View Full Version : Kurt Busch, Crwon Royal, & Reckless Driving
race chica
11-13-05, 10:49 AM
Hmmm, looks like someone had one to many and got away because "the machine there failed"
11-13-05, 11:02 AM
Nice call by Jack. At this moment The Captain's fax machine is choking on driver resumes.
Sean O'Gorman
11-13-05, 02:09 PM
Penske better be punting him from the 2 car. Drinking and driving when you are represented by a liquor company who builds its racing promotions on safe drinking ranks right up there with shoving fireworks down your pants in the stupidity scale.
I hope it's the wakeup call Robbie Moroso never got. :(
11-13-05, 04:23 PM
Miller Brewing Company: "We're Screwed"
Today Nascar driver Kurt Busch was pulled over by Arizona police on suspicion of drunk driving. In response, Miller Brewing Company, sponsor of Busch in 2006 and beyond, has issued the following statement: "We're Screwed".
"We feel that the statement issued fully explains our feelings on the situation", SABMiller spokesperson Sara Wilson explained. "Responsible drinking has never been a top priority of ours, but appearing to make it a top priority always has been."
Busch was pulled over outside Phoenix International Raceway earlier today for driving 60 mph in a 45 mph zone. Busch was uncooperative according to police, repeating saying that he was related to a shrub and "knows a guy who'll flip ya--flip ya for real."
Busch was asked to take a field sobriety test, but refused. Once taken to a sherrif's barricks at the PIR infield, the machine testing him failed, prompting Busch to poke fun at "the decrepit old has-been". Busch was then released on a Johnny Sauter charge.
Miller is not the only one screwed by the incident. Crown Royal, currently an associate sponsor of Busch's, has said that they, too, are screwed. Miller also is said to be floating a rumor that Busch was drinking Milwaukee's Best, which only contains trace amounts of alcohol.
Nascar has remained mum on the situation, though they have already fined Robby Gordon $5,000 for Busch's actions.
11-13-05, 06:31 PM
Penske better be punting him from the 2 car. Drinking and driving when you are represented by a liquor company who builds its racing promotions on safe drinking ranks right up there with shoving fireworks down your pants in the stupidity scale.
I loved the response from the sherrif who basically said that he didnt care who KB was, that nobody treats his deputies the way KB did and drives the way he did. Awesome.
Penske's response during the pre-race show was that KB would be driving for them next year, but that he and his sponsors would be looking for a way to make amends within the community. In other words, throw money at the problem and it will go away.
11-13-05, 06:38 PM
I loved the response from the sherrif who basically said that he didnt care who KB was, that nobody treats his deputies the way KB did and drives the way he did. Awesome.
And that sheriff sure showed him, didn't he? Took him to the racetrack instead of the sheriff's office or police station (which were apparently closer to the traffic stop), and couldn't manage to find a working breathalyzer in the entire county. That's a lesson Busch will never forget!
I'm sure any regular citizen would have received the same treatment.
11-13-05, 06:41 PM
And that sheriff sure showed him, didn't he? Took him to the racetrack instead of the sheriff's office or police station (which were apparently closer to the traffic stop), and couldn't manage to find a working breathalyzer in the entire county. That's a lesson Busch will never forget!
I'm sure any regular citizen would have received the same treatment.
lol, i know, the sheriff just wanted to get some publicity out of it. And wanted a track tour, Kurt should of let him sit in the backup and take it for a spin and he could of got off.
This sheriff's meaning were anything but altruistic
11-13-05, 06:54 PM
11-13-05, 06:55 PM
Sean O'Gorman
11-13-05, 08:05 PM
Did Kyle Busch just say what I think he did??
11-13-05, 11:05 PM
Just saw the Sheriff on Windbag.......what a f'n tool. He looks like a retarded drunk complete with a W.C. Fields pickle nose. Complete Keystone Cops Circle Jerk. Free Kurt.
Sure, maybe, but keep arresting guys going 15 over, running stop signs and driving in a reckless manner. Please. That seems to be a little more serious than looking like a W. C. Tool. Some think Rousch is the bad guy. Others want to tell Penske what to do. I'm just worried that the guys "rights" may have been more violated by his own people than by law enforcement.
Night Train
11-13-05, 11:24 PM
I happened to be at a Bobcats (basketball) game here in Charlotte last week. Kurt Busch was at the game and briefly shown on the Jumbotron and booed pretty heavily by the crowd. Gotta figure the locals are going to roast him over a spit for this one.
11-13-05, 11:43 PM
Sounds like the alcohol was a fishing expedition by the cops since there's no evidence or charges. The charge is reckless driving.....oh the irony.......there was a time when reckless driving was a badge of honor for racers. We need a classic rental car story thread.... :D
How many of the guys in today's race could have been charged with the same the race!
