View Full Version : Texas arresting drunks in bars
Texas has begun sending undercover agents into bars to arrest drinkers for being drunk, a spokeswoman for the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission said on Wednesday.
I suppose this means that once you're drunk it's time to drive home like a good Texan. :/
03-23-06, 02:52 AM
Going to Texas in May for the race and planning on getting drunk.
Must remember to stay out of the bars. :saywhat:
03-23-06, 05:48 AM
well that is ****ing stupid. :shakehead
Sean O'Gorman
03-23-06, 08:19 AM
How do they go to 36 bars in Texas and only find 30 drunks? :saywhat:
03-23-06, 08:37 AM
How do they go to 36 bars in Texas and only find 30 drunks? :saywhat:
must be bars Ank hangs out in.
03-23-06, 08:53 AM
Next they'll start arresting people that go swimming for getting wet... :rolleyes:
you guys have no idea, TABC has been cracking down on Austin for a while, they just started hammering Dallas... a couple of joints in Austin are *this* close to shutting down b/c of all the harassment their customers get.
one dude was arrested on account of his "bad dancing" as was his bartender.
know a coworker & wife who were arrested in Las Colinas last week w/ that sting.
this group in FtW was arrested even though they rolled up in a cab...
they've been arresting the big $ donors at the football games too at the private end zone clubs, this past fall...
TABC is NOT a law enforcement agency.
The Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (formerly the Texas Liquor Control Board) was created in 1935.
Under the Alcoholic Beverage Code, the TABC "shall inspect, supervise and regulate every phase of the business of manufacturing, importing, exporting, transporting, storing, selling, advertising, labeling and distributing alcoholic beverages, and the possession of alcoholic beverages for the purpose of sale or otherwise."
but with the liberalization of the importation laws, and the ease with which companies are bringing in their products, they see the writing on the wall and have been usurping the law enforcement role for a few years...
When Ann Richards was governer she severely weakened the agency, but once W came into office, temperance for everyone! Back last June they banned Tarrant County (Ft Worth) from serving Hoegaarden from a keg b/c they didn't want that much alcohol content being served from that large a countainer. Barkeep said I could still order a bottle but we both agreed that would be pointless... Just in Tarrant County mind you, I could still get my pint of Hoegaarden back in Dallas at any number of pubs... Maredsous too, so what was the point?
Also with this P.I. business, they don't need to give you a sobriety test if they determine you're drunk on their own...
"There are a lot of dangerous and stupid things people do when they're intoxicated, other than get behind the wheel of a car," Beck said. "People walk out into traffic and get run over, people jump off of balconies trying to reach a swimming pool and miss."
because there's an epidemic of people jumping off balconies into swimming pools and missing :rolleyes:
if they're going after underage drinkers, that's one thing, but they're still not a law enforcement agency by rule...
here's the original story from Dallas last week:
they hit some bars up in Irving & Las Colinas (That's where Lawerence is putting up the drywall in that new McDonalds :gomer: Hey Peter, go turn on channel 9, it's the breast exams!)
The story says undercover TABC were sharing tables with patrons... "hey, let me buy you guys a couple round of shots, I just got this new promotion" "sure!!!" *30 minutes later* "ok, you guys are going to have to come with us, you're being arrested for public intox."
Walmart & HEB are trying to eliminate the laws that keep distributers in business, they want to eliminate the middle-man. If this happens, half of TABC is pretty much pointless, hooray. For once Wal-Mart isn't evil :)
F*** TABC, it's the one thing everyone agrees on here.
on a somewhat related note: F*** ESPN
Somewhere in Arlen, Hank Hill is weeping...... :(
03-23-06, 10:59 AM
That's why you drink at home behind closed doors with all the other good Baptist!
Don't get falling down, stinking stupid drunk and you will be o.k.
