View Full Version : Stern's replacements
Sean O'Gorman
10-11-05, 02:46 PM
Eastern half of the US gets screwed:,2933,171724,00.html
So the west coast gets my idol Adam Carolla, and the east coast gets...Diamond Dave? :saywhat:
I hate Howard Stern (I'm an O&A fan but I rarely get to listen live), but I'd practically throw away my XM for an Adam Carolla morning show. How could you not like the guy who can claim responsibility for these quotes?
I miss the old crime. You know, when someone would try to tunnel into a bank rather than just march right in with the AK-47 ablaze. Or instead of rape at knifepoint, someone would just cop a feel. Or how about those people who just exposed themselves.
When I was in school, people would say to me, 'You're a moron. You're getting D's, and you should be getting... D's.' I never had that burgeoning Einstein inside of me. I had Uncle Fester in there instead.
When you have a kid, your life ends and your child's life begins.
I need a third species! I'm not into guys, and women are too much for me! I need something in between!
Ok I am done now. Just think, I have 2 interiews tomorrow for jobs that would take 50-60 hrs of my week, what would you guys do if I stopped posting here. ;)
10-11-05, 02:54 PM
what would you guys do if I stopped posting here. ;)
10-11-05, 03:01 PM
I take it they're not desk jobs? 99% of my posting is at my desk. :)
Ok I am done now. Just think, I have 2 interiews tomorrow for jobs that would take 50-60 hrs of my week, what would you guys do if I stopped posting here. ;)
You need to get those jobs first amigo. And if they are sucky jobs, we'll laugh at you.
10-11-05, 05:08 PM
Personally, I wish radio would get back to non-corporate, free from Clear Channel influence, local personality!! I grew up listening to Don Imus in Cleveland, not New York, and not broadcasting from New York, but from WGAR in Cleveland! When he left John Lanigan came to Cleveland and did morning war with Gary Dee, a person that Stern couldn't carry a microphone for. I'm sorry, I've never been a Howard Stern fan, nothing against those that are, but the more local the show, the better IMHO.
I never did like Stern, his schtick has been beaten to death time and time again, same game different players all the time.
When Mancow came to Chitown it was pretty cool and I listened to his show all the time....well for about 3 months then it was the same old thing. I'm not so lazy that I need to listen to someone else bitchin', I can do that myself :D
Stern is already gone here. The local station says that the show was dropped over fines but I can't imagine that all his plugs for digital radio are endearing him to local affiliates.
I listened to Stern once, for about a half hour. He wasn't funny. I haven't listened since.
Don Quixote
10-11-05, 05:56 PM
I listened to Stern once, for about a half hour. He wasn't funny. I haven't listened since.
And there is no way to ever get that 1/2 hour back. :gomer:
10-11-05, 06:01 PM
Stern was funny up until his divorce. That took a lot of the funniness out of him. But the best ever was The Greaseman when he was in DC. :rofl:
"..........nuthin' a bar of soap won't cure........" :D
10-11-05, 06:52 PM
I listened to Howard when he was at WNBC, NewYork in the early 80's, and have been listening to him since 1986 when he started in Philly ... He's still topical, he's still funny ... and Artie Lang was a great addition ... he's quick and usually hit's the mark
I like Adam Carolla ... I liked Opie & Anthony when they were on in the afternoons here ... Not sure how David Lee will do
However I'm geared up with 2 Serius Receivers in the house, both cars, and 2 at the Office & Shop ... We don't have the public coming in at work so my employees can listen to Howard ... We have a wacky group, they get their work done, they're creative & productive... So I don't mind keeping them happy !
10-11-05, 07:06 PM
Most of us in the LA area have known of Adam Carolla for years. His Mr. Bertrom spiel on KROQ's Kevin and Bean morning show were classic. That show gave us the likes of Carolla, Jimmy Kimmel, and soon you'll probably know the name of Ralph Garmen.....who is currently the only person making the show worth listening to. Personally I think he's better than Kimmel and Carolla combined.