The only reason Jack suspened him was because Bush is leaving next season. Please, don't be fooled with the nonsense, if he were still in the hunt for the title and driving the 97 next year, he would have been in the field today. :gomer: :shakehead
11-14-05, 01:15 AM
The only reason Jack suspened him was because Bush is leaving next season. Please, don't be fooled with the nonsense, if he were still in the hunt for the title and driving the 97 next year, he would have been in the field today. :gomer: :shakehead
I find all this self-righteous indignation interesting coming from a bunch of former bootleggers.
Sounds like the alcohol was a fishing expedition by the cops since there's no evidence or charges. The charge is reckless driving.....oh the irony.......there was a time when reckless driving was a badge of honor for racers. We need a classic rental car story thread.... :D
Not too many years ago this is the stuff of which legends were made. NASCAR was a lot more fun when they really were rednecks.
11-14-05, 01:15 PM
Now this gem, courtesy of Jayski...
In the PIR infield media center for the traditional winner’s interview, Kyle was queried about his emotions on the day when his brother was suspended following an encounter with local police Friday night. “The only thing I’m going to say is I’m behind my brother 100 percent and usually things in the media are false and that’s what it comes down to sometimes,” Kyle said. Soon after, USA Today reporter Chris Jenkins asked, “Kyle, what specifically has the media written this weekend that’s been false about your brother?”
“I’m not going there, bud,” Kyle replied. “That was a really, really inappropriate question.” He then got up and stormed out of the media center, only to return some 15 minutes later
Note to Shrub: if you insinuate that the media is lying and/or making stuff up, be prepared to get called on it and offer justification. Throwing a temper tantrum and storming off isnt helping the situation.
11-14-05, 07:54 PM
Right now there's no evidence he was intoxicated, the breathylyzer was broken...(what kind of keystone cop redneck buffoon operation is Maricopa County....I've never heard of something like that breaking, they couldn't get another one????!!!!!!!!!) no jury would convict based on the complete lack of evidence. I'm not saying he wasn't intoxicated, just that there is no way to prove it. Also can't understand if they thought he was intoxicated, why they didn't just take him to the jail...test him and book and release him. As someone mentioned here earlier, if he wasn't leaving the team and was in the points race and Roush and his sponsors already weren't totally pissed off at him, this would not have happened. I love how NBC during the broadcast left all of these details out.
11-14-05, 08:35 PM
Right now there's no evidence he was intoxicated, the breathylyzer was broken...(what kind of keystone cop redneck buffoon operation is Maricopa County....I've never heard of something like that breaking, they couldn't get another one????!!!!!!!!!) no jury would convict based on the complete lack of evidence. I'm not saying he wasn't intoxicated, just that there is no way to prove it. Also can't understand if they thought he was intoxicated, why they didn't just take him to the jail...test him and book and release him. As someone mentioned here earlier, if he wasn't leaving the team and was in the points race and Roush and his sponsors already weren't totally pissed off at him, this would not have happened. I love how NBC during the broadcast left all of these details out.
Because they were too busy pointing out that he wasnt racing to explain why he wasnt racing. Details, schmetails.
11-14-05, 09:49 PM
Just saw the Sheriff on Windbag.......what a f'n tool. He looks like a retarded drunk complete with a W.C. Fields pickle nose. Complete Keystone Cops Circle Jerk. Free Kurt.
Was that the dork who used the word "high-pocritical" in a sentence, or was that someone else? :D I just caught a glimpse of the show, and haven't watched the recording yet.
if they really thought he was drinking they'd have released video of him walking the line already... imo.
11-15-05, 12:13 AM
"if they really thought he was drinking they'd have released video of him walking the line already"
he refused a field sobriety test so they didn't get a chance for a tape
11-15-05, 01:44 AM
Guilty !!!
11-15-05, 03:26 AM
I drank three beers an hour before being in involved in a fender bender a while back and FAILED a field sobriety test, or so the cop said. Try it some time. You will fail even if you are 100% sober if they want to bust you.
I passed the breath check, BTW. Blew a .02 at the station.
11-15-05, 03:59 AM
Too bad Sherriff Arapaio won't get a hold of him or we could watch live 24/7 coverage of Kurt wearing pink undies, sleeping in a tent and eating bologna sandwiches.
Actually, that might be the most compelling nascar coverage ever. :laugh:
Andrew Longman
11-15-05, 06:51 AM
"Busch was spotted driving about 60 mph in a 45 mph zone, Chagolla said. A deputy tried to pull Busch over but there was some delay, Chagolla said. When he did stop, Busch was argumentative and uncooperative, Chagolla said. The deputy then called for a supervisor.
"This is Maricopa County and our streets are not to be used as raceways," sheriff Joe Arpaio said. "He ought to confine his speeding to the racetrack. And I don't like anybody being abusive to my deputies -- I don't care who they are.""
I have no interest in being an apologist for KB, but I can offer some perspective.