03-23-06, 11:07 AM
party in Texas! *not*
damn Ank, no wonder you drink like a girl. :cry:
Just be thankful that we have 49 other states :gomer:
03-23-06, 11:17 AM
Praise Jesus !! :eek:
They got the Cheerleaders for those Smutty Devil Praising Routines
Arresting Drunks in Bars
Next .... If you have sex with your wife & ENJOY it .... They will arrest you in your home...
Texas is Filled with Loony Politicians !
03-23-06, 11:31 AM
Virginia went through this about 3 years ago. Fairfax County PD went into bars and started pulling people off barstools and karaoke stages, some of whom weren't even drinking, and administered breath tests. Anyone who blew a .08 went to jail. A minor shitstorm ensued, and as far as I know FCPD never tried it again.
03-23-06, 11:36 AM
Not that I am for this but . . .
It is Public Intoxication and is against the law, probably the same across the country. Selling booze to a drunk is also against the law in Texas. So the TABC yanks a few drunk punks off bar stools and throws them into the pokie. Makes more room for me at the bar! :thumbup:
Don't get falling down, stinking stupid drunk and you will be o.k.
bull ****, ever dealt with TABC mfr's? you can look sober as possible and they'll still arrest you if they see fit, I've seen it at the football games this fall at the private clubs (these are normal adults with thick wallets, not out of control kids).
party in Texas! *not*
damn Ank, no wonder you drink like a girl. :cry:
Uh, you have me confused with Jeremiah
And on night #2, Skaven and I were the only two drinking while you were whining in the corner. "I'm grumpy :cry:" :gomer:
03-23-06, 11:57 AM
Uh, you have me confused with Jeremiah
And on night #2, Skaven and I were the only two drinking while you were whining in the corner. "I'm grumpy :cry:" :gomer:
Oh yeah, day 2, where you sat in the cafeteria all day? :cry:
edit: not skiing. :gomer:
Uh oh... hate fest between "Geezer-oli" and "Teen-Age Girlfriend." :gomer: :rofl:
First, no smoking in bars.
Then, no drinking in bars.
Soon, no talking.
-Eddie Izzard 1999
Jeesy Chreesy! That was a joke 7 years ago.
Someone call Chuck Norris. Looks like Texas needs savin' again.
03-23-06, 12:43 PM
Hahaha.....for once it's not California. :thumbup:
Oh yeah, day 2, where you sat in the cafeteria all day? :cry:
edit: not skiing. :gomer:
Again, you have me confused with Jer. I was on the slopes, he was recovering :gomer:
Get back to your PBR, I'll be drinking real beer... Only it'll be at home now :(
"Going to a bar is not an opportunity to go get drunk," TABC Capt. David Alexander said. "It's to have a good time but not to get drunk."
:rolleyes: defacto temperance movement can shove it :thumdown:
Dallas comedian Steve Harvey agreed with the Texas residents who said the arrests infringed on individual rights. "If a guy's got a designated driver, go ahead and let him get toasted," Harvey told NBC 5.Texas law states that inebriated individuals could be subjected to arrest anywhere for public intoxication. Harvey and other North Texans called the measure extreme."That seems to be an extreme case," one man said. "You are self-contained, in the hotel, you're not going in the streets, it seems a little ridiculous."TABC officials said the sweep concerned saving lives, not individual rights. Harvey and others interviewed by NBC 5 said they believe drunken driving to be unacceptable, although Harvey wanted to confirm that the United States remains a free country."Freedom of drinking should always be allowed, and it is only American to let a guy get drunk where he wants to get drunk," Harvey said.
yes, you must save the lives of that lady's fellow hotel occupants because god knows how she would've run 15 of them over on her way from the hotel bar to her suite....
03-23-06, 03:38 PM
Regulating bars is within the legal realm of the liquor control agencies and that means then can penalize over-serving. That's where to mount an attack it if they have a mind to. Heavy fines and the specter of loss of licence have a profound effect but they don't have the stones face down the ire of the hospitality industry lobby.
You can't reason with a drunk, so convincing them to not get drunker has about as much chance of succeeding as Sarah Fisher becoming Miss America.
