View Full Version : WEll there you have it
11-30-05, 12:26 AM
JUSt one more reason why TOney created the IRl. CARt ups and drops a ohval race for a road race. AGain. hahahahahahahah AInt you loosers ever gone a lern? AMErican Racing is ohval racing. Just like MR. HULman intented it to be, GOd rest his sole. LOOk at the NASACArs they run damp neer all on ohvals cept a few ***** raod tracks. ANd look how poplar they is. ANd now CARts doin this startched earth thing again by fowlin up the ohval tracks so that the IRl can rightfully run there ever again. SO you loosers just go up there in ELkart LAke and walk round int he woods and stack your beer bottles up reel neet and pertend its the reel thing. And wach your blue vested messicans get all giddy and happy now that they can eat corn outside. BUt no one cares. HELls BElles it probly wont even be on TV or if it is whood wach? I know I sure as hell won't if the COlts are playing. hahahahahahh COArse the way the PACkers are maybe that statell tune in. hahahahahaha
THe IRls ont he way back. THis just proofs it. KEep it comeing CARt. SOoner or later youll mess up and when you do TOney GOerge will be there to pick up the peices. I hope.
ANd whoever stole my webbed site address can lick my llarge white AMeercian behind. JAMes ROberts gotta buy me beers for the rest of the year for letting that get all screwed up. ANd Im still pist.
THE IRl - EQual engines for all
11-30-05, 12:32 AM
BIF! Yer Alive! :D
11-30-05, 12:36 AM
Best post ever. :thumbup: :)
11-30-05, 03:06 AM
And wach your blue vested messicans get all giddy and happy now that they can eat corn outside.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Oh shheeeeaaat. :cool:
JUSt one more reason why TOney created the IRl. CARt ups and drops a ohval race for a road race. AGain. hahahahahahahah AInt you loosers ever gone a lern? AMErican Racing is ohval racing. Just like MR. HULman intented it to be, GOd rest his sole. LOOk at the NASACArs they run damp neer all on ohvals cept a few ***** raod tracks. ANd look how poplar they is. ANd now CARts doin this startched earth thing again by fowlin up the ohval tracks so that the IRl can rightfully run there ever again. SO you loosers just go up there in ELkart LAke and walk round int he woods and stack your beer bottles up reel neet and pertend its the reel thing. And wach your blue vested messicans get all giddy and happy now that they can eat corn outside. BUt no one cares. HELls BElles it probly wont even be on TV or if it is whood wach? I know I sure as hell won't if the COlts are playing. hahahahahahh COArse the way the PACkers are maybe that statell tune in. hahahahahaha
THe IRls ont he way back. THis just proofs it. KEep it comeing CARt. SOoner or later youll mess up and when you do TOney GOerge will be there to pick up the peices. I hope.
ANd whoever stole my webbed site address can lick my llarge white AMeercian behind. JAMes ROberts gotta buy me beers for the rest of the year for letting that get all screwed up. ANd Im still pist.
THE IRl - EQual engines for all
Thats the most confusing post I have ever read by a fan of bisexual women.
Thats the most confusing post I have ever read by a fan of bisexual women.
:rolleyes: :shakehead
11-30-05, 08:14 AM
Damn BiF, the pond is not well stocked. A whole night of fishn' and only one bite. :thumbup:
james robert needs a arse kicken for messing up that website.
**** mang!
:rolleyes: :shakehead
What? BigIrlFans post was hilarious. :rofl:
It was nice to wake up to. :thumbup:
11-30-05, 09:11 AM
Too bad James Robert messed up the website ....
He should run for Congress, where messing things up is rewarded ! ;)
Thats the most confusing post I have ever read by a fan of bisexual women.
:laugh: Just when you think there are no more fish left in the sea...
11-30-05, 09:37 AM
I wonder if you took all the capital letters in BiF's post and played around with them, would a secret message appear?
11-30-05, 10:48 AM
Between the "starched earth" and the "blue vested messicans" I now have to replace all the coffee-stained post-its on my monitor. :laugh:
THE IRl - EQual engines for allJust caught this part. :rofl: "That's gold, Jerry, gold!"
11-30-05, 02:00 PM
wEll hEllEs bElLs BiF# Is baCk :thumbup: :rofl:
Welcome back, BiF. :thumbup: :thumbup: You'd better lay low now, ors Tippy's gonna come after ya for that 'blue vested messicans' comment. :gomer: :D
BIF! Welcome Back. The cats and I missed you. :laugh:
Jervis Tetch 1
12-01-05, 11:28 AM
BiF the man is back. :thumbup:
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