Carolla's a car guy, too.....he has a nice Datsun 510 modeled after the old BRE 510 race cars....among other cool cars.
Not a Stearn fan here either. I just didn't get it I guess.
talk radio belongs on the AM dial.
10-11-05, 07:58 PM
I listened to Howard when he was at WNBC, NewYork in the early 80's, and have been listening to him since 1986 when he started in Philly ... He's still topical, he's still funny ... and Artie Lang was a great addition ... he's quick and usually hit's the mark
I like Adam Carolla ... I liked Opie & Anthony when they were on in the afternoons here ... Not sure how David Lee will do
However I'm geared up with 2 Serius Receivers in the house, both cars, and 2 at the Office & Shop ... We don't have the public coming in at work so my employees can listen to Howard ... We have a wacky group, they get their work done, they're creative & productive... So I don't mind keeping them happy !
Stern started in Detroit and D.C. (after some small station stuff in Conn and NY) I've been an avid fan since '82 when he was down here. A 100 mile a day commute for 15 years, heck I know the guy better than any cousin I have.
I can see how some don't like him though. He caters to his long time fan base. The foundations of much of his humor is based on years of build up.
O&A were humorous for 15 minutes.
There is something to be said about local talent. Even though Don and Mike are nationally syndicated, they are based out of DC and talk about the area. It helps you feel more connected. They're b*tches to the brass though have mellowed dramatically.
I thought Dave Lee Roth was retarted? Seriously.
talk radio belongs on the AM dial.
Disagree because FM sounds sooo much better and there is a lot of crap on FM that can be replaced by good talk.
10-11-05, 10:48 PM
I listened to Stern once, for about a half hour. He wasn't funny. I haven't listened since.
Lucky you. I listened for about a month, then the jokes started repeating.
10-12-05, 01:26 AM
Stern's okay, but Robin is insufferable.
It all started with Steve Dahl anyway.
10-12-05, 07:08 AM
Stern was funny up until his divorce. That took a lot of the funniness out of him.
Stern's okay, but Robin is insufferable.
Double word.
Sean O'Gorman
10-12-05, 03:20 PM
"boo hoo Robin, I invented radio, blah blah blah, Opie & Anthony ripped me off, waaaahh"
That is all I hear when I hear Stern. :flame:
I listened to Howard when he was at WNBC, NewYork
Don't you mean W-ENNNN-BC! ? :)
10-12-05, 04:17 PM
Stern's okay, but Robin is insufferable.
It all started with Steve Dahl anyway.
As much as I like Stern these days (most of the time...), I gotta' give this a big :thumbup:
Disco Sucks! Disco Sucks! Disco Sucks!
10-12-05, 04:41 PM
I hate Howard Stern (I'm an O&A fan but I rarely get to listen live), but I'd practically throw away my XM for an Adam Carolla morning show.
Sacrilege! O&A Party Rock
Ramone Darth Vader has AIDS!
10-12-05, 05:01 PM
For those of you who never heard Gary Dee, may he rest in peace, here's a snippet from his old WERE daysGary Dee Link (
Remember this was from the early 70's, and it's amazing what he was able to get away with.
10-12-05, 05:15 PM
Disco Sucks! Disco Sucks! Disco Sucks!
I remember it almost as if I was 9 years old at the time. :gomer:
Sean O'Gorman
10-12-05, 06:45 PM
If I only was alive for this:
10-12-05, 09:40 PM
Basicly if it's Funny, It's Funny ... doesn't matter who says it
I prefer Howard, but I've laughed out loud at Opie & Anthony, Adam Carolla, Don Imus etc.
I even laughed at a Yakoff Smirnoff joke once ..... once !! ;)
People would fall off their chairs when Minnie Pearl said Howwww deee !
not me .... but people !!
Whatever floats your boat I say !!
10-12-05, 10:57 PM
Now that Stern's gone from Columbus radio, the only thing I listen to in the morning is NPR.
