View Full Version : NFL Combine
Thank goodness we have some football news to tide us over until Real Racing season starts. The NFL combine starts later this week in Indy. Just imagine, future NFL Hall of Famers and future armed robbers all gathered in one place to show their stuff. How can the Olympics top that? :p
02-20-06, 11:02 PM
This is the only combine I know of:
Just imagine, future NFL Hall of Famers and future armed robbers all gathered in one place to show their stuff. How can the Olympics top that? :p
with drug dealers & addicts?
This is the only combine I know of:
Well, it is in Indiana, so I can see where one might get confused. :)
Mike Kudla ties the combine lifting record with 45 reps. Booya!
Nick Mangold has impressed with his speed and atheleticism. He could be a rare first round pick at Center.
Ashton Youbody shrank to 5-11 from a reported 6-1. If he doesn't impress in the drills he'll start to slide.
Jay Cutler is impressing and could move up the draft board ahead of some guy from Texas...
Al Czervik
02-27-06, 09:42 PM
Mike Kudla ties the combine lifting record with 45 reps. Booya!
Nick Mangold has impressed with his speed and atheleticism. He could be a rare first round pick at Center.
Ashton Youbody shrank to 5-11 from a reported 6-1. If he doesn't impress in the drills he'll start to slide.
Jay Cutler is impressing and could move up the draft board ahead of some guy from Texas...
Don't tell Ank
VY reportedly scores a 6 on the Wunderlich test?!? :eek: Avg score for a QB is 24. Even if this turns out to be untrue, damage is done. Add this to the list of screw ups by VY and his posse. :shakehead,0,2667077.story?coll=dp-sports-local
I'd expect that from Drew Tate, but not VY. :gomer: :p
02-28-06, 03:35 PM
The Combine.
02-28-06, 06:10 PM
VY reportedly scores a 6 on the Wunderlich test?!? :eek: Avg score for a QB is 24. Even if this turns out to be untrue, damage is done. Add this to the list of screw ups by VY and his posse. :shakehead,0,2667077.story?coll=dp-sports-local
I'd expect that from Drew Tate, but not VY. :gomer: :p
I know the entire test isn't multiple choice, but I wonder if a chimpanzee could randomly do better. I guess we'll really get to see if some book smarts are needed to play quarterback in the NFL.
Sean O'Gorman
02-28-06, 06:45 PM
Maybe he is actually playing it smart and did bad on purpose to avoid going to New Orleans...
VY reportedly scores a 6 on the Wunderlich test?!?
Wasn't he educated at Ank's alma matta?
The Combine.
Definitely not first round material. Any geek with a gravity gun can throw him 30 yards.
03-03-06, 08:21 AM
Maybe he is actually playing it smart and did bad on purpose to avoid going to New Orleans...
He could've done that without looking like a complete idiot.
03-03-06, 08:23 AM
Wasn't he educated at Ank's alma matta?
He could've done that without looking like a complete idiot.
Eli did it. He just looked like a brat instead of VY looking like an idiot.
Vince - 16
Marino - 15
03-03-06, 04:57 PM
Vince - 16
Marino - 15
marino > Vince will ever be
point being, the exam has **** all to do with playing QB. Case in point, your boys Joey Heisman & Akili Smith ;)
03-03-06, 06:05 PM
Eli did it. He just looked like a brat instead of VY looking like an idiot.
I meant if he didn't want to be taken at #2, he could drop his stock in other ways. Not by looking like an idiot or getting daddy to help. He probably didn't need to do anything as quickly as the hype around Jay Cutler has grown.
03-03-06, 06:07 PM
point being, the exam has **** all to do with playing QB. Case in point, your boys Joey Heisman & Akili Smith ;)
Did Dan get to take the same test a second time the day after?
Marino -> 15
VY -> 7
Vince - 16
Marino - 15
So you stand by the quality of Vince's education and are proud to say that you recieved the same quality instruction that he did.
03-04-06, 12:34 PM
So you stand by the quality of Vince's education and are proud to say that you recieved the same quality instruction that he did.
You can't base the quality of an education at a football factory based on the athletes. They always are able to special treatment if they need it.
