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05-16-05, 09:36 AM
So let's make fun of some fans... :D

Link (http://www.capnwacky.com/sw/sw01.html)

05-16-05, 09:40 AM
SOME fans? NO! Let's make fun of ALL Star Wars fans.


05-16-05, 09:06 PM
I bent my wookie. :(

05-16-05, 09:30 PM
BFD. This is just George Lucas trying to cash in. These new flicks are complete lamo. Yeah, they were really written before the first flick. :rolleyes:

Han Solo vs Jar Jar Binks? You decide.

05-16-05, 09:33 PM
I bent my wookie. :(

Y'know. Ank just opened the door WIDE open here. I will be a gentleman and restrain myself from posting something that I, myself, would find absolutely hilarious. Mainly because when I do post like that, it is gone the next morning.... :)

05-16-05, 09:43 PM
-Ralph Wiggum, from The Simpsons, you uncultured ninkumpup :p

Hard Driver
05-16-05, 11:19 PM
I've already bought my ticket for Friday Night. :thumbup:

Probably would not fight the crowds but my 10 yr. old son is a big fan (bought the Darth Vader voice changer mask and two light sabers with his birthday money). He has also just finished reading the "Revenge of the Syth" book. So the two of us are going.

05-16-05, 11:35 PM
Star Wars fans make IRL fans look like Nobel Prize Winners and Mensa Members.

05-17-05, 02:05 PM
BFD. This is just George Lucas trying to cash in. These new flicks are complete lamo. Exactly right, these films are all about financial return, not some artistic motivation. None of the Star Wars films had stellar dialogue, but Lucas' decision to save money by not hiring a writer for episodes I, II & III was a serious mistake. He may produce good special effects, but a writer he is not. The first three were corny, but at least semi-watchable for adults. I couldn't sit through episode I and didn't bother trying episode II. The casting, with few exceptions, is as bad as the writing. :thumdown:


05-17-05, 02:28 PM
Ever since the first movie, they have just been two hour commercials for toys.

05-17-05, 03:20 PM
I dare this guy to walk around the forests of the Pacific Northwest for ten minutes without a flak jacket.


05-17-05, 03:22 PM
Hmm... I didn't know I had this fetish... Hmmmmmm, Boba Fett.... :thumbup:


05-17-05, 05:26 PM
Hmm... I didn't know I had this fetish... Hmmmmmm, Boba Fett.... :thumbup:

Boba Fettish?

05-17-05, 05:28 PM
Boba Fettish?
That's it! :thumbup:

05-17-05, 08:40 PM
So let's make fun of some fans... :D

Link (http://www.capnwacky.com/sw/sw01.html)

:eek: To paraphrase William Shatner on "Saturday Night Live": It's just a movie! Get a life!!!!

Don Quixote
05-18-05, 09:31 AM
This one is a bit odd. :laugh:


05-18-05, 09:43 AM
Hmm... I didn't know I had this fetish... Hmmmmmm, Boba Fett.... :thumbup:


The girl in pink looks like she is thinking "all the work I did on my costume thinking I was going up against a bunch of bad Darth Vaders and I have to stand next to the hottest Bobba Fet in the galaxy".


05-18-05, 10:00 AM
I was a big fan of the first three movies. I still vividly remember my and the audience reaction to the opening sequence when the star destroyer passes overhead and keeps going and going and going. I ended up seeing the first one five times in the theater. I can’t say that about any other movie except midnight showings of Rocky Horror. I read all the books that came out afterward as well until there were so many I couldn’t keep up.

The prequel concept doesn’t really light me up. I have purchased the DVD's and enjoyed the last two but to me it’s just eye candy. I don’t have the same emotional response that I get from the original movies.

05-18-05, 10:46 AM
Hmm... I didn't know I had this fetish... Hmmmmmm, Boba Fett.... :thumbup:


I dub her Booby Fett. Can I say that? I hope, cuz it's making me laugh! :D

05-18-05, 10:47 AM
I was a big fan of the first three movies. I still vividly remember my and the audience reaction to the opening sequence when the star destroyer passes overhead and keeps going and going and going... The prequel concept doesn’t really light me up. I don’t have the same emotional response that I get from the original movies.
Not long ago a local radio guy described George Lucas as the abusive boyfriend of an entire generation. He was really good to us a long time ago, but now no matter how much he treats us like ****, we just keep going back to him, just to see if we can get the magic back. :laugh:

That summed it up for me.

05-18-05, 12:11 PM
Not long ago a local radio guy described George Lucas as the abusive boyfriend of an entire generation. He was really good to us a long time ago, but now no matter how much he treats us like ****, we just keep going back to him, just to see if we can get the magic back. :laugh:

That summed it up for me.
I found MAD TV's depiction of Lucas as an ewok suit wearing, crazy bastard coasting on past success the most accurate.