Classic Apex
10-13-05, 10:28 AM
Stern sux.
Opie & Anthony w/ liiiittle Jimmy Norton :cool:
Jervis Tetch 1
10-13-05, 10:44 AM
Always been a Howard Stern fan. I first heard his show on Saturday mornings in the 80s when he was on KROQ briefly.
Don't care much for Mark and Brian, Kevin and Bean are knock-offs of M&D and Tom and Bob suck sheet.
I do remember Steve Dahl and the Disco Demolition night. Classic.
Sean O'Gorman
10-13-05, 10:55 AM
Now that Stern's gone from Columbus radio, the only thing I listen to in the morning is NPR.
Glad to see you at least found a similar replacement. :saywhat:
10-13-05, 11:04 AM
Glad to see you at least found a similar replacement. :saywhat:
i haven't listened to anything except npr and sports play-by-play since "the end" went off the air. commercial radio is a barren wasteland. the last good radio station was 97x (woxy), and even that's only available via the internet.
Sean O'Gorman
10-13-05, 11:22 AM
XM > FM and AM
Cleveland radio is so terrible I can't listen to anything. Even the good syndicated shows like Loveline (so I like hearing about 14 year old pregnant bisexuals talking about their relationship problems, big deal!) aren't on any more. The morning crew on WMMS is as awful as you'd expect from that generic station, and I don't "get" Rover, even though all my friends love him. I listened before and at times it could be entertaining, but the second that a show does an obviously fake radio bit, I lose all interest.
10-13-05, 12:15 PM
God bless Canadian radio. So spoiled by having that here. Can't stand 85% of the Buffalo radio, especially the WKSE morning show. HATE them.
With stations losing Stern, they're losing their big cash cow and ratings grabber. They used to be able to charge exorbitant rates, because their station had a phenomenal overall rating because of Stern (especially among M25-54). Nevermind the fact that their station drew nothing the rest of the time, they had Stern. Now with ratings dropping on stations that have already lost Stern, they're having a harder and harder time justifying that higher rate.
XM > FM and AM
Cleveland radio is so terrible I can't listen to anything. Even the good syndicated shows like Loveline (so I like hearing about 14 year old pregnant bisexuals talking about their relationship problems, big deal!) aren't on any more. The morning crew on WMMS is as awful as you'd expect from that generic station, and I don't "get" Rover, even though all my friends love him. I listened before and at times it could be entertaining, but the second that a show does an obviously fake radio bit, I lose all interest.
What about Jerry Springer on WTAM????? That guy brings it good every day. Sure, his ratings are about 25% of what Glenn Beck had, but its Springer. If you want tto hear about 14 year old pregnant bisexuals, then thats your radio program.
04-14-06, 03:21 AM
"Roth's show is ... skin-crawlingly awful," wrote Rob Sheffield in a Rolling Stone piece. "In these days of bland Clear Channel/Infinity corporate radio, it's bracing to hear a guy who has no idea what he's doing. ... Listening to Roth, you feel actual physical pain."
04-14-06, 08:01 AM
Lance , John, and the morning crew
Lance , John, and the morning crew
Edd Hendee on KSEV is the only way to get the morning started in the proper mindset. :thumbup:
Thank God we don't have to put up with any of those canned national feed BS factory feeds that other places do. No stern, no O/A, no Corrola, no Imus, and I don't feel like I have missed any of it. :D
Oh yeah SOG, I surely hope that you get those jobs.
Andrew Longman
04-14-06, 10:52 AM
Don't you mean W-ENNNN-BC! ? :)
That was Imus. :)
Now on "W EFFFFFF AN in New York City, syndicated around the country and on television on MSNBC"
Sean O'Gorman
04-14-06, 12:35 PM
Oh yeah SOG, I surely hope that you get those jobs.
