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11-24-07, 05:25 AM
Gas down to $2.78 at the local quickee mart. Prices vary throughout the area though. Some upwards of $2.90.

12-11-07, 05:57 PM
That Motiva plant in PAT finally coming around: http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/bus/stories/121107dnbusrefinery.2894c91.html

Two foreign companies broke ground Monday on construction of the largest oil refinery in the U.S. in the Gulf Coast town of Port Arthur.

Motiva Enterprises LLC, owned by Royal Dutch Shell and Saudi Aramco, will invest $7 billion to expand an existing refinery.

That's the biggest capital investment Texas has ever received, and it comes at a time when refiners are enjoying fat profits, state officials said.

Some U.S. refiners are shy about expanding at home, where demand for fuel grows slowly. Instead, they're building overseas, where the appetite for fuel is more ravenous.


The expansion will more than double the capacity for the existing refinery to 600,000 barrels a day. It will make enough fuel to fill about 700,000 cars a day. The project should be finished in 2010.

The Port Arthur project will surpass Exxon Mobil Corp.'s facility in Beaumont, currently the largest U.S. refinery.


Most of the oil from Saudi Arabia and other Persian Gulf exporters now goes to Asia, and Saudi Aramco is investing heavily in new refining capacity in Korea, the Philippines and Japan as well as China.


In the U.S., Shell and Saudi Aramco have a strategy of building a high-tech refinery that can handle the worst – and cheapest – types of crude oil. Doing so keeps costs low and profit margins as wide as possible.

"If the going gets tough, then you need places of this complexity," said Rob Routs, head of downstream operations for Royal Dutch Shell.

Though refineries are enjoying wide profit margins now, Mr. Routs doubts the good times will last.

"Make no doubt about it, it will go back to that period of margins being very thin," he said, "close to zero."

In theory, a new refinery would add supply to the U.S. market and cause gasoline prices to fall. But there's a risk for investors – if Americans stop using so much fuel.

Officials at Monday's groundbreaking doubt that will happen anytime soon.


12-11-07, 06:07 PM
Ga$ here jumped up to $3.19 again right after Thxgiving, and recently dropped to $2.88 w/in the last day or so. $.50/gallon discount this month from Kroger. :thumbup:


01-22-08, 11:23 PM
$3.37 for Regular at Shell. The cheaper stations would probably be about five cents less than that. P

01-23-08, 01:06 AM
I've seen it as low as $2.899 at the local Arco. Oil companies are dumping the "winter blend" fuel into the market to get rid of excess inventory before they HAVE to start producing the more expensive summer blend. But, of course, they don't manipulate fuel prices. :shakehead

01-23-08, 01:36 AM
Range here has been $3.19 to $2.84 the past month. $2.84 the end of last week, jumped to $3.05 over the past few days. :irked:


01-23-08, 03:47 AM
$1.40 here this morning... :p

A litre!!! :cry:

01-23-08, 08:15 PM
I read the first page of this thread just to have a look. It started back in 05...people talking about $2.02/gallon. Thats nuts.

01-23-08, 09:06 PM
Today....Northwest Chicago Suburbs.....
$3.09.(and of course ".9")

What Whit Dat last .9 all the time anyway?

I'm on a roll..


01-23-08, 09:20 PM
Today....Northwest Chicago Suburbs.....
$3.09.(and of course ".9")

What Whit Dat last .9 all the time anyway?

I'm on a roll..


Marketing. The same as $.99 vs. $1. Psycholology, yo. :gomer:


01-23-08, 09:34 PM
:rofl: :rofl: OK... my $.001 "sense"

01-23-08, 09:52 PM
Regular 87 just dipped under $3/g for the first time in months here in Southern Oregon

03-11-08, 11:18 AM
$3.44 as of 11am in Indy.

03-11-08, 11:20 AM
Yup. Shot up to $3.45 here in Cbus today. Up from $2.92 2 weeks ago. :( :cry:


Sean Malone
03-11-08, 11:28 AM
I paid $3.22 here in FL. I read it will get worse before it starts to come down once they switch over to summer production, but then they'll say summer demand is keeping it up.

I don't see an end to this until an alternative energy source is rolled out en masse.

03-11-08, 11:50 AM
Just saw $4.059 for diesel here in CT/RI. That's gonna hurt evereything that move by truck, and that's just about everything.

With diesel that high watch out for crop prices to climb as farmers start plantng and harvesting. Not to mention commercial fishing as they use a lot of fuel.