So you stand by the quality of Vince's education and are proud to say that you recieved the same quality instruction that he did.
yea, because I received the same education as a football player :rolleyes: :laugh:
"Young reportedly performed poorly on a Wonderlic test last weekend at the scouting combine in Indianapolis, scoring a 6. He retook the aptitude test a day later and reportedly scored a 16. "
Maybe when he throws an interception the NFL will give him the ball back and let him try again.
an exam where you can double your score a day later is surely indicative of football talents :laugh:
an exam where 19/50 is average is definitely indicative of worthlessness
03-06-06, 08:52 PM
"Young reportedly performed poorly on a Wonderlic test last weekend at the scouting combine in Indianapolis, scoring a 6. He retook the aptitude test a day later and reportedly scored a 16. "
Maybe when he throws an interception the NFL will give him the ball back and let him try again. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
03-06-06, 08:53 PM
Yea, the wunderlic is worthless. My buddy up here, his best friend went through the draft process and he said the wunderlic was easily the biggest waste of time in his entire life.
03-07-06, 08:31 AM
Yea, the wunderlic is worthless. My buddy up here, his best friend went through the draft process and he said the wunderlic was easily the biggest waste of time in his entire life.
I guess it's a good thing it only took 12 minutes. :) Of course, I'm sure just like the low scorers, people with high scores don't automatically get picked in the draft. The fact of the matter is it is just one piece, but all things being equal, the guy with the higher wonderlic will get drafted earlier.
03-07-06, 08:33 AM
an exam where you can double your score a day later is surely indicative of football talents :laugh:
an exam where 19/50 is average is definitely indicative of worthlessness
VY lacks the intelligence to do well on the Wonderlic. Just accept you precious Texas QB is an idiot when it comes to an intelligence test. We'll see in a couple years if he will succeed or fail at the NFL level.
VY lacks the intelligence to do well on the Wonderlic. Just accept you precious Texas QB is an idiot when it comes to an intelligence test. We'll see in a couple years if he will succeed or fail at the NFL level.
like I posted before, he may bomb in the NFL, he may do great, *shrug* I saw him play in person plenty of times and that's enough for me.
I've always known he wasn't the brightest student, I really don't GAF about his score being in the teens. wait, holy ****, you mean a football player isn't rhodes scholar material? HOW CAN THAT BE?! :eek: :rolleyes: B..B..BUT ALL THIS TIME I THOUGHT HE WAS THE SMARTEST MAN ON EARTH!!!
the test is stupid, the results are worthless, and all that matters is any qb's ability to read a defense. and again, he never was that bright of a student. ouch, that really hurt to say, I do not know how I can deal with this pain. :gomer:
The president of the Wunderlic test company was on the radio (WGN)yesterday afternoon. He said that the average score of the total population was 19. The average score of an NFL QB was 25. The highest average occupation was Lawyer at 29. Engineers were around 26 or 27. One punter from Harvard (Maybe it was Stanford) scored a perfect 50 a few years back. He also indicated that there are differences by position in the NFL (not as apparent by position in other sports) and the closer you are to handling the ball, the higher the average scores tend to be.
Interstingly, he said that they do not have any scores from doctors as nobody has required it of physicians. He and John Williams (the DJ) surmised that perhaps the certification boards for a doctor are tough enough and this info could only be a detriment.
Just some FYI about the test. He also acknowledged that there are obviously always exceptions to the rule and many people perform well in their chosen profession with low scores and/or low IQ.
03-07-06, 03:48 PM
like I posted before, he may bomb in the NFL, he may do great, *shrug* I saw him play in person plenty of times and that's enough for me.
I've always known he wasn't the brightest student, I really don't GAF about his score being in the teens. wait, holy ****, you mean a football player isn't rhodes scholar material? HOW CAN THAT BE?! :eek: :rolleyes: B..B..BUT ALL THIS TIME I THOUGHT HE WAS THE SMARTEST MAN ON EARTH!!!
the test is stupid, the results are worthless, and all that matters is any qb's ability to read a defense. and again, he never was that bright of a student. ouch, that really hurt to say, I do not know how I can deal with this pain. :gomer:
But it turns out, he's the dumbest of all the football players. That has a very special distinction. :)
I completely disagree with the test being stupid and the results worthless. You are not going to be able to handle a complex defensive scheme in the Belichick tree (Patriots, Dolphins, Jets, Browns) or a complex offense (Indy, Rams (with Martz), Patriots) with a low wonderlic. Unfortunately I don't have any data, but I bet almost all players on those teams on that side of the ball had decent scores. You can't just run those schemes and rely on instincts or pure talent. I'm not talking just the QB on the offensive side of the ball, his receivers as well. They are making the same reads as their QB to know which route to run. You have any idiot in the bunch and you're looking at a lot of bad plays.
and yet Marino was able to reach unparalleled quarterbacking success with a lowly 15, how curious...
It's a test his clueless family-friend of an agent never prepped him for, a 6 to 16, whatever, it's inconsequential really. Every other player is quizzed over that exam repeatedly before taking it officially. If he scored a 8 on his retake then there'd be some point to the griping.