I'm in an office where its like a ghost town by 4:30, and working past 5 is considered "staying late." Sorry to disappoint you. :)
Edd Hendee on KSEV is the only way to get the morning started in the proper mindset. :thumbup:
Thank God we don't have to put up with any of those canned national feed BS factory feeds that other places do. No stern, no O/A, no Corrola, no Imus, and I don't feel like I have missed any of it. :D
Oh yeah SOG, I surely hope that you get those jobs.
Houston radio > South Oklahoma radio
04-14-06, 01:12 PM
Edd Hendee on KSEV is the only way to get the morning started in the proper mindset. :thumbup:
Thank God we don't have to put up with any of those canned national feed BS factory feeds that other places do. No stern, no O/A, no Corrola, no Imus, and I don't feel like I have missed any of it. :D
Oh yeah SOG, I surely hope that you get those jobs.
KSEV = :gomer:
KSEV = :gomer:
Wait till you own house that you don't have to register at the DMV and you start to understand a little more about wanting to control your tax outlay and then see if you still think Im a gomer.
04-14-06, 09:54 PM
Wait till you own house that you don't have to register at the DMV and you start to understand a little more about wanting to control your tax outlay and then see if you still think Im a gomer.
KSEV :saywhat:
04-20-06, 01:56 PM
David Lee Roth out, to be replaced by a simulcast of O & A.
Linky (
04-20-06, 02:14 PM
David Lee Roth out, to be replaced by a simulcast of O & A.
Linky (
That's going to be really lame if they have to water the show down for FM.
That's going to be really lame if they have to water the show down for FM.Your buddy Mancow thinks that he's replacing Roth.
Sean O'Gorman
04-20-06, 06:06 PM
That's going to be really lame if they have to water the show down for FM.
Fortunately there are people like us who are smart enough to pay to get away from the cesspool that is FM and Sirius radio. I just hope their simulcasting on FM doesn't ruin their creative, uh, "integrity."
04-21-06, 02:03 AM
Your buddy Mancow thinks that he's replacing Roth.
Mancow should go emulate Alan Berg.
Basicly if it's Funny, It's Funny ... doesn't matter who says it
I prefer Howard, but I've laughed out loud at Opie & Anthony, Adam Carolla, Don Imus etc.
I even laughed at a Yakoff Smirnoff joke once ..... once !! ;)
People would fall off their chairs when Minnie Pearl said Howwww deee !
not me .... but people !!
Whatever floats your boat I say !!
This is classic 4R. I'll miss that "fun, lite" humor of his. Damn... :cry:
04-21-06, 07:17 AM
"A deal will be announced soon for Opie and Anthony to do a split shift: a three-hour simulcast on CBS and XM, 6-9 a.m., that will comply with FCC content guidelines, and then two hours just for unregulated XM, where the profanity and graphic content often soar past FCC limits, according to Billboard Radio Monitor and other sources."
Lame. :rolleyes:
How will it comply with FCC guidelines?
Will they stop swearing and act like they are on radio, or will they just bleep themselves, allowing you to hear the uncensored version on XM?
04-21-06, 02:17 PM
From O&A:
“Just so you know, a lot of what is being reported is INCORRECT. There will be an official statement about how this whole deal is going to work soon”
Chop, if you are so worried about a watered down version why not just get XM and not worry about it at all? I have two XM units and will continue to listen to the show uncensored.
04-21-06, 02:21 PM
From O&A:
“Just so you know, a lot of what is being reported is INCORRECT. There will be an official statement about how this whole deal is going to work soon”
Chop, if you are so worried about a watered down version why not just get XM and not worry about it at all? I have two XM units and will continue to listen to the show uncensored.
I've had XM for 3 years. What I'm worried about is that the portion of the show that will be simulcast will be done "clean" instead of just doing their regular show and editing it for FM. I was listening this morning and will be listening Monday when they lay it all out.
Stop telling me what to do and get me a sandwich, mon freire.
Sean O'Gorman
04-21-06, 06:12 PM
While I'm all for O&A putting the screws to Howie, I don't know how I feel about this. I don't want to have to hear them use code words to get around profanity, and have to avoid topics that are off-limits due to FCC regulations. Not to mention the fact that they can't bash FREE FM anymore (its free, like AIDS!).