Every year when I attend the cup race at the Glen I park on a little dirt road called Old Joe Road about 1/4 mile from the track. It offers a backway out of the track that bypasses miles of traffic. I know this. Apparently a few hundred of my closest friends know this. And every team and driver knows this. Immediately after the race you can sit on the side of that road, crowded with parked cars parked on the side and countless fans and kids walking to their cars, at watch one after another race driver piloting his rental car at about 85 mph down that road on the way to the Corning airport. After Tony Stewart nearly took out my Brother in Law's truck door, we walk down the road with great caution.
I fear it is a tragedy waiting to happen. I also expect it is a behavior repeated at many other track around the country. Why this cop in AZ chose to crack down and why others in the country do not is a question I can't answer.
11-16-05, 01:08 AM
Oh my god, there's a website dedicated to this idiot Sheriff and his publicity stunts and general overall stupidity (or maybe it's brilliant genius since the guy seems to live in a fantasy world of spun outrageous lies) . Somebody on Windtunnelsaid that this dept is legendary in having many cases of trumped up, false charges. Check it out:
naaaw, cops trumping up DWI claims? never!!!
11-16-05, 01:22 AM
Check this out from Jayski.....jesus this is so idiotic it defies belief. We're all human and we make mistakes. Kurt didn't kill anybody or commit some grievous sex Roush is acting like it is. as I said before though, it's all about his already destroyed and now gone team "relationship".
Busch was tested and below blood-alcohol content limit: An alcohol test taken by defending Nextel Cup Champion Kurt Busch showed the 27-year-old fell far short of the legal level for intoxication last Friday night near Phoenix International Raceway, the Maricopa County Sheriff's Department said late Monday. Busch was charged with reckless driving near the raceway on Friday evening after he was clocked at 60-mph in a 45-mph zone by a Maricopa County deputy. Busch began fleeing from the deputy by running a stop sign and making erratic lane changes. Busch was pulled over less than three miles from the Phoenix track moments later after a second officer assisted in the pursuit. "Mr. Busch was administered a preliminary breath test at the command post which registered .017," Maricopa Sheriff's Lt. Paul Chagolla said. In Arizona, a person can be charged with driving under the influence with a blood-alcohol level at .08 or higher. A 170-pound male who consumes two drinks in two hours will have a blood-alcohol content of .01, according to estimates from the Mothers Against Drunk Driving Web site. Chagolla said the decision to have Busch take a second breath alcohol test — this time on an Intoxilyzer 8000 machine — was at the sole discretion of the deputy. "It's all up to the investigating officer," Chagolla said. "He could have made that decision, but this is an experienced deputy sheriff who does many DUI arrests. You have to trust his decisions." Chagolla said Saturday that Busch had performed a preliminary breath alcohol test during Friday evening's roadside stop. Chagolla admitted Monday night, however, the chronology of events he originally reported was erroneous, and the initial breath alcohol test was conducted at the county's command post at the speedway. "The odor of alcohol, combined with dangerous driving, gave the officer the right to transport Mr. Busch," Chagolla said. Media reports from Chagolla on Saturday said the Intoxilyzer 8000 had failed.
When asked why the .017 reading wasn't made available to the public on Saturday, Chagolla said he was still on a fact-finding mission. "Whatever information I had at the time is what I was going to release," Chagolla said. "And it's important to note that never at any point did the sheriff's office say he was impaired."
Busch was suspended Sunday for the season's final two Cup events. Roush Racing president Geoff Smith defended the decision, saying Busch's actions violated contractual obligations with sponsor Crown Royal, whose parent company is Diageo. "Regardless of whatever level of [alcohol] presence was there while driving, we have some very strict sponsorship rules in place,," Smith told reporters. "We feel very strongly that those rules have been significantly breached." Busch and Roush Racing representatives could not be reached for comment Monday evening.(Atlanta Journal-Constitution)(11-15-2005)
11-16-05, 05:51 AM
After watching NBC News' report on wrongly used English words in the last last week, there's one more thing I want to sound off on about this case that's bugged me since seeing the word used on NBC....and then finally made me launch through the roof when I got around to reading The LA Times Sports from Monday today. ENOUGH OF THE WORD "SUSPENDED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" SUSPENDED till what?????? He was fired, terminated, sacked, canned, dropped and drop kicked the hell out of dodge. He was already on his way out when that checker flag dropped at Atlanta.
Busch began fleeing from the deputy by running a stop sign and making erratic lane changes. Busch was pulled over less than three miles from the Phoenix track moments later after a second officer assisted in the pursuit.
He was speeding, then became a douchebag and ran from the cops. That is a little more than a mistake.
But I wouldn't blame Roush for releasing Busch, had they not done the same thing to Ganassi with McMary.
Now THERE'S a "breach of contract" I can understand! Someone STILL needs to explain RHR's to me, though. Also, don't you think the word "suspended" means he still gets paid the remainder of his contract? "Fired" means he loses money, right? Which was it?
When asked why the .017 reading wasn't made available to the public on Saturday, Chagolla said he was still on a fact-finding mission. "Whatever information I had at the time is what I was going to release," Chagolla said. "And it's important to note that never at any point did the sheriff's office say he was impaired."
:rofl: sure...
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