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03-25-03, 12:47 PM
I don't want this to turn into a war debate. If you want to tell the troops you support them, you can go to http://anyservicemember.navy.mil/

03-25-03, 01:16 PM
I also saw on our local news program that the USO has a care package that can be sent to the troops for a $25.00 donation.

As rabbit says, not making this a debate on whether you support the war or not, supporting the troops is a no brainer.

03-25-03, 01:30 PM
Just curious, anyone have kids in grade school who have written to soldiers as part of "class work" (for lack of a better way to put it). I was wondering if that still goes on. I still have the letters written to me by a Vietnam soldier in response to the letter I wrote as part of a grade school project.

03-25-03, 01:46 PM
Originally posted by Napoleon
Just curious, anyone have kids in grade school who have written to soldiers as part of "class work" (for lack of a better way to put it). I was wondering if that still goes on. I still have the letters written to me by a Vietnam soldier in response to the letter I wrote as part of a grade school project.

Yes. My son's class (2nd grade) did that last year with a guy in the Air Force for Operation Enduring Freedom. What really impressed me was that he took the time to answer each child individually. I did not see the quastions my son sent, but I was able to discern what they were from the response he got:

1. You're welcome.
2. No, I did not go to clean up the big pile of stuff from the twin towers.
3. No. I have not seen Osamma Bin Laden, but if I did, I would arrest him.

It is truly amazing to me to hear of the questions these kids asked. It is a window into the souls of our young.

The service person was the son of members of our church. He was stationed in Diego Garcia and loaded armaments onto a B1B bomber. That plane made six sorties a day to Afganastan, over 4,000 miles round trip. That just boggled my mind. He is now stationed in South Korea and is assigned to an F16.


03-26-03, 12:58 AM
We used to get all kinds of cool stuff from regular people in the states just sending things to "any service member". We had tons of cookies and other snacks which really brightened our days. Plus, homemade cookies vs. galley food? No contest!

These kinds of acts really help out when our service members are in the middle of nowhere for months on end and away from family. Thanks to all who help in these efforts.

03-26-03, 06:57 AM
Good story John.

Your kid is much more creative in his questions then I was. You could tell from the responses of the soldier that I had asked something like "Whats the weather like" and "What do you do in your free time over there".

03-26-03, 01:28 PM
My son is nine now, and after Danny (our friens's son) was deployed for Operation Enduring Freedom, Emmerson said that if OBL was not captured by the time he turned 18, he would join the AF, too.

I hear that one of the most needed items for our troops now is diaper wipes, as showers are very limited. I had not thought of that before I read it. Suncscreen is needed, too.

04-01-03, 07:06 PM
I give blood sometimes (maybe twice a year) and recieved a call from the Red Cross on monday, the first day I was eligable to give since the last time I donated. They wanted to schedule me to come in to donate.

This was in the paper today.


04-01-03, 07:29 PM
Thanks Napoleon. I'll be making an appointment today.

04-01-03, 07:46 PM
Has anyone sent the latest race reports and standings for the various series? Surley they are race fans!! Where would a person send that type of info for the troops to view?

04-01-03, 11:44 PM
I understand that the DoD does not want "any serviceperson" packages at this time - only families. This makes sense since, no matter what spin we hear, the supply chain has to be stretched a bit for was supplies, much less batches of stale cookies.

And in regards to the war, we as Americans must support the troops. Frankly the poli sci major/democrat in me does not agree with most of the politics behind the war but I will be damned if I am going to slam the men and women over there risking there lives!