Classic Apex
04-25-06, 12:07 PM
I heard the announcement show yesterday, this how it's going to be...
6 - 9 AM EST Opie & Anthony are live on CBS radio (broadcasting from Stern's old studio, no less). Of course that means it has to be a much cleaner show per the FCC. BUT people that are already subscribed to XM will hear profanities and such on the show if things like the dump button are used on the FM broadcast (the CBS broadcast show will also beheard on XM while its occurring).
9 - 11 or noon EST: Opie and Anthiony walk a block down the street into the XM studio and do the usual no holds barred broadcast.
They can talk about Stern as much as they want on both shows. In fact, by pulling this deal off they've just picked up pretty much ALL of Stern's audience that did not follow him to Sirrius. Opie and Anthony are now back in markets that they have not been in for four years. Pretty massive deal they've managed to pull off.
Stern's screwed. :D
Sean O'Gorman
04-25-06, 09:16 PM
The good:
-O&A get to stick it to Stern. :thumbup: I hope they drive that egotistical jackass to the brink of suicide.
-It helps them rebuild their reputation and hopefully increase the XM listener base.
The bad:
-Having to use "code words" to get around censored words from 6-9.
-All the bits that won't be done because of fear of getting in trouble again. I know they said they are doing this FREE FM thing on their own terms, but already you can see corporate influence.
-More commercials
The ugly:
-All these fans who haven't listened in the past 4 years that have suddenly reappeared and are stuck on the past. How long do we have to hear questions about Dice or Frenchie or "crinkle crinkle" jokes from cheapasses who didn't buy XM units. It'd be like the equivalent of 7G coming back and Champ Car fans suddenly talking about how great it is that OWRS bought the series. :saywhat:
Having to use "code words" to get around censored words from 6-9.
Should be interesting. I've never heard a radio personality do that before. I wonder what it'll be like?
I'm sure when CBS went looking for a satelite radio personality to replace Stern, the first people they thought of was O&A. I mean what other satelite radio personalities are out there? I can't think of any.
Stern's screwed. :D
Stern is getting several hundred million dollars to goof off and talk dirty to porn stars. Yeah, that's "screwed."
Sean O'Gorman
04-26-06, 07:02 AM
Yeah but the blow to his ego that not only could he not push O&A out of the business, but they are stealing his territory, is killing him inside.
Classic Apex
04-26-06, 12:12 PM
^^ At least O'Gorman gets it.
Sean O'Gorman
04-26-06, 12:28 PM
Did it hurt your fingers to have to type that? ;)
Having to use "code words" to get around censored words from 6-9.
Should be interesting. I've never heard a radio personality do that before. I wonder what it'll be like?
Ever watch The Newlywed Game?
They're "Making Whoopie"
"My radio jock's cooler than your radio jock, nyah nyah!!"
^^^ that's what O'Gorman "gets" :gomer:
04-26-06, 01:11 PM
Carl Kassel kicks everyone's ass!
04-26-06, 01:17 PM
Carl Kassel kicks everyone's ass!
I want to win "Wait, Wait - Don't Tell me" so I can have his voice on my answering machine. How cool would that be? :D
Classic Apex
04-26-06, 02:11 PM
Did it hurt your fingers to have to type that? ;)
You have no idea. :D
04-26-06, 03:22 PM
the skater boys aren't "stealing" Sterns territory. He left. And like nrc pointed out, for gobs and gobs of millions of dollars. Love him or hate him, the skater boys have a waaaaaaaaaay long way to go before they are equal to Stern if they ever can be. I don't think too many studios are going to make a movie about the life of those two. Stern is laughing all the way to the bank.
Sean O'Gorman
04-26-06, 07:27 PM
Who wants to imitate Stern anyway? He's a bitter old man who has completely lost touch with his audience. Stern insults his fans for not buying Sirius. O&A embrace their old fans after 4 years of being away. O&A are the most interactive radio show anywhere, Stern flies in from the Hamptons on his 4 day work weeks.