05-18-05, 11:55 PM
triumph the insult dog's star wars skit is as relevant today as it ever was

05-18-05, 11:57 PM
Hm, where to put this...F1 or Community...oh, let's try here... :p

For the Grand Prix of Monaco - the Red Bull Star Wars car (no full car shot, though):



05-19-05, 08:44 AM
Ever since the first movie, they have just been two hour commercials for toys.


I suppose we should be thankful Mel Brooks didn't try and cash in as well:

Space Balls VI - "Stuffed Crust Pizza the Hut Returns"

Sean O'Gorman
05-19-05, 09:28 AM

I suppose we should be thankful Mel Brooks didn't try and cash in as well:

Space Balls VI - "Stuffed Crust Pizza the Hut Returns"

Don't be too sure.


Mel Brooks penning Spaceballs sequel

Comedy veteran Mel Brooks has claimed he is hard at work on a sequel to his 1987 sci-fi spoof Spaceballs.

Brooks revealed all when he was asked by Playbill magazine if he would feature in the movie remake of his hit flick The Producers.

"It's doubtful, but I'm writing myself back into the Spaceballs sequel that I'm now writing, so you haven't seen the last of my face. Why another Spaceballs? It wouldn't feel right to have anyone else play Yoghurt, and the first one was the best experience I've had making a movie since Blazing Saddles," he explained.

So when can we expect to see the return of Lone Starr, Dark Helmet and Princess Vespa? Well, Brooks thinks it will go one of two ways, concluding: "Best case scenario: a week before the new Star Wars opens. Worst case scenario: a year after the new Star Wars opens."

05-19-05, 10:58 AM
There are some clever parady photo's here.

Link (http://www.worth1000.com/cache/contest/contestcache.asp?contest_id=6091&start=1&end=10&display=photoshop#entries)

05-19-05, 04:16 PM

"Me'sa gonna win da championship de-sa year."
-- Jaw-Jaw Binks Coulthard

05-19-05, 05:13 PM
"Me'sa gonna win da championship de-sa year."
-- Jaw-Jaw Binks Coulthard
Reason: It's "Couthard" not "Coultard" you rethard! um, no it's not (forgot the L in your reason). :gomer:

(Somebody 'Shop Jar Jar into that pic, please!)

05-19-05, 05:16 PM
(forgot the L in your reason)Arrgghh! :gomer:

05-21-05, 04:23 PM
Biggest. Opening. Evar.


So who's seen it? :thumbup: or :thumdown: ? I haven't heard one bad review yet. Planning to catch it next week once the loonies get their fix. :gomer:


05-21-05, 04:35 PM
I got tickets for an 8 oclock showing tonight. Back in time for the race.

05-21-05, 08:24 PM
Just got back from a Saturday matinee with my 12 year old son who is a Star Wars maniac! (I saw the first one when I was 12 also, so having that in common was kind of cool for me.)

Anyway, he absolutely loved it! Said it was the best movie ever! Maybe he's a better judge than I am. I thought it was pretty much like all the rest. And the sad part was that it was just predictable. No great revelations.
Seen IV, you've seen em all.

'NUT :gomer:

05-21-05, 11:45 PM
Seen IV, you've seen em all.

Well, the most SW afficianados would say that V is the bestest. III is supposedly somewhere 'tween IV and V. Tho, I read a review from Variety that said that V was the worst of the original trilogy. :saywhat:


05-22-05, 12:12 AM
Just got back. It met my expectations. I've wondered since 1977 if the 10 page Star Wars magazine, which came with the action figures, was correct in it’s telling of the story of Darth Vader; it was. So I’ve known for almost 30 years, the story of Lord Vader.

My dad took my sister and myself to see the episode IV the day it hit the theater in ’77. It was so packed that my dad actually sat in the isle on the floor (they didn’t care much about fire codes in ’77 I guess). So, as a bit of closing chapter to a wonderful series, my sis and I went together to see ‘Revenge’ tonight. I’m a bigger Lord of the Rings geek, because the books allow for a more intimate relationship with the story (boy that was a really geeky sentence), but Star Wars was always second. As a kid I would pretend I was Luke Skywalker and I would try to move things with my mind (hey, it was the ‘70’s and I was 9!).

So Lucas says this is the end of the line for him (but not necessarily the series). Word has it that a TV series is in the works. Not looking forward to that per se, as I’m sure it will be watered down and typical. But I might stop on it for a minute while flipping channels.

May the Force be with you.

Oh, and this article entitled ‘The Case for the Empire’, which was written in May 16 2002, changed the way I look at ‘The Dark Side’. Entertaining read for Star Wars fans.