Arresting drunks is like shutting the barn door after the horses are already gone, never mind that it's not within the authority of the agency to do it.
I'd say a court challenge would be a good plant but of course in Texas you stand a better than even chance of getting some loopy judge that might do anything.
Does a bar qualify as a public place? It's privately owned and can refuse to admit someone for any reason. How can the TABC declare you "Drunk in Public" if you're not in a public place?
03-23-06, 04:03 PM
TABC licenses the bar and that ability on the part of the TABC is part of the deal. Same thing happens in Utah, they just fine the bar tenders if they see them serving a drunk.
Does a bar qualify as a public place? It's privately owned and can refuse to admit someone for any reason. How can the TABC declare you "Drunk in Public" if you're not in a public place?
I was wondering the same thing. And as oc stated, surely somebody is going to challange this stuff in court.
I haven't spent any time in bars, or ice houses as they seem to be called here, since we moved to Houston. Maybe a good thing I guess.
03-23-06, 04:13 PM
According to my cop brother in law, a bar IS a public place.
03-23-06, 04:39 PM
Does a bar qualify as a public place? It's privately owned and can refuse to admit someone for any reason. How can the TABC declare you "Drunk in Public" if you're not in a public place?
It all depends. If anyone of legal age can walk in off the street, it's typically considered a public place. Some "bars" in VA & NC have actually restructured as private clubs (where you can often buy a "temporary membership" for the night for a couple of bucks) to escape some of the draconian ABC laws, but I'm not sure even that would protect them from such raids.
Does a bar qualify as a public place? It's privately owned and can refuse to admit someone for any reason. How can the TABC declare you "Drunk in Public" if you're not in a public place?
it is a public place, that's how NYC, Austin, etc. enforce their smoke bans
I haven't spent any time in bars, or ice houses as they seem to be called here, since we moved to Houston. Maybe a good thing I guess.
where abouts? Only place in Houston I can recall is West Alabama Ice House over in midtown, everyone else just has their regular old name...
03-23-06, 05:13 PM
bar - public place.
dum*****s. :p
03-23-06, 05:38 PM
In my 20's I managed a bar and my first wife was one of the bartenders. To protect the bar and our own a$$'s, the bartenders and managers kept a vigilant eye on those past the 'acceptable' state of inebriation. On a daily basis taxis were called for guy and gals who could barely stand and on a weekly basis the cops would need to be called in to arrest someone who didn't want to leave or stop drinking. the majority of those being regulars as the bartenders would feed them more than just a walk in. My wife was so good that she would have a regulars drink on the bar before they finished sitting down and she knew their tolerance and would cut them off right when they needed to be. I remember a few times when the cops showed up questioning bartenders about how much someone had to drink because they got in crashes after they left.
The college kids were the worst. They came in Thursday thru Sat and would start with Long Island iced teas and shooters and then when the bartender would say "you've had two long islands, I can't serve you anymore" they would have someone else get them pitchers. My wife would grab the pitcher, kick them out and they would trash the bathroom. :)
where abouts? Only place in Houston I can recall is West Alabama Ice House over in midtown, everyone else just has their regular old name...
I live a bit west of town actually. There is one on Westheimer heading out towards the Grand Parkway and another over on 359 north of Pecan Grove I drive past ever day. I just thought they were all called that. :o
Sean O'Gorman
03-23-06, 05:58 PM
The college kids were the worst. They came in Thursday thru Sat and would start with Long Island iced teas and shooters and then when the bartender would say "you've had two long islands, I can't serve you anymore" they would have someone else get them pitchers. My wife would grab the pitcher, kick them out and they would trash the bathroom. :)
The cutoff was two long islands? :saywhat:
I have no idea how much alcohol is in one of those, but it would have to suck to own a bar and know you had to cut someone off after like $10 worth of alcohol.