I find it funny that Stern is supposed to be the champion of freedom of speech, yet declares "I believe in censorship when it benefits me." What a dick. I cant wait until he loses that lawsuit with CBS and brings the little doggie company down with him.
the skater boys aren't "stealing" Sterns territory. He left.
Just remember, when Stern left FM, he left most of his fans. O&A are coming back to their audience.
Tony George
04-26-06, 11:49 PM
Who wants to imitate Stern anyway? He's a bitter old man who has completely lost touch with his audience. Stern insults his fans for not buying Sirius. O&A embrace their old fans after 4 years of being away. O&A are the most interactive radio show anywhere, Stern flies in from the Hamptons on his 4 day work weeks.
I find it funny that Stern is supposed to be the champion of freedom of speech, yet declares "I believe in censorship when it benefits me." What a dick. I cant wait until he loses that lawsuit with CBS and brings the little doggie company down with him.
Just remember, when Stern left FM, he left most of his fans. O&A are coming back to their audience.
Stern also wears a wig. :eek:
07-31-06, 06:21 AM
One of the biggest bombs in Chicago radio history -- the morning show hosted by Shane "Rover" French -- is about to be replaced by the New York-based syndicated duo of Gregg "Opie" Hughes and Anthony Cumia.
CBS Radio is expected to pull the plug today on "Rover's Morning Glory" after eight months of microscopic ratings on WCKG-FM (105.9), the "Free FM" talk outlet.
About time. Rover is the worst show I've ever heard, with the disclaimer that I never heard DLR's show.
One of my friends went on a date with Duji a few years ago when she was a producer. He said she was as interesting as a bag of wet mice. :gomer:
Sean O'Gorman
07-31-06, 07:15 AM
I still don't understand how his show was so popular in Cleveland. It was everything I hate about radio shows, fake bits, the hole, pointless over-the-top stunts, etc.
Whats sad is this wont go over very well in Cleveland. But good news for O&A. :)
EDIT: Dammit, hes staying on in Cleveland. :rolleyes:
07-31-06, 12:24 PM
About time. Rover is the worst show I've ever heard, with the disclaimer that I never heard DLR's show.
One of my friends went on a date with Duji a few years ago when she was a producer. He said she was as interesting as a bag of wet mice. :gomer:
Since I don't have XM or Sirius, and I can't stand listening to easy listening morning shows or music stations that insist on playing the same 6 songs over and over again, I have been stuck flipping between Rover and sports radio since Stern left the air. Good ridance to this guy. O&A ain't any better, though.
As for Duji, I knew about her long before Rover showed up in our town. She got her start on Kevin Matthews show here. I like to think of those days as "the time when Kevin Matthews ceased to be funny." I couldn't believe this talentless bimbo managed to find herself another gig. She and her traffic counterpart, Mo Driver :shakehead pretty much sank Matthews career, though he seemed to willingly let his career go in that direction.
Jonathon Brandmeier has become a parody of himself, Matthews ran out of talent. Why is Steve Dahl the only radio personality that is funny anymore? :confused:
Since I don't have XM or Sirius, and I can't stand listening to easy listening morning shows or music stations that insist on playing the same 6 songs over and over again, I have been stuck flipping between Rover and sports radio since Stern left the air. Good ridance to this guy. O&A ain't any better, though.
As for Duji, I knew about her long before Rover showed up in our town. She got her start on Kevin Matthews show here. I like to think of those days as "the time when Kevin Matthews ceased to be funny." I couldn't believe this talentless bimbo managed to find herself another gig. She and her traffic counterpart, Mo Driver :shakehead pretty much sank Matthews career, though he seemed to willingly let his career go in that direction.
Jonathon Brandmeier has become a parody of himself, Matthews ran out of talent. Why is Steve Dahl the only radio personality that is funny anymore? :confused:
Ever try Roe Con? Not drop-down laughing funny, but entertaining.