The exam tests reading comprehension, not ability to understand a D. He seemed to do well enough against a Pete Carroll D after Carroll had his holy month of preperation. And again, the average score of 19 is hardly an exemplary mark.
So are we going to make the argument that you can't be a successful writer with an SAT math of 400 or below? If your argument is that a test in an unrelated matter determines your ability to succeed in another field then you're wrong.
... and no I'm not saying he's smart or the next Marino.
pps: the ones with the high wonderlics are more likely the ones who successfully coach after playing. just by being a cog in a complex machine doesn't mean you understand how the entire machine works. vince ran the colts' passing offense, not exactly a "simple" scheme. Nick Saban had the most complex blitzing schemes at LSU, over 150 different blitzes, most of those players weren't exactly rhodes scholars by any strech of the imagination, but they ran that D flawlessly...
03-07-06, 05:19 PM
and yet Marino was able to reach unparalleled quarterbacking success with a lowly 15, how curious...
It's a test his clueless family-friend of an agent never prepped him for, a 6 to 16, whatever, it's inconsequential really. Every other player is quizzed over that exam repeatedly before taking it officially. If he scored a 8 on his retake then there'd be some point to the griping.
The exam tests reading comprehension, not ability to understand a D. He seemed to do well enough against a Pete Carroll D after Carroll had his holy month of preperation. And again, the average score of 19 is hardly an exemplary mark.
So are we going to make the argument that you can't be a successful writer with an SAT math of 400 or below? If your argument is that a test in an unrelated matter determines your ability to succeed in another field then you're wrong.
... and no I'm not saying he's smart or the next Marino.
pps: the ones with the high wonderlics are more likely the ones who successfully coach after playing. just by being a cog in a complex machine doesn't mean you understand how the entire machine works. vince ran the colts' passing offense, not exactly a "simple" scheme. Nick Saban had the most complex blitzing schemes at LSU, over 150 different blitzes, most of those players weren't exactly rhodes scholars by any strech of the imagination, but they ran that D flawlessly...
I doubt that Marino prepared for the wonderlic.
And the NFL was a lot different 20+ years ago when Marino started and when he retired it had changed a lot. Film study and game preperation have come a long way as has the advancements in offense and defense.
The exam does not test reading comprehension. I mean, unless you consider "can you read" reading comprehension. It's an intelligence test that obviously requires that the person taking it can read.
You can't really say an average score of 19 isn't good. Considering that there are 50 questions and you have 12 minutes, that is less than 15 seconds per question. I bet most people don't get that close to the end of the exam.
I don't even see how you can compare the the caliber of players on a college team to those on an NFL team. Pete Carroll failed in the NFL twice. Bill Belichick took over the Patriots after Carroll left and in his 2nd season there, they won the Super Bowl (granted that was a miracle). Doi you actually think the defensive system Saban ran at LSU is as complex as the one he is running in Miami?
I never said VY would suck in the NFL. Or that one little thing (stat) can clearly say what a person can do in the NFL.
I don't even understand what you're trying to do with your SAT analogy. The wonderlic is far from unrelated. Do you actually think they administer it if it was completely pointless?
The QB is not just any old cog in the machine. There is some analysis that goes on out there, and one would presumably needs some intelligence. Whether it's general intelligence, I don't know. And as I've said many times, all the 6 or 7 on the Wonderlic says is VY did really bad on the Wonderlic.
I wasn't comparing ncaa players to nfl ones. The point was success in and against relatively complex schemes at that level. There's also a huge diff between 19 and 25 year olds, which is why west coast offenses don't work at college...
Yes the QB has to have more awareness than other players. No Bellicheck's LB's don't need to be the brightest of the bunch as long as they make their reads properly and have the right instincts, even if it is Bellicheck they're playing for, obviously they can't be bird-brained... but if you're at that level of the depth chart on any NFL roster, you've got something in your head that's working...
Carroll wasn't exactly a failure, pretty damn good DC for the 9'ers...
"If your sister was 5 years older than you when you were 10, how old is she now?" only tells me someone is atrocious at math, not how "intelligent" they are. Just as the Scholastic Aptitude Test isn't everything either.
And agreed, you want your qb to have great analysis skills, but it's highly doubtful that the Wonderlic represents that ability accurately. And yea, it shows VY bombed the wonderlic but that's not all...
it shows his "agent" is clueless as is his "business manager"/uncle... he's going to walk away from this just like Ricky Williams after Master P negotiated his contract with the Saints :rolleyes: How do you represent a player and not research what he's going to be put through at the combine? :rolleyes:
I don't think he can read defenses. I guess we'll see.