03-23-06, 06:06 PM
The cutoff was two long islands? :saywhat:
I have no idea how much alcohol is in one of those, but it would have to suck to own a bar and know you had to cut someone off after like $10 worth of alcohol.
That's what we were told, I don't know if it was per our owners or if it was a county/state thing. It really only applied to people the bar-tenders didn't know.
Thursday happy hour was $1.75 pitchers. the college kids would come in to get their cheap natty lite and rarely spent over ten bucks as a group and never tipped. But at least they came to our place and they were nice enough for the most part. heck, I didn't have any money in college either. :)
midnight rodeo in austin had .25c pitchers of lone star before 11 on wed nights I think my first year or two...
too many fights between rednecks brought that to a close :gomer:
The cutoff was two long islands? :saywhat:
I have no idea how much alcohol is in one of those, but it would have to suck to own a bar and know you had to cut someone off after like $10 worth of alcohol.
Make em 40 oz'ers.
History repeats itself. Prohibition will happen again. :shakehead
where abouts? Only place in Houston I can recall is West Alabama Ice House over in midtown, everyone else just has their regular old name...
You don't look around much do you?
Yellow Pages listing for Ice House in Houston ( R6a9RL8nR2OdBELPDUmLF4WO5hm0aBnrYhyfZPHvDg4MsuJjaL UFGPW7Khh5nHuc8OLYeQaoAUkrBYxsvZrg%2E%2E)
wow, 50 of them, in such happening locales like Channelview, Stratford, Baytown, Rosenberg & Pasadena...
looks like I've been missing out on the best .5% of what's out there. :gomer:
Dude, neighborhood joints have been known in Houston as Ice Houses for many moons. It's a regional thing like Coke meaning any type of soda or knowing when you see ********* on the road, it must be rodeo time or all that sort of ****.
Any place that has the large roll up doors and serves cold beer is an ice house.
If you'd quit hemorrhoid huffing down on Montrose or hanging with the yuppies in yo' volvo, you'd key in to that type of knowledge. :D
Hemorroid's aren't the only thing to huff down there ;)
never seen 1 damned ice house down my way
the only hit on yahoo down on 45 is almost at the loop: salina's ice house (
I'm down with the Coke & the ********* (especially now that we're bringing in some horses to the ranch), then again I never spent much time boozing in Conroe or Victoria :)
03-23-06, 07:37 PM
. . .
If you'd quit hemorrhoid huffing down on Montrose or hanging with the yuppies in yo' volvo, you'd key in to that type of knowledge. :D
:saywhat: :rofl:
03-24-06, 12:20 AM
History repeats itself. Prohibition will happen again. :shakehead Very probably right. For those so inclined my question is; "how's that war on drugs working out for ya...?" Here we are 30yrs and $300 zillion later and all we've succeeded in doing is making the big narco creeps rich beyond the imagination, same as we did for the Prohibition era rum runner creeps. What there was of the Mafia prior top Prohibition was a faint whisper of what it was afterward, and in 80yrs we haven't been able to totally kill it off.
The sin killers never get it. People are going to do what they are going to do, and the best you can hope for is to keep them from hurting others.
And here I am in whutevar pain because my Docs decided to grow me a boob..... AND I wont take any pain medication for it...
I will get thru it..... I hate taking medication! HATE IT! :flame:
sex & booze are bad, mmmkay?
sex & booze undermine the family unit, mmmkay?
the family unit is the most sacred building block of our society, mmmkay?
how was my thumping? was it up to par, or do I need more practice? :)
03-24-06, 09:16 AM
you guys have no idea, TABC has been cracking down on Austin for a while, they just started hammering Dallas... a couple of joints in Austin are *this* close to shutting down b/c of all the harassment their customers get.
one dude was arrested on account of his "bad dancing" as was his bartender.
know a coworker & wife who were arrested in Las Colinas last week w/ that sting.
this group in FtW was arrested even though they rolled up in a cab...
they've been arresting the big $ donors at the football games too at the private end zone clubs, this past fall...
They could have a field day at a NASCAR race.