Was much better with Garry, IMO.
I just discovered Rover. Some discoveries are best left unknown.
07-31-06, 01:56 PM
Can someone tell me what I missed with all the shock jocks and goofy sitcom radio?
Howard, OPIE AND dOPIE, Mancow, Bob and Tom, I mean I just never got it. Is it a certain sense of humor you have to have or what?
07-31-06, 02:09 PM
Was much better with Garry, IMO.
Gary....that would be Gary as in Gary Meyer...
No thanks. :D
07-31-06, 02:16 PM
Steve and Garry (Meier) ;) , were the best.
Kev jumped the shark when Dorothy left, and as was said, when Duji, Lumpy and Mo came aboard. That show rocked when it was Kevin, Chunga, and "guests" like Chef Andre and little Lenny the crippled comic.
Good lord - 15 years ago? :eek:
Opposite Lock
07-31-06, 02:47 PM
Steve and Garry (Meier) ;) , were the best.
Kev jumped the shark when Dorothy left, and as was said, when Duji, Lumpy and Mo came aboard. That show rocked when it was Kevin, Chunga, and "guests" like Chef Andre and little Lenny the crippled comic.
Good lord - 15 years ago? :eek:
yeah, Kev ruled, about '91-'93. The old AM 1000 days. I usually caught a little of bit of Johnny B and of S & G before and after Kev's show, but they never did it for me as much as Kev and "Jimmy". I always regarded Doc's departure as the beginning of the decline of "Talkmess". Speaking of the old guests, the guy who did Harry Caray did Harry better than the real guy - there was a classic Goodfellas take-off between Harry and Jimmy that killed. And "Devon" was pretty cool too. And Jimmy's parents. I never dug Dorothy much though. And I hated Mancow, even when he had Paul Tracy on.
Can someone tell me what I missed with all the shock jocks and goofy sitcom radio?
Howard, OPIE AND dOPIE, Mancow, Bob and Tom, I mean I just never got it. Is it a certain sense of humor you have to have or what?
I don't either, but judging by the recent responses, I'd have to say that:
a) you have to be from Chicago
b) you have to be from Cleveland and are probably destined for Chicago
07-31-06, 04:53 PM
I don't either, but judging by the recent responses, I'd have to say that:
a) you have to be from Chicago
b) you have to be from Cleveland and are probably destined for Chicago
Where I work we get most of our trailers out of Columbus, Oh. and they come in from Harrisburg, Pa. with all this WOW shiat and all kinds of off the wall websites written in the dirt on the doors. Has to be something cool I'm missing I'm sure. :rolleyes: Not downing anyone for the prefrence they have , I just don't get it, that's all. :confused:
07-31-06, 05:17 PM
Steve and Garry (Meier) ;) , were the best.
Kev jumped the shark when Dorothy left, and as was said, when Duji, Lumpy and Mo came aboard. That show rocked when it was Kevin, Chunga, and "guests" like Chef Andre and little Lenny the crippled comic.
Good lord - 15 years ago? :eek:
Steve and Gary owned this town until they split. Since then, Steve slumped but seems to have gotten his stride back quite nicely, and is now the best thing on Chicago radio. Gary, on the other hand... :shakehead
Kev jumped the shark, alright...but it was long before Lumpy. Duji and Mo joined Kev when he was on the Zone, and that is when the show went to hell. Lumpy didn't join Kev until he lost the gig and started the new one at WCKG. Started out ok there, and I was hopeful he got his soul back from Disney. Then Lumpy left and Mo rejoined, and his show went completely to hell again. Very sad to watch.
07-31-06, 06:24 PM
Mancow should go emulate Alan Berg.
:shakehead RIP Alan, no offense chop but why would you wish that on anyone? I'll admit I don't have a clue about Mancow, but Alan Berg was murdered by a nutcase.