03-11-08, 11:52 AM
Last time I paid attention it was $3.47 for premium. I looked away as quick as I could. ;)

03-11-08, 11:53 AM
That's it, I'm planting my own garden.

Anyone know the best place to get pork chop seeds?

03-11-08, 12:06 PM
Just overheard the gas station owner telling an employee that prices are going up a dime tonight. Fill 'er up.

03-11-08, 12:29 PM
It was $3.17 for Chevron regular a couple of days ago.
Living <4 miles from work is a good thing...

03-11-08, 02:23 PM
good thing it's warmed up during the day, $$$ hikes just in time for cycle-commute season.

03-11-08, 03:27 PM
$3.49 for regular here

Diesel is almost $3.85

Past few weeks seeing everything retail start to skyrocket as costs are being passed on to the consumer. I dont know how people can live on minimum wage in these times.

03-11-08, 03:32 PM
$3.49 for regular here

Diesel is almost $3.85

Past few weeks seeing everything retail start to skyrocket as costs are being passed on to the consumer. I dont know how people can live on minimum wage in these times. Not much fun for folks on a fixed income either.


03-11-08, 03:40 PM
Not much fun for folks on a fixed income either.


Aren't we all on a fixed income? I get paid what I gets paid no matter how much ga$ co$ts. :( On the bright side, tho, them gov rebate checks will come in handy for when $4 ga$ arrives. :gomer: :saywhat: :(


03-11-08, 06:47 PM
~$1.40 /litre here and heading north. Good thing I live 4k from work and get paid 50c for every k I rack up on the job. :)

03-11-08, 07:03 PM
Diesel is now 3.65......:shakehead Now riding the KTM to work...:thumbup:

03-11-08, 07:08 PM
~$1.40 /litre here and heading north. Good thing I live 4k from work and get paid 50c for every k I rack up on the job. :)

Can you translate dat shizzle into English? :gomer: ;)


03-11-08, 11:10 PM
$1.40 a litre is $5.30 a gallon, but he's probably using some other funky kind of dollars... :p

edit: ~$4.89 US or so.

03-12-08, 12:08 AM
$3.369/gal in NW Indiana :eek:

And its going to keep going up. This summer is going to suck.

03-12-08, 10:30 AM
I was filling up in Fox Lake, IL this morning at Dominicks for $3.19, but while I was filling, the attendant was using binoculars to see if the Jewel across the street had raised their prices yet(they hadn't). I'm guessing they were only minutes away from going up to $3.30 or more. :eek:

03-12-08, 11:41 AM
And its going to keep going up. This summer is going to suck.

Especially for us on the PA turnpike in August. They still had a $50 limit per fillup on the pumps last summer. :saywhat:

The geniuses in the oHIo House are trying to pass gouging legislation that restricts increases to $.07 and requires notification of increases. That'll fix the $109 cost per barrel and lack of refining capacity. Yup. Idiots. :saywhat:


03-12-08, 01:06 PM
$3.35 this morning for regular. It went up 10 cents since I filled up on Saturday.

03-12-08, 01:29 PM
$3.20 for 85.

Elmo T
03-12-08, 01:29 PM
We are headed south to the Land of the Mouse this weekend. We opted to drive as airfare was about $2200 roundtrip for 4 :saywhat: . We paid about $1300 for 5 over Thanskgiving.

At this point, I am not sure which would have been cheaper.

03-12-08, 01:58 PM
$3.459 in Indy this morning, up by about 25 cents overnight.

03-12-08, 02:59 PM
$3.69 for V-Power today.

04-12-08, 10:39 AM
Cheapest gas price I've seen anywhere. (http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080411/ap_on_fe_st/odd_cheap_gas)

opinionated ow
04-12-08, 10:51 AM
Currently about $5.13 (USD)/ USG at this point in time!:eek:

its bloody expensive petrol at the moment!

04-12-08, 10:52 AM
Oh yeah, I bought gas yesterday. I paid $3.639 for regular at a Shell station. I might have to start looking outside of Shell for gas.

04-12-08, 12:00 PM
We peaked this week @ $3.69, so I expect $3.45 will happen next week after the price drops back to $3.25 early next week. :saywhat: :irked: :cry: In the meantime, I'm seeing $.50 jumps across the board @ the grocery store. What was $2 on special is now $2.50, etc., and the number of specials has decreased significantly. We used to get things for the kids 10/$1 regularly, but they haven't on 'special' for over a month now. Ouch.