03-24-06, 09:56 AM
sex & booze are bad, mmmkay?
sex & booze undermine the family unit, mmmkay?
the family unit is the most sacred building block of our society, mmmkay?
how was my thumping? was it up to par, or do I need more practice? :)
Not bad, but as I was reading that I had the voice of the teacher from South Park running through my head.
Up here, there's rumblings that cops are going to be setting up checkpoints outside the local high-fallootin' restaurants and clubs in hopes of catching some of the area's bigwigs in DUI/DWI situations. This is in retailiation for a wage freeze in effect since 2003.
03-24-06, 10:28 AM
hanging with the yuppies in yo' volvo,
Dooder rolls in this:
I am not O'Gorman. He's the one w/ the Integra :gomer:
Now get back to buying tickets for washed up pop bands from 10 years ago...
03-24-06, 12:10 PM
I am not O'Gorman. He's the one w/ the Integra
Now get back to buying tickets for washed up pop bands from 10 years ago...
:eek: ouch, that hurt, :rolleyes:
03-24-06, 12:43 PM
check the name of that pic. :D
MADD's own founder about her resignation
"It has become far more neo-prohibitionist than I ever wanted or envisioned," she says. "I didn't start MADD to deal with alcohol. I started MADD to deal with the issue of drunk driving."
I'm expecing TABC to start arresting those of us buying 12 packs saturday morning before football ;)
MADD's own founder about her resignation
Glad to see someone talking about the problem. I wonder if it will get any play. It's tough to deal with the real problem which is gross and repeat offenders who pay lawyers to deal their way out of charges, or who just flat ignore whatever suspension or restrictions they're under. It's much easier to just ratchet the legal limit down another notch.
By PETE SLOVER / The Dallas Morning News
AUSTIN – Public intoxication busts of bar patrons by the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission elicited a blast of indignant – even vicious – e-mails and calls from citizens Friday – to the agency, to journalists, and to elected officials who pledged to look into the arrests.
"I'm getting all those same e-mails, the [National Socialist], Taliban, Gestapo e-mails," said commission spokeswoman Carolyn Beck. "I don't really understand the hateful outrage. I don't understand, 'Die in a fire.' "
"I don't really understand the hateful outrage" <---- proof how detached from reality TABC is...
the good news is Dallas has already lost some major convention business over this debacle, sounds like legislators are going to rein TABC in
By PETE SLOVER and ERIC AASEN / The Dallas Morning News
All Burton Byers wanted was a burger and a beer – or six – at his Irving hotel.
In return, he traded his seat at the bar for a spot in jail – and unemployment.
Mr. Byers and others are still fuming two weeks after being accused of public intoxication by the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission, part of stepped-up enforcement efforts statewide in establishments that serve liquor. The campaign, which also involves local police, brought agents to Irving on the weekend of March 10-12.
"I could not believe" it, Mr. Byers said, recounting that nobody in the bar was fighting or causing problems. "I've been in a lot of states, and you go in a bar to do one thing, and that's to drink alcohol."
Some drinkers, though, say the state is going too far in targeting bar patrons who may have no intention of driving anywhere – Mr. Byers, for instance, said he was merely going to retire to his room in the same hotel. And some fear that having officers quietly monitor drinkers and make judgment calls about whether they pose a threat could lead to Big Brother-type abuses.
Mr. Byers, 41, said he was relaxing at the Circle Spur Saloon at the Clarion Hotel where he was staying, near Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport, when officers approached him. Undercover alcohol commission agents had identified him as drunk, either by his behavior or by the number of beers he said he had consumed – key indicators of intoxication, according to the agency. Mr. Byers said he had no more than six beers.
Mr. Byers, a resident of Rogers, Ark., who is the director of maintenance for an aircraft charter company, was taken outside, handcuffed and sent to the Irving jail, where he posted $360 bond and was released. He had traveled to Dallas to help repair a plane and lost his job afterward, in part because of the arrest, he said.