Sean O'Gorman
07-31-06, 06:25 PM
:shakehead RIP Alan, no offense chop but why would you wish that on anyone? I'll admit I don't have a clue about Mancow, but Alan Berg was murdered by a nutcase.
Would Robert Reed have been a better choice?
Sean O'Gorman
07-31-06, 06:28 PM
Where I work we get most of our trailers out of Columbus, Oh. and they come in from Harrisburg, Pa. with all this WOW shiat and all kinds of off the wall websites written in the dirt on the doors. Has to be something cool I'm missing I'm sure. :rolleyes: Not downing anyone for the prefrence they have , I just don't get it, that's all. :confused:
Ask virtually anyone who is a regular listener to O&A and they'll tell you that they disliked the show the first time they listened to it. There are way too many inside jokes and the show is too disorganized for you to pick up on it. Basically listen through a few days until they get to one good bit, and then you'll slowly catch the virus.
Basically O&A are great to listen to because they are so different. They don't kiss ass to guests and then bash them when they leave the studio, they don't "shock" people just for the sake of being offensive, and they really go hard at the mainstream media and "morning zoo" style radio shows. I get so sick of media hacks and their sensationalism, and spineless, annoying, fake radio show hacks, that I can't help but be an O&A fan.
07-31-06, 10:00 PM
Ask virtually anyone who is a regular listener to O&A and they'll tell you that they disliked the show the first time they listened to it. There are way too many inside jokes and the show is too disorganized for you to pick up on it. Basically listen through a few days until they get to one good bit, and then you'll slowly catch the virus.
That can be said for any of the "drive" radio shows.
Sean O'Gorman
07-31-06, 10:35 PM
Except that all those shows really do suck, and O&A don't.
07-31-06, 10:57 PM
Except that all those shows really do suck, and O&A don't.
I hated O&A when they bumped Don and Mike to mid-day. After two or three months I came to like the show, but I liked their show for the guests they had on, I liked Howard for Howard. I listened to him since he was in DC! That's 20 years ago! :eek: Sure he's a grumpy ol' dude now, but with many of his fans, they love him because they "know" him.
07-31-06, 11:08 PM
:shakehead RIP Alan, no offense chop but why would you wish that on anyone? I'll admit I don't have a clue about Mancow, but Alan Berg was murdered by a nutcase.
It was the most appropriate radio-related fate I could think of on short notice.
I'll try harder next time. ;)
08-01-06, 01:30 PM
Would Robert Reed have been a better choice?
Wow there's a mind bending contribution. If any of you have ever had death threats because of what you say on the radio, you wouldn't be saying things like this. Robert Reed did not die because some wacko killed him, FWIW, he died of cancer, not AIDS, although he was HIV positive. And before anyone makes a smart@$$ coment, yes I have recieved death threats, and in fact was shot at, just because some moron thought my jokes were directed at him. So excuse me for saying that wishing death on anyone is bad, but until you put on some headphones and open the mic and then find that one very disturbed person has you in the crosshairs, you'll never understand.
08-01-06, 01:31 PM
It was the most appropriate radio-related fate I could think of on short notice.
I'll try harder next time. ;)
I understand chop, again no offense intended to you. :cool:
Sean O'Gorman
08-01-06, 02:27 PM
Wow there's a mind bending contribution. If any of you have ever had death threats because of what you say on the radio, you wouldn't be saying things like this. Robert Reed did not die because some wacko killed him, FWIW, he died of cancer, not AIDS, although he was HIV positive. And before anyone makes a smart@$$ coment, yes I have recieved death threats, and in fact was shot at, just because some moron thought my jokes were directed at him. So excuse me for saying that wishing death on anyone is bad, but until you put on some headphones and open the mic and then find that one very disturbed person has you in the crosshairs, you'll never understand.
Whoa, you should calm down and have some broth or something.
08-01-06, 02:55 PM
Whoa, you should calm down and have some broth or something.
It's ok, DJ...SOG is an old pro at taking death threats and dodging bullets.... :rolleyes:
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