruit course seem like a holiday camp :)
Something tells me that a lot of the people attending are there at the demands of their parents. They'll know their kids won't be getting into any trouble while attending this school. While I was an undergrad I knew a couple people who attended a very strict Baptist school. One of the guys was there because his parents wanted him to go there, but he constantly kept trying to get around their rules. They had to be checked into their dorm room by a certain time each night and if they were going to be out for the night they had to provide a phone number of the place they were staying, which was required to be more then a specified number of miles away (ie, there was no spending the night at a friend's or girlfriend's house in town). Additionally, they had people that would drop in on the different night clubs in the area to make sure none of their students were there drinking.
04-21-05, 09:15 PM
Damm I am glad my folks never put me in one of those skools! I would be in more trouble than usual ;)
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