View Full Version : if you're a murderer don't post on the interweb
this is the facebook profile of a murder, also a UT frat****
it's interesting noticing the collection of capone and gotti quotes he has, as well his fav movies being donnie brasco, godfather, and casino... the ****er murdered and mutilated his gf at a popular apt complex where pretty much everyone hung out at one time or another, he's on the run now after her family had to break down his door to find her :shakehead
the interweb is interesting stuff, apparently 2 of my friends are freinds with him, according to facebook degrees of seperation, the last student murder I can recall is some kid, the best friend of my roomie at the time, having The Club implanted into his skull by some other dude, who was sleeping with my closest chick friend at the time, in front of my apt building on sat night...
alright, dunno wtf the problem is but I can't post a thread half the time b/c it's more than like, 50 words...
the news stations are slow to come out with info on her b/c it's pretty ****ing gross, dude deserves to have a dog bit off his balls... no one deserves to have this happen to their kid, especially if they're sending 'em off to school on their own... :(
anyways, I guess the moral of the story is if you're out mutilating chicks, don't post on the interweb, or everyone and their mother from your school is going to find out, and then it's pretty hard to be hiding out on the lamb....
honestly, who the F#$@ names their kid "Colton"....
08-21-05, 02:15 AM
Pretty grim stuff Ank. Sorry you are within so few degrees of separation. What a way to ruin your Saturday night.
As an FYI, you have to register after clicking the first link. After your glowing description of what I'd find there, I decided to pass. You gave enough details, even with the * treatment. :(
08-21-05, 03:18 AM
I passed on the registry thing too. I don't need another database knowing anything about me.
08-21-05, 09:40 AM
It's easy to just go through the days not thinking about the bad stuff because it happens to other people. It's scary when the 'other people' are people you know. Sorry to hear, Ank. :(
Sean O'Gorman
08-21-05, 12:16 PM
Pretty grim stuff Ank. Sorry you are within so few degrees of separation. What a way to ruin your Saturday night.
As an FYI, you have to register after clicking the first link. After your glowing description of what I'd find there, I decided to pass. You gave enough details, even with the * treatment. :(
You guys can't register there anyway, you need an e-mail address from an approved list of colleges, and even then, you can't see people from other schools unless they approve you first.
From what Ank told me, they knew each other beforehand, they didn't meet over the Internet. Still, people put alot of personal information on that site, I even have friends who have their phone numbers listed. :saywhat:
08-21-05, 12:17 PM
Creepy stuff, Ank. Sorry to hear about this. Some of the things you learn about and the people you get to know in college aren't exactly things you want to follow you through life.
One of my classmates had her boyfriend brutally murder her parents. Both of them were Echols Scholars = 100% free ride and basically make up your own curriculum. Both scary smart (and creepy) as hell.
Elizabeth Haysom (
Another classmate ended up marrying Mike Tyson... after (allegedly - don't feel like getting sued or killed today ;) ) having a relationship with a lieutenant of the Pablo Escobar of Washington, D.C. (Rafel Edmonds' D.C. drug gang), back when we were in school. Well, I figured she would have made a good pharmacist - who knew she'd finally get her stuff together and become a doctor... and marry a "nice" guy like (rusted) Iron Mike? Well, looks like she's gonna get paid for her troubles. Monica Turner aka half of the 1983 D.C. Party Girls Team (
I was trying to find enough of my deadbeat ex-classmates to go to the UVA Rolling Stones concert with me. In one discussion, we were trying to figure out which of these girls was the most screwed up. I still can't decide.