04-12-08, 06:43 PM
Paid $3.56/g this afternoon at fillup

Cost freaking $64 today for around 18 gallons
(19.9 g tank)

Can remember the good ole days back in 2004 when it only cost me $44 to fill the entire tank, with 92 Octane

04-12-08, 08:57 PM
Holding pretty steady at $3.19 at the loss-leader stations (Sheetz, Wawa, etc) and $3.24 at the major retailers. That didn't ease the blow when we found out this week that the top 30-35 city officials had been giving themselves gas/mileage reimbursements, even though they were driving city-owned vehicles. :saywhat: :flame:

04-13-08, 10:58 AM
I paid $1.29 per litre last night to fill my car with Premium what a rip off .. by contrast when I wasn in Venezuela over the Christmas holidays it cost me $5.50 usd to fill my father in law's SUV FULL.

04-13-08, 02:02 PM
I paid $1.29 per litre last night to fill my car with Premium what a rip off .. by contrast when I wasn in Venezuela over the Christmas holidays it cost me $5.50 usd to fill my father in law's SUV FULL.

You do realize that Chavez is driving the gov't deficit through the roof subsidizing the price of gasoline...

04-13-08, 02:39 PM
You do realize that Chavez is driving the gov't deficit through the roof subsidizing the price of gasoline...

And Cuba.

04-14-08, 12:05 PM
I paid 3.389 this morning for 87 octane. Prices have been fairly stable here in Indy for quite some time.

Stable means 20 to 30 cent spikes followed by slow decay over 10 to 14 days, but within the same band.

04-14-08, 12:27 PM
Here in far far far west Texas, about $3.20 per gallon up to $3.32 for regular unleaded.

What is funny is that some gas station across from each other can have a price difference up to $0.15 and people still choose the more expensive.

04-14-08, 10:08 PM
Here in far far far west Texas, about $3.20 per gallon up to $3.32 for regular unleaded.

What is funny is that some gas station across from each other can have a price difference up to $0.15 and people still choose the more expensive.

If it's a right turn in, right turn out on a busy, multi-lane road with no stop-light assist, then it is worth $0.15/gal not to have to wiat several minutes to get in and out

04-14-08, 11:53 PM
$3.39 here today. :irked:


04-15-08, 08:48 AM
$3.49 all over the Chicago suburbs yesterday, saw premium at $3.77....

04-15-08, 09:09 AM
$3.49 all over the Chicago suburbs yesterday, saw premium at $3.77....

Many of those same places are $3.55 this morning! :flame: :yuck: :cry:

04-15-08, 11:23 AM
Went to Phoenix Cup race (Towing 5th wheel)
Diesel between $3.97 and $4.59
663 mile round trip.
79 gallons of fuel.
$350 in fuel.
$.52 per mile
8.392 miles per gallon

04-15-08, 12:55 PM
All that to see something that blows. Looks good on you, though. ;) [/AlCzervik]

04-15-08, 07:11 PM
All that to see something that blows. Looks good on you, though. ;) [/AlCzervik]

:laugh: .68 a lap... ouch. Good humor.

I'll keep my eye open for some more straight man material. ;)

Brain stuff: http://tonto.eia.doe.gov/oog/info/twip/twip.asp

opinionated ow
04-16-08, 04:51 AM
Our bloody moron Prime Minister's new grand plan is to force servos to have their price rises advertised by 1400 on the previous day. All this will do is lower the average price; as it is we pay on average 10c/L less on a Tuesday than just about any other day. Killing off "Cheap Tuesday" will piss off a whole continent.

04-16-08, 12:38 PM
Ummm, gas costs less on Tuesdays in Australia:confused: :confused:

opinionated ow
04-16-08, 06:20 PM
Ummm, gas costs less on Tuesdays in Australia:confused: :confused:

there is an unofficial weekly discount cycle. Tuesdays are often 10c/L cheaper than Wednesday. It generally stays high until Sunday when it comes down a bit and then a bit more on Monday.

this week
Tuesday: $1.375
Wednesday: $1.529

04-16-08, 06:40 PM
Yeah well the process is totally random here.:rolleyes: :shakehead :cry:

$3.399 for Chevron regular today.

