View Full Version : I guess this was inevitable...

06-22-05, 08:21 AM

06-22-05, 08:25 AM
Hey, this is what makes America great, the freedom to sell anything to any fool willing to pay for it. :thumbup:

06-22-05, 08:39 AM
I wish I'd videotaped it, but we were sitting right there and I'm pretty sure the marshal put it up against the outside of the actual track wall just after hopping through the hole in the fence, meaning this guy's full of it.

06-22-05, 08:52 AM
I wish I'd videotaped it, but we were sitting right there and I'm pretty sure the marshal put it up against the outside of the actual track wall just after hopping through the hole in the fence, meaning this guy's full of it.
I thought the same thing... the marshall didn't take it anywhere near the spectator fence.