View Full Version : R.I.P. William Rehnquist
the cancer did him in.
F the cancer.
09-05-05, 09:30 AM
I'll second your "F the cancer". :mad:
watched an interview with him taped in 2001 last night. Very good.
He will be hard to replace, they dont make guys like this anymore
RIP American
09-05-05, 12:02 PM
I disagreed with him more than I agreed, but he's absolutely one of the most important men of his generation. I do hope the media doesn't let Katrina overshadow his passing.
09-05-05, 12:58 PM
I do hope the media doesn't let Katrina overshadow his passing.
Johnny Carson once said that his biggest fear was getting Killed in a Plane Crash and the headline would read
Pope killed in Plane Crash ... World Mourns .....
pg. 30 ... Johnny Carson also on board
Press will cover Renquist, but the choice to replace him so quickly (Roberts) will get bigger Press ...coulda waited till they buried him at least!
he's O'Conner's replacement...
09-05-05, 02:30 PM
he's O'Conner's replacement...
Check the News from this morning ... I sometimes do check things before I post ... not always but sometimes !! ;)
Bush elevated the nomination of Roberts to Chief Justice and asked O'Connor to stay on for a bit till he found a replacement for her ..
Roberts is no longer her replacement !
My comment was to say that he could have waited to Elevate Roberts till the end of the Week, thus giving Renquist his due... Now the Press will be focusing on Roberts as Chief Justice .. then the Hurricane... then the Renquist Legacy
Check the News from this morning ... I sometimes do check things before I post ... not always but sometimes !! ;)
Bush elevated the nomination of Roberts to Chief Justice and asked O'Connor to stay on for a bit till he found a replacement for her ..
Roberts is no longer her replacement !
My comment was to say that he could have waited to Elevate Roberts till the end of the Week, thus giving Renquist his due... Now the Press will be focusing on Roberts as Chief Justice .. then the Hurricane... then the Renquist LegacyWasn't Robert's confirmation hearing to begin Tuesday? Thereby necessitating the timing?
(I didn't check this before I posted. :gomer: )
:gomer: heh, well look at that... go figure.
09-05-05, 03:53 PM
Wasn't Robert's confirmation hearing to begin Tuesday? Thereby necessitating the timing?
(I didn't check this before I posted. :gomer: )
It was.... but it was going to be delayed .... because of Renquist death ... that's what I heard on the TV !
However it wasn't FOX, so it was probably a lie ! :gomer: :gomer:
09-05-05, 04:03 PM
Well so far today It's been all "Katrina Coverage" then time permitting, Roberts to Chief Justice coverage, with the occasional reference to the Guy he would be replacing, whatzizname !! ;)
Well so far today It's been all "Katrina Coverage" then time permitting, Roberts to Chief Justice coverage, with the occasional reference to the Guy he would be replacing, whatzizname !! ;)
If it bleeds, it leads! :cry:
09-05-05, 06:28 PM
Can we talk about Rehnquist now?
Can we talk about Rehnquist now?
Who? :D
09-05-05, 09:12 PM
RIP Renquist!!!
Front page of tomorrow's paper: Drew Weatherford & Kyle Wright are a couple of overrated scrubs. :gomer: :D
Ivan Maisel's "3 point stance" today on
"3. Note to fellow Disney employees at ABC News: I'm a big news junkie, too. I want to know when the Chief Justice dies. But the next time you interrupt a two-point Clemson-Texas A&M game with Clemson driving for the game-winning field goal in the last three minutes, could you go" werd. :thumbup:
The Chief Justice will be remembered as one of the most influential men of our time. Judge Roberts will be a fine replacement. The opening for Sandra Day will be another conservative, that has the same political views as the Pres.
RIP Chief!
I wonder if the stripes on the robe will stay. I'm on the fence about those.
Roberts might turn out to be modest and unassuming and might feel uncomfortable with them (especially being the junior member of the court thrust into the leadership role). But then again it would be sort of disrespectful to Rehnquist to immediately remove them.
Pat Robertson's prayers are answered.
09-07-05, 09:51 AM
Since Rehnquist put the stripes on himself, I think the next person should get to choose whatever they want.
Let's just hope it's not Clarence Thomas -- he would probably borrow something from Hef....
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