04-16-08, 09:27 PM
there is an unofficial weekly discount cycle. Tuesdays are often 10c/L cheaper than Wednesday. It generally stays high until Sunday when it comes down a bit and then a bit more on Monday.

this week
Tuesday: $1.375
Wednesday: $1.529

$1.375 here today, (Thursday) with the fuelwatch system you are bitching about in place. I am no Rudd fan but it does seem to work.

opinionated ow
04-17-08, 04:24 AM
$1.375 here today, (Thursday) with the fuelwatch system you are bitching about in place. I am no Rudd fan but it does seem to work.

None of the East Coast believes it though.... We only paid $1.319 last Tuesday

04-17-08, 08:05 AM
I bought on Tuesday for $1.22, which is probably close to cost price if not below cost; Wednesday, the price jumped to $1.35.

Under Fuelwatch, the price would probably be a constant $1.30. :\

70% of retail fuel sold in Australia is purchased on a Monday and Tuesday because of the discount cycle. And it's a two week cycle.

04-17-08, 01:22 PM
$3.96/gal in NorCal. Can't wait for summer.

04-17-08, 01:29 PM
I bought on Tuesday for $1.22, which is probably close to cost price if not below cost; Wednesday, the price jumped to $1.35.

Under Fuelwatch, the price would probably be a constant $1.30. :\

70% of retail fuel sold in Australia is purchased on a Monday and Tuesday because of the discount cycle. And it's a two week cycle.

Around here, we used to follow a similiar 'cycle' where ga$ would drop to it's low point on Tues and then go up on Wed. Now it's just random madness with increases happening whenever. :irked: :saywhat:


04-17-08, 10:37 PM
Filled up the van today, $104.02. Last week was $98.50. :shakehead

04-18-08, 07:50 AM
Filled up the van today, $104.02. Last week was $98.50. :shakehead

company credit card?

04-18-08, 08:19 AM
The scooter will be rocking this summer. :tony: :dude:

04-18-08, 08:47 AM
I spotted $3.45 yesterday in 'downtown' Dublin. :saywhat: When I was in Bunglore last summer, kids were riding on motor bikes with their dads all over the place. I'm wondering if I can get away with that around here? :gomer: :saywhat:


04-18-08, 08:48 AM
$4.49 for diesel on the near NW side of Chicago.

04-18-08, 06:00 PM
company credit card?


04-18-08, 08:06 PM
They're gonna change the saying to:
Gas, Gas, or Gas. No one rides for free.

04-23-08, 11:52 AM
dayum 3.65 regggelar here in indy. 4 airlines in BK, retailers closing up, food prices way up....pretty depressing.


WTF is the solution? yeah, get a scooter, but beyond that, what are we going to do?

04-23-08, 11:55 AM
$3.59 in Cbus yesterday. :irked: Solution: What do they all a family of 4 on a scooter in India? A Mumbai minivan. :D


Sean Malone
04-23-08, 02:19 PM
dayum 3.65 regggelar here in indy. 4 airlines in BK, retailers closing up, food prices way up....pretty depressing.


WTF is the solution? yeah, get a scooter, but beyond that, what are we going to do?

It's an easy two step process;

Step 1 - Invade an oil producing country
Step 2 - Take their oil

Step 1 is done. Still waiting for step 2. :flame:

04-23-08, 02:22 PM
Step 3: depose socialist scumbag and build Caracas to Houston pipeline

04-23-08, 02:26 PM
There is a whole lot more oil in Canada. We could use the wood, water and diamonds too. Plus if the global warming trends continue the grain belt will move north. And we would control the northwest passage. Yep they need to finish the job they botched in 1812...

04-23-08, 11:01 PM
I paid $4.069 a gallon for premium today. F***ing outrageous. :flame:

And no, Spiklee, that wasn't for the company van...

04-23-08, 11:43 PM
I paid $4.069 a gallon for premium today. F***ing outrageous. :flame:

And no, Spiklee, that wasn't for the company van...


guess we stay home and drink from here on....

sad indeed.

Dirk Diggler
04-24-08, 12:19 AM
Came back from filling up the car today feeling like I needed a rape shower, only to find the bill for our oil heat had arrived...

HOLY F****!!!!!!!!!:flame:

04-24-08, 11:13 AM
$3.75 for the cheap stuff.:shakehead

04-24-08, 12:15 PM
Gas here is $1.25/litre, which works out to about $4.76/gallon. That's for the lowest grade.