TABC was going to be shut down last year, but was given a 2 year review period after the alcohol overhaul law wasn't passed... their next review is due in 2007, hopefully this is enough to torpedo their useless agency
03-30-06, 05:14 PM
That's why you drink at home behind closed doors with all the other good Baptist!
Don't get falling down, stinking stupid drunk and you will be o.k.
Unless you are Matthew McConaughey, and want to smoke some Mary Jane, and play the bongo drums in the nude at 3am in your house.
Texas doesnt like that either.
1. it's a budget year, they want more budget...
2. they're not arresting only loud rowdy people as Wheel-Nut surmised, they're going into bars in pairs or groups, ordering a couple of drinks, pouring them out, drinking water there on out. From there they're keeping track of certain folks and how many drinks they consume in set time periods, as well as who is serving them. Hit the magic number and both server & customer are in cuffs w/ no sobriety tests.
3. and fyi for the next 6-10 weeks if you're planning on a night out on Main or Travis downtown H-town, or on the Richmond strip, count your drinks per hour because that's the next target :gomer:
I get the feeling some race goers are going to be a little displeased when they come to town :saywhat:
04-05-06, 11:05 PM
1. it's a budget year, they want more budget...
2. they're not arresting only loud rowdy people as Wheel-Nut surmised, they're going into bars in pairs or groups, ordering a couple of drinks, pouring them out, drinking water there on out. From there they're keeping track of certain folks and how many drinks they consume in set time periods, as well as who is serving them. Hit the magic number and both server & customer are in cuffs w/ no sobriety tests.
3. and fyi for the next 6-10 weeks if you're planning on a night out on Main or Travis downtown H-town, or on the Richmond strip, count your drinks per hour because that's the next target :gomer:
I get the feeling some race goers are going to be a little displeased when they come to town :saywhat:
I wonder if this dude that advertises on Sports Radio 610 can help. I have been tempted to program his number ito my phone :gomer:
I get the feeling some race goers are going to be a little displeased when they come to town :saywhat:
They hitting Houston, too?
04-06-06, 12:43 AM
They hitting Houston, too?
they are always around. They have a lot of adult establishments to control :gomer:
04-06-06, 02:10 PM
Seems they are going to have hearings at the state level about the TABC
that hotel business... :laugh:
04-18-06, 10:55 AM
Resume your drinking you rowdy drunkards!!
Fri Apr 14, 1:08 PM ET
SAN ANTONIO, Texas (Reuters) - A controversial Texas program to send undercover agents into bars to arrest drunks has been halted after a firestorm of protest from the public.
The Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission has "temporarily suspended" what it called "Operation Last Call" even though it still believes it was worthwhile, commission spokeswoman Carolyn Beck said on Thursday.
"We understand that everything has room for improvement, this included," she said.
She said most of those arrested in the sting operations had been "dangerously drunk" and might have tried to drive if TABC agents had not busted them.
The TABC has launched an internal investigation of Operation Last Call and a Texas Legislature committee will hold hearings on the program on Monday.
The TABC announced the program in late August but it received little attention at the time.
But recent media reports that drunks were being arrested in bars provoked both ridicule and anger around the world and, perhaps more importantly, complaints from hotels, restaurants and bars in Texas who said it could hurt business.
The program drew support from groups such as Mothers Against Drunk Driving.
The Houston Chronicle found that 1,740 people across the state had been arrested for public intoxication in Operation Last Call.
04-18-06, 11:50 AM
I heard they had been over in Sugar Land recenlty pulling people out of places like Chilli's :shakehead They needed to stop it. Some how I dont trust the TABC
what? you dont like fake cops running into places in full SWAT gear just to find out who's drunk?
what kind of american are you?
04-18-06, 12:54 PM
I heard they had been over in Sugar Land recenlty pulling people out of places like Chilli's :shakehead They needed to stop it. Some how I dont trust the TABC
I just watched Sugar Land Express last night. Great movie.
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