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View Full Version : Snow Day!

02-16-06, 10:46 AM
We have a snow day today! Yay! We could get up around ten inches, but there's also the possibility of white out conditions and freezing rain. I was a little surprised that school got cancelled, but since the roads are going to be crappy and since most people drive from out of Madison to come here it makes sense.


02-16-06, 11:51 AM
No snow here for us today, bright and sunny and minus 40. :) We have enough snow for a while, I'd say. My back yard has 6' drifts and 3-4' depth everywhere else. We have a killer snow fort this year. :cool:

I am driving to Grand Forks to pick up mr anait tomorrow night, after his final hop gets in (Diriamba-Houston-Minneapolis-GF). They're all going to want to get back on the plane...

02-16-06, 09:09 PM
Yeah, it's cold here too. I think it got as warm as 60 degrees F. I think I saw a cloud too today. :p

I remember snow days all too well growing up in southwest Michigan. Not only did we get a lot of snow, we got more on top of that because of the lake effect snow. I remember jumping off the roof of our two story house into a 12 foot snow drift. That was fun.

02-16-06, 09:14 PM
Yeah, it's cold here too. I think it got as warm as 60 degrees F. I think I saw a cloud too today. :p

60 in Cleveland today too. :D

nissan gtp
02-16-06, 09:22 PM
cold is on the way for the weekend, but it was 70 degrees here today :thumdown:

race chica
02-17-06, 12:23 AM
I think my school was the only 4 year UW college not to be cancelled today. Whoo-Who!! I guess Pointers are tough cookies.

02-17-06, 07:13 AM
60 in Cleveland today too. :D

It was 50 something in Buffalo yesterday. However, right now the winds are howling - they're expecting 40+ mph winds for most of the day, which can severely flood the areas right next to Lake Erie. The temps are also supposed to drop from the 50s into the mid20s by the PM Drive.

Schools are closing right and left, but work is still open. Yay.

02-17-06, 11:16 AM
Whee, -38 this morning, -50 with windchill. Furnace pilot light went out overnight, it's bloody cold in here. Will be re-lit soon, though. For now, lotsa quilts and socks and sweaters and cookie baking and hot baths! I haven't tried starting the van yet. :)

At least the pipes are fine - my friend in Winnipeg has frozen kitchen pipes this morning. :saywhat:

02-17-06, 11:34 AM
I hope the van is in a garage.

02-17-06, 11:54 AM
I hope the van is in a garage.

Unfortunately, it isn't. The diesel/oil truck is, b/c even plugged in it doesn't start at these temps - needs a space heater aimed at it and the shelter of the albeit uninsulated garage. The van has been fine on the driveway, it is very reliable...just not to be expected to start easily when it's this cold.

I think I will just pull out the third prong (forgive my ignorance of its actual nomenclature) and plug it in without.