It's gonna cost me just short of $100 to fill up the van today. :eek:

04-24-08, 12:23 PM
$3.47 for 85

04-24-08, 01:59 PM

guess we stay home and drink from here on....

sad indeed.


Except for the alcohol shortage due to...

Low prices are gone for good.

04-24-08, 05:04 PM
Okay, that wasn't quite as bad as I thought. Our gas station's price was $1.224/litre, and the total was $85 - so I was either 10 litres off on our van's fuel tank capacity, or the Empty light was lying. :D

04-24-08, 07:51 PM
Except for the alcohol shortage due to... Yep, that was brilliant. Lets turn food into fuel so we can have high fuel prices and high food prices... :gomer:

US gas price map (http://www.oregongasprices.com/price_by_county.aspx)

04-24-08, 09:11 PM
Yep, that was brilliant. Lets turn food into fuel so we can have high fuel prices and high food prices...

Article focusing more on global food issues, but mentions crops-for-fuel, possible pressure on the EU to change their biofuels targets:


"Protests and riots have broken out in several developing countries in response to the rising costs of staples such as corn, wheat and rice. The rising prices are due to a combination of poor harvests, rising energy prices, growing demand in India and China, and the increasing use of fields to produce corn for ethanol."

04-26-08, 02:38 PM
I was passing by my usual Shell station and decided I may as well stop and get some gas. The price for regular is $3.91xx. I kept going.

04-26-08, 03:48 PM
Free gas for me this weekend. We took back a lease turn-in with 3/4 of a tank. I'm not giving that gas to the bank!


04-29-08, 12:27 PM
$3.65 in Cbus this AM. Had dropped to $3.51 when I got ga$ on Sun. OPEC sez oil could reach $200/barrel, and one economist has stated that ga$ could reach $10/gallon. :saywhat: :irked:



05-07-08, 02:00 PM
$3.45 yesterday, $3.79 today. :irked: :saywhat: *sigh*


05-07-08, 02:05 PM
Lowest (At Arco/BP station)

$3.55 last week .. $3.71 today

Elmo T
05-07-08, 02:49 PM
I was out inspecting a gas station installing two new underground tanks today: two 15K's. I was doing the math on what it was going to cost to top them off the first time. :saywhat:

FWIW - the Amoco station across the street had premium at $4.09.

05-13-08, 10:25 AM
$3.95 for 87 today, boys & girls. It was $3.67 on the NW side and $3.59 on the NE side yesterday. :irked: :( :cry:


opinionated ow
05-13-08, 11:05 AM
at the moment here it is AUD 1.439/L which works out to be oh just USD 5.12/USG...and I have to travel 1700km this week. Thank goodness my Daewoo will do 6.0L/100km or 39.2mi/USG

05-13-08, 11:31 AM
at the moment here it is AUD 1.439/L which works out to be oh just USD 5.12/USG...and I have to travel 1700km this week. Thank goodness my Daewoo will do 6.0L/100km or 39.2mi/USG

The local news reported some ga$ prices from around the world this AM: $8 in Norway, $10 in Bosnia, $12 in Aruba, $18 in Sierra Leone, $.12 in Venezuela. :irked:


05-13-08, 11:40 AM
Thank God for Sam's and Costco Clubs. They have a regular gallon for about $3.49 that is about .10 lower than the cheapest gas station in town. Some prices today as high as $3.89 at Chevron.

And I was really upset to see two cars pouring gas at chevron where there is a Valero station across the street with gas at $3.75. :flame::flame:

When are going to learn...

05-13-08, 01:02 PM
$.12 in Venezuela. :irked:

And that really helps take the edge off when you're pulling down $500/yr. living in a craphole. ;)

05-13-08, 01:50 PM
$1.26/litre, $4.77/gallon. Glad I have the Golf this week, can get 700km (435 miles) on one tank.

05-13-08, 03:41 PM
Dropped $.06 by lunch to $3.89. Same thing happened last week. :irked:


05-13-08, 04:10 PM
Yep, that was brilliant. Lets turn food into fuel so we can have high fuel prices and high food prices... :gomer:

US gas price map (http://www.oregongasprices.com/price_by_county.aspx)

one thing that holds in general, ist hat fuel prices in large towns are cheaper than the surrounding rural areas.

05-13-08, 04:13 PM
one thing that holds in general, ist hat fuel prices in large towns are cheaper than the surrounding rural areas.

That has always been the case. The further you have to truck the fuel, the more expensive it is.