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09-21-05, 03:32 PM
No postseason, two years probation for Ohio Northern (http://www2.ncaa.org/media_and_events/press_room/2005/april/20050921_ohionorthern_infractions_rls.html) :flame:

INDIANAPOLIS --- The NCAA Division III Committee on Infractions has placed Ohio Northern University on two years probation and banned its football team from 2005 postseason competition for conducting a number of impermissible out-of-season practices.

The committee also rendered a finding of unethical conduct against the former head football coach for knowingly violating the out-of-season practice bylaws and asking other coaches and student-athletes to provide false or misleading information to investigators.

The institution terminated the head coach following an internal investigation into the practices, all of which took place during summer 2003.

Between June and mid-August of that year, the former head coach and one of his assistants attended and provided skill instruction at "throwing sessions" attended by the quarterback and wide receivers. The coaches tracked who attended and contacted absentees.

During the week of August 18-23 of that year, the week prior to fall football camps, the coaches conducted larger practice sessions with position players. The players were divided by position and provided with skill instruction by members of the coaching staff.

The violations were discovered when athletics department staff members notified the athletics director of the practices.

In a nutshell,
- the football coach organizes illegal practices
- the school catches the coach and immediately fires him and several assistants and reports the incident to the NCAA
- two years later, the NCAA lays the smackdown on a bunch of kids and a new head coach who had zip-zero-zilch-nada to do with the original incident and bans the No. 5 team in the nation from the postseason
- the ******* ex-coach gets a slap-on-the-wrist "finding of unethical conduct" when what he should have got was a swift kick to the groin :flame:

So much for those national championship hopes... :cry:

09-21-05, 03:51 PM
ex-coach gets a slap-on-the-wrist "finding of unethical conduct" when what he should have got was a swift kick to the groin The NCAA has been broken for a very long time. Anyone involved should have been banned and anyone not involved should have be left unmolested. Their theory on dinging the school is that it will encourage them to police themselves, but they way it actually works is that it encourages the school to cover up anything they find.


09-21-05, 05:38 PM
Your bitching about Ohio Northern Football, how do you think I felt when it was UK Basketball? Thank God we had Pitino come in and had a group of guys who would "play for free", as a matter of fact I think they only lost a game or two, the "Unforgettables".

It stinks, UK's football program has never been spectacular and it seems that year after year they are dealing with problems from a former coaching staff who gets to move on and enjoy life while the kids, supporters and the University pays the price. Brand is doing nothing to right wrongs in the NCAA as far as I'm concerned. Until the coaches and their staffs pay the same price as the kids and the schools they affected I'll never look at the NCAA in a positive light.

09-21-05, 06:00 PM
Your bitching about Ohio Northern Football, how do you think I felt when it was UK Basketball?
This is personal because these guys are my friends. I know the work they have put in over the past year with three goals in mind: beating Mount Union, making the playoffs, and winning the national championship. They made a big step towards goals No. 2 & 3 last week with a huge win over Baldwin-Wallace.

Oh, BTW, during the NCAA's press conference the committe chair admitted that they did not know if the players knew the practices violated rules. :shakehead

09-21-05, 06:04 PM
This is personal because these guys are my friends. I know the work they have put in over the past year with three goals in mind: beating Mount Union, making the playoffs, and winning the national championship. They made a big step towards goals No. 2 & 3 last week with a huge win over Baldwin-Wallace.

Oh, BTW, during the NCAA's press conference the committe chair admitted that they did not know if the players knew the practices violated rules. :shakehead

Sorry,didn't mean to make it sound like ONU didn't matter, it just stinks, the way the NCAA handles this stuff.

09-21-05, 06:18 PM

So? Everyone Cheats.

:D :gomer:

Jervis Tetch 1
09-22-05, 12:21 AM
Do they ever play within the rules in Ohio? :gomer: :p ;)

09-22-05, 12:27 AM
Do they ever play within the rules in Ohio? :gomer: :p ;)

like you had to ask ;)

09-22-05, 12:36 AM
i agree the NCAA is pretty lame.

09-22-05, 01:00 AM
i agree the NCAA is pretty lame.

Just like the SC playgirl model riding a white pony :gomer:

09-22-05, 01:51 AM
Just like the SC playgirl model riding a white pony :gomer:

well Texas is so relevent that i dont even know its mascot. :gomer:

actually the rider is not a student

CART T. Katz
09-22-05, 07:29 PM
one thing on uk though, they had a monopoly before they played louisville. really. we were still a provincial school whose fanbase barely left the county's boundaries if it got that far out at all. now they aren't helping themselves, not becase they suck (no cardinal colored glasses on here. kentucky has essentially run off probably the best coach they had since bear bryant in guy moriss. how good? he scared me into thinking that maybe lessington would actually be good in football. as in BEAT TENESSEE good :eek: ) but because they have admitted to the state and the country that they are the second best team in the state, maybe third best behind western ky, when they moved the uofl-uk game when played in lessington. YOU CAN'T GET BIG RECRUITS BY MOVING THE GAME DATE.

i think that the current athetic administration has set back kentucky football at least 20 or 30 years and the gap gets wider with every louisville success. if louisville does the impossible and wins the national championship this year or next year, there will probably not be a large portion of kentucky players on the team outside the general fayette county area for at least 10 years.

oh, yeah, the ncaa does suck. now they are extending the indian name ban out to the bowl games? :shakehead gimme a break miles brand. :thumdown:

09-22-05, 09:14 PM
one thing on uk though, they had a monopoly before they played louisville. really. we were still a provincial school whose fanbase barely left the county's boundaries if it got that far out at all. now they aren't helping themselves, not becase they suck (no cardinal colored glasses on here. kentucky has essentially run off probably the best coach they had since bear bryant in guy moriss. how good? he scared me into thinking that maybe lessington would actually be good in football. as in BEAT TENESSEE good :eek: ) but because they have admitted to the state and the country that they are the second best team in the state, maybe third best behind western ky, when they moved the uofl-uk game when played in lessington. YOU CAN'T GET BIG RECRUITS BY MOVING THE GAME DATE.

i think that the current athetic administration has set back kentucky football at least 20 or 30 years and the gap gets wider with every louisville success. if louisville does the impossible and wins the national championship this year or next year, there will probably not be a large portion of kentucky players on the team outside the general fayette county area for at least 10 years.

oh, yeah, the ncaa does suck. now they are extending the indian name ban out to the bowl games? :shakehead gimme a break miles brand. :thumdown:

You ain't said squat, Guy is like 3-0 at Baylor or some place. He was good and the goons at UK were against having a "competitive" team again I do believe. Look at this nut job now, Brooks, if they don't get rid of him and make Joker Phillips the iterm real quick, UK might as well do away with football. :shakehead