View Full Version : i have frequented many other CCWS sites but

05-02-05, 05:28 PM
THIS one is by far the best.

The posters have a good sense of humor, are knowledgable about racing (versus the CCFers) and are not self-absorbed me me me me people (like CCFers).

You also have good threads liket he Airbus one :ROLF:

plus i like the smilies :gomer: :saywhat:

plus plus speedtv forums suck and banned me

05-02-05, 05:40 PM
Dont tell your friends :gomer:

05-02-05, 05:43 PM
Dont tell your friends :gomer:

my friends? I never poster "there" if thats what your implying :saywhat:

05-02-05, 09:01 PM
blah blah blah... and banned me

You are off to a good start.

this place serves the mad, the sad, the bad, and those who can;t add. (or spell_)


05-02-05, 09:12 PM
THIS one is by far the best.

just keep it real, or else.

nANcY bOY :rofl: :D

05-02-05, 09:22 PM
You're right. The old pizza box superlative fits good:

"You've tried the rest. Now try the BEST!"



05-02-05, 09:28 PM
I blame Wickerbill: Boss Emeritus, Founder, and inventor of racing forums for discussing racing.

Thanks, your hosts are just trying to carry the torch. Glad you're enjoying it.

05-02-05, 09:31 PM
If it were really the best, they would've let me use my first choice for a user name.

05-02-05, 09:32 PM
just keep it real, or else.

nANcY bOY :rofl: :D
:flame: shut up special eddie

05-02-05, 09:40 PM
Is a coolhand better than a hothand? My hand says...Yes!

05-02-05, 09:42 PM
Is a coolhand better than a hothand? My hand says...Yes!
sometimes nothing can be a pretty coolhand ;)

Al Czervik
05-02-05, 11:30 PM
You are off to a good start.

this place serves the mad, the sad, the bad, and those who can;t add. (or spell_)


Even those from the Paul Tracy school of rhyming (Who's the Boss, Applesauce) :D

05-03-05, 12:22 AM
Is a coolhand better than a hothand? My hand says...Yes!

Not if you're playing poker. Depends on how you are defining "cool" though, I guess.

Dr. Corkski
05-03-05, 06:57 AM
THIS one is by far the best.

The posters have a good sense of humor, are knowledgable about racing (versus the CCFers) and are not self-absorbed me me me me people (like CCFers).

You also have good threads liket he Airbus one :ROLF:

plus i like the smilies :gomer: :saywhat:

plus plus speedtv forums suck and banned meSpoken like someone who has yet to read an O'Gorman post. :D

05-04-05, 08:04 PM

i lied, racingone.com has a better forum :gomer: openwheeler posts there :gomer:

05-05-05, 12:06 PM
Ugly old white woman on the mayor's small businessman's council:

"Do you frequent libraries Mr. Sanford?"

Fred G. Sanford:

"No. But I got freaky in the back of a bookmobile one time....."