From what Ank told me, they knew each other beforehand, they didn't meet over the Internet. Still, people put alot of personal information on that site, I even have friends who have their phone numbers listed. :saywhat:
yea, they were in a relationship... didn't mean to put forth the impression they met off the net and he did what he did, it's just funny how involved the internet is in the lives of people my age, friendster, myspace, facebook, AIM, I've met a fair amount of really cute girls my first couple of years of school just cuz some random chick decided to IM me on some random afternoon... this dude's got a douchey facebook page, you could see his UT profile info on the UT directory, then there was his page at the delt wbsite which has since been pulled... it's just all really weird... facebook's a cool way to meet peeps from school, lots of ppl hook up and stuff... i've gotten in touch with a boatload of buddies from HS and folks who transferred out of UT, friends from first year, the dorm, old roommates, you name it, wouldn't happen otherwise seeing as I lost touch with some of these folks 5+ years ago... a few of them have found their way to Dallas and I have lunch with 'em or hit up happy hour with 'em every now and then, it is more of a "whipper-snapper" thing though ;)
dude still needs his balls bitten off by a rabid doberman :mad:
I'll never forget leaving school my first May and hearing on the evening news "and we just had our 5th homocide in austin last night" and thinking "holy ****! only five in 5 months?" it's really just not that pervasive in central/downtown Austin, now sexual assault is another matter entirely and it's pretty reprehensible how the UT admins try to sweep it under the rug...
Ah, the power of the Facebook. :D
Ah, the power of the Facebook. :D
you know you're the oldest guy on there right? :D
you know you're the oldest guy on there right? :Dhaha, yeah, I guess. I had never heard of it until I went to DC this summer. A bunch of the interns were talking about it and I signed up just for kicks and giggles. :gomer:
makes sense... he's in Mexico now, he updated his facebook the night of the murder too... officials are saying gangsta-fly boy was dealing too...
he'll get caught, too much cooperation between APD and mexico, her local congressman is an ex-sherrif who once found a guy in Acapulco too, the fam's spokesman is a well-known ex-sherrif as well... gangsta-style fratboy gringo on the run in Mexico will get pwn3d. either arrested or shanked.
nabbed the ****er in mexico :thumbup:
found in messiko in piedras negras across from eagle pass...
he bought a hacksaw, rubbing alcohol, and latex gloves at this hardware store said he was "cutting up a turkey."
douche ran with supposedly his ex
The Lone Star Fugitive Task Force, comprising U.S. marshals, Austin police and others, began working on the case immediately after Cave's body was found.
They got a break when a man called Austin police and said he had not heard from his daughter, 22-year-old UT student Laura Hall, and thought she might be with Pitonyak. He told them she drove a Cadillac.
"The father had a concern that his daughter was incommunicado," said Hector Gomez, a supervisory deputy U.S. marshal in Austin.
Gomez said they began checking border crossings, speculating that the pair might have been heading to Mexico.
Early Friday, a surveillance camera captured the Cadillac crossing the border into Piedras Negras, across the Rio Grande from Eagle Pass.
"We speculated, we went on a hunch that he would stay in Piedras Negras, that he was a 22-year-old student who didn't speak a lick of Spanish and that he would be laying low," Gomez said.
Laura Hall's got a facebook too...
looks like they're in the same movie club:
Favorite Movies: Pulp Fiction, Scarface, Carlito's Way, Heat, Donnie Brasco, Scent of a Woman, Rounders, Ronin, Devil in a Blue Dress, Blackula, and Dracula, in that order.
and yet even MORE ****ed up...
Favorite Quote: "You're part music and part blood, part thinker and part killer. And if you can find all of that within you and control it, then you deserve to be set apart." -Peter Straub, Shadowland
Additional Info: I should really be more of a horrific person. Its in the works.
08-24-05, 09:35 PM
If I feel this creeped-out by the whole thing, I can only imagine how you must feel, Ank! :eek: Strange world we live in.
"Mr. Aziz described Hall's manner as that of romanticizing the idea of her and Pitonyak being gangsters," the warrant by Detective Mark Gilchrest said.
I bet the one chick walked in on the other two and went berserk... and he tried to help cover it up...
08-27-05, 01:10 PM
That's curious. I wonder what prompted Mexican cops to turn over a guy that will probably get either life in prison (if he's lucky) or the death penalty, Mexico doesn't condone either one and usually refuses to turn over suspects that might face those penalties.
That's curious. I wonder what prompted Mexican cops to turn over a guy that will probably get either life in prison (if he's lucky) or the death penalty, Mexico doesn't condone either one and usually refuses to turn over suspects that might face those penalties.
there's a fair amount of co-operation between TX and MX law enforcement, but I agree with you about that...
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