03-08-06, 09:17 AM
I wasn't comparing ncaa players to nfl ones. The point was success in and against relatively complex schemes at that level. There's also a huge diff between 19 and 25 year olds, which is why west coast offenses don't work at college...
Yes the QB has to have more awareness than other players. No Bellicheck's LB's don't need to be the brightest of the bunch as long as they make their reads properly and have the right instincts, even if it is Bellicheck they're playing for, obviously they can't be bird-brained... but if you're at that level of the depth chart on any NFL roster, you've got something in your head that's working...
Carroll wasn't exactly a failure, pretty damn good DC for the 9'ers...
"If your sister was 5 years older than you when you were 10, how old is she now?" only tells me someone is atrocious at math, not how "intelligent" they are. Just as the Scholastic Aptitude Test isn't everything either.
And agreed, you want your qb to have great analysis skills, but it's highly doubtful that the Wonderlic represents that ability accurately. And yea, it shows VY bombed the wonderlic but that's not all...
it shows his "agent" is clueless as is his "business manager"/uncle... he's going to walk away from this just like Ricky Williams after Master P negotiated his contract with the Saints :rolleyes: How do you represent a player and not research what he's going to be put through at the combine? :rolleyes:
I bet you the Patriot's linebackers are some of the smartest ones in the league. All those reads and keys they have to make play after play, that isn't only football instincts. It's their ability to understand their position and the other people around them. Player after palyer has said how much more complex the system is than any other one they played in. And it really showed this year when neither Chad Brown or Monty Beisel were up to the task. There are some simple logic questions on the wonderlic, if this and this, then this. That is what the players do, they analyze what they see and act accordingly. The wonderlic is going to have some bearing on that. But, at the same time, for all I know, VY is terrible at test taking.
Bombing the test may've cost him $millions if he drops just a couple spots because of it. In the end, we all know he's going in round 1 and time will tell if he will be a success.
BTW--Scholastic Aptitude Test??? You graduated a few years after me, and when I was taking it, it was changed to the Scholastic Assessment Test because it no longer measured aptitiude.
03-08-06, 09:19 AM
Ohh, and Carroll failed as a head coach twice. :) Might be a good DC and College coach, but not an NFL HC, so far.
03-08-06, 11:01 AM
In the end there is no reason to worry about this score unless he turns out to be Aaron Campbell and is too dumb to figure out the play book. Despite people trying to say the test doesn't measure reading ability, you are missing the point. My fiancee is studying to be a teacher, and every test is ultimately a reading comprehension test. I imagine that when you were in school there were questions that you had trouble understanding the language, it happens to all of us. Is it possible that VY has some kind of learning disability preventing him from doing well on standardized tests, who knows? I am clearly not saying the VY is a very smart man, because I think we can all agree that Vince isn't going to be the next president of Harvard or anything.
:laugh: Page 2 writer, cute. I'll see your Jason Whitlock, and raise you one Tim Layden :gomer:
I had the opportunity to sit face-to-face with Young for an aggregate total of probably eight hours over three days last summer in advance of his senior season at Texas. Here's what I found:
He's a grownup. You interview enough college athletes, it gets pretty easy to discern which ones are really young men and which ones are 21 going on 15. I don't know whether Young liked me (don't care, either) or was flattered at being courted for Sports Illustrated's cover. I just know that he was a mature conversational partner, not a juvenile.
Then there is the whole running quarterback thing. This is a pretty old argument. The theory is that NFL teams have too many good athletes at too many defensive positions for a guy like Young to run the ball 20 times a game without getting killed. Fair enough. Take a look at the Texas-Ohio State tape from last September. The Buckeyes -- with a bunch of future NFL players on defense -- sat back in Young's scrambling lanes and dared him to pass. He passed. Texas won.
USC let him run. And pass. He ran and passed. Texas won.
p.s.: G.M. & PT still blow chunks :muah:
Dr. Corkski
03-22-06, 07:40 PM
Man, Vince Young just can't win. Poor guy might end up pulling a Rodgers at the draft. After all the hoopla with the wonderlic he gets criticized for scoring higher now:
Quarterback Vince Young was timed in 4.58 seconds in the 40-yard dash Wednesday on what is considered a fast track at the University of Texas in Austin, one NFL scout told ESPN's Chris Mortensen. The scout said Young's time was slower than anticipated.
what, no throwing motion mentioned? I'm disappointed...
:laugh: gotta love ESPN...
the link (
But Gil Brandt calls 4.57 a good time on Texas' slow track, especially with little to no preparation.
Former Cowboys director of personnel, Brandt, or ESPN?!?! fast track or slow track?!?! good or bad ?!?!? :eek: :rofl:
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