The Case for the Empire (http://www.weeklystandard.com/Content/Public/Articles/000/000/001/248ipzbt.asp)

05-22-05, 01:40 AM
Well, the most SW afficianados would say that V is the bestest. III is supposedly somewhere 'tween IV and V. Tho, I read a review from Variety that said that V was the worst of the original trilogy. :saywhat:

V was the best, it was the only one not directed by lucas

the reasons the new ones suck is because harrison ford is not in them. His elment of humor is sorely needed. you could not even imagine him in these melodramatic ones :shakehead

05-22-05, 02:04 AM
V was the best, it was the only one not directed by lucas

the reasons the new ones suck is because harrison ford is not in them. His elment of humor is sorely needed. you could not even imagine him in these melodramatic ones :shakehead

VI was directed by Richard Marquand.

How, praytell, would Han Solo be incorparated into the 1, 2 and 3? He would have been a child.

I know, he could have been Darth Vader! :gomer:

05-22-05, 02:11 AM
How, praytell, would Han Solo be incorparated into the 1, 2 and 3? He would have been a child.

i wont pretend to be an expert on the story, but what i meant was a character like him was sorely needed in the current films.

05-22-05, 10:10 AM
the reasons the new ones suck is because harrison ford is not in them. His elment of humor is sorely needed. you could not even imagine him in these melodramatic ones :shakehead

Agreed. Epis I-III miss that type of character: the rogue, charming, sarcastic, and dashing hero. Sir Alec Guiness certainly helped IV gain instant credibility, tho. Samuel L. Jackson could have pulled that off, but not in the role in which Lucas hampered him. :(

On a side note, I saw a poll recently that had Jar-Jar as the most annoying SW character by far (~3:1).


05-22-05, 10:13 AM
Just got back. It met my expectations. I've wondered since 1977 if the 10 page Star Wars magazine, which came with the action figures, was correct in it’s telling of the story of Darth Vader; it was. So I’ve known for almost 30 years, the story of Lord Vader.

My dad took my sister and myself to see the episode IV the day it hit the theater in ’77. It was so packed that my dad actually sat in the isle on the floor (they didn’t care much about fire codes in ’77 I guess). So, as a bit of closing chapter to a wonderful series, my sis and I went together to see ‘Revenge’ tonight. I’m a bigger Lord of the Rings geek, because the books allow for a more intimate relationship with the story (boy that was a really geeky sentence), but Star Wars was always second. As a kid I would pretend I was Luke Skywalker and I would try to move things with my mind (hey, it was the ‘70’s and I was 9!).

So Lucas says this is the end of the line for him (but not necessarily the series). Word has it that a TV series is in the works. Not looking forward to that per se, as I’m sure it will be watered down and typical. But I might stop on it for a minute while flipping channels.

May the Force be with you.

Oh, and this article entitled ‘The Case for the Empire’, which was written in May 16 2002, changed the way I look at ‘The Dark Side’. Entertaining read for Star Wars fans.

The Case for the Empire (http://www.weeklystandard.com/Content/Public/Articles/000/000/001/248ipzbt.asp)
2c, you should write up a brief synopsis of all of this so the likes of Ank and SOG can comprehend the originals w/in the context of those times. ;)


05-22-05, 02:02 PM
context? what, you guys were hopped up on acid all day chasing tail in bell bottoms in your shaggin' wagon? :gomer:

Ep 1 == jumped the shark

you cannot unjump the shark. :gomer:

05-22-05, 02:13 PM
:thumdown: I never saw a comericial tie-in as I see with Star wars , I'm sure there'l be Yoda propylactics

star wars was always tied in with comercial BS :gomer:

05-22-05, 04:04 PM
context? what, you guys were hopped up on acid all day chasing tail in bell bottoms in your shaggin' wagon? :gomer:

Ep 1 == jumped the shark

you cannot unjump the shark. :gomer:

Bell bottoms? A bit before my time. Although i do have pictures of me in red plaid slacks with a white belt. I think the 'rents where the ones on acid. :)

BTW;Jumping the shark has jump the shark.

05-22-05, 04:06 PM
BTW;Jumping the shark has jump the shark.


05-22-05, 04:41 PM
context? what, you guys were hopped up on acid all day chasing tail in bell bottoms in your shaggin' wagon? :gomer:

I wasn't quite 11 when IV was released, f00:gomer:. It was more like a shaggin' sk8board @ the time. :cool:


05-22-05, 07:32 PM
$158mm! :eek:



06-09-05, 04:31 PM
this is a pretty funny take on the movie


06-09-05, 05:04 PM
Not enough Wookies. And I don’t see them as the kind of guys who’d use a bowcaster, frankly; they seem more like shotgun types. You would not want to fight an army of a pissed off Wookies with shotguns. I bet they drink, too. They’re probably always drunk all the time, which is why their language seems so incoherent; for all we know they’re not saying anything at all, just yelling. Because they’re all hammered.
:D :thumbup:

06-09-05, 05:17 PM
Spiderman could beat all of these clowns up without breaking up a sweat.

06-09-05, 07:15 PM
Gnam, the Wookie take